Wiki: The Search for Magiq

The Search for Magiq was a narrative within the Briarverse that took place from April 2019 to November 2019. It involved the discovery of those seeking magic through the Sanctuary, and the revelation that the Mountaineers were somehow being obscured from the rest of the world.

History and Usage

The term comes from the appearance of the hashtag #searchformagiq, which would appear and disappear frequently in the beginning of 2019, catching the attention of both the Low and the Mountaineers. When the Mountaineers began casting the 30 Day Spell, tagging each post with #searchformagiq was what allowed the Sanctuary to see their efforts and begin communicating with them.

Phases of The Search for Magiq

  1. The 30 Day Spell
  2. The Neithercouriers
  3. The Cataclysm
  4. Peering Arts
  5. Elemental Disruption