Wiki: Neithercouriers

The Neithercouriers was a magical postal service from Neithernor.


During the Search for Magiq, SpiritSeer brought the Mountaineers a Book of the Wild-esque advertisement for the use of the Neithercouriers, which had been found by her contact in the Low in a database summary of the old Lost Athenaeum website.


The Neithercouriers could be used as a loophole to the veil obscuring the Mountaineers from the rest of the world by traveling through Neithernor to get to the intended recipient. They had to be summoned by using an encanterance, and then appeared in a variety of forms ranging from anthropomorphic animal to sentient animatrons, fairies, dolls, salamanders, smoldering embers, and more. Regardless of form, the Neithercouriers required some form of payment before accepting each letter, which also varied depending on the courier. After the doors to Neithernor closed during the Search for Magiq, the Neithercouriers became no longer accessible.

Original Ad

Neithercourier Delivery Services
In these moderning ages when science assuages the craft of handwriting or drafting of sages, it seems rather tragic to send letters with magic, or caretaken parcels with magical marvels.
Don’t send cheques with a hex, or odes with a vex, rather craft an encanterance to make a bell chime, and ponder the wonder of what happens next.
A prompt and prim courier will deliver your messages, with delays of delivery that border on vestiges, from the tippest of peaks to the deepest rowhedgeses.
Whatever you need to besconder fast-paced, rely on our service to deliver post haste.