Wiki: Kemetic Solutions


Kemetic Solutions is the name of the company that ran The Cagliostro’s email server. They played a major role in Phase Three of The Monarch Papers.


Kemetic Solutions is a self-described technology company who invests in defense and medical technology. The company claims to be invested in advancing the human race, according to their internal promo.

According to Aether, there is a much darker side to Kemetic Solutions than the image they externally present. Kemetic Solutions had long been kidnapping magimystically adept individuals and performing tests on them, with the intention of using them to open a door into the magical world. Their goal is world domination, including complete mind control over all humans.


Recruits first encountered Kemetic Solutions indirectly, in Fragment Five, immediately noticing the company logo in The Cagliostro’s inbox. The name Kemet was tied to Ancient Egyptian lore, but no additional information could be found regarding the company.

The name Kemetic Solutions appeared once again in Fragment Ten, after Martin Rank investigated their headquarters in his search for more information on Lauren Ellsworth and The Cagliostro. Although Martin was unable to enter the building, he was able to take photos of its exterior. After posting the photos to the forum, they became distorted. Hidden images were found in the distorted parts of the photos, including the initials “K.S.” From this, a Mountaineer found the website “Kemetic.Solutions.” The website was limited to a landing page, which contained the Kemetic Solutions logo, with butterflies flying out of it.

Initially confused, the recruits found that more information was hidden in Martin’s photos, the first instance of which was a .gif file. Hidden within the .gif was a password-protected Word document called patience.rtf. Once the document was unlocked with the password “aether,” a note was found that said “63 minutes.” After waiting on the Kemetic Solutions page for 63 minutes, the page redirected to a video labeled “Internal KSPromo.”

After viewing the video, recruits noticed a new user editing posts - xxxxaetherxxxx. The user edited times and dates into various posts. Through this, recruits were able to pinpoint a date and time, based on trends within the edits, coming to the conclusion that something would occur on April 3, at 5:30. At that time, the promo video changed, to include clips of an unknown man speaking to someone named Aether.

Through hidden images in the new video clips, recruits were able to track down the Tumblr page of Aether’s friend, Constance. Through her, recruits were able to learn and perform the Joradian Safeguard Spell to protect their site and have a conversation with her. They learned that Aether had disappeared after being approached by a man who said he knew what Aether could do and wanted to help him (this man later turned out to be Teddy Fallon). Constance helped the recruits track down Aether’s Tumblr account, finding a livestream set for five days in the future.

In his livestream, Aether described his harrowing time with Kemetic Solutions. They were keeping him in an underground bunker, along with a Mountaineer and a girl, drugging them and using them in sleep studies. Using the path Brandon Lachmann took to escape the world, Kemetic Solution planned to open the door into the magimystic world. However, Brandon being a special case, for whatever reason, the three were unable to replicate his journey. A week later, Aether was brought in again to test his powers by the same man who had kidnapped him, revealed to be Theodore Fallon, or Teddy. Aether was able to escape, using the magiq-enhancing drugs that Kemetic Solutions was feeding him during the tests and his technology-based powers to hack into the organization’s files. He released a series of journal entries from Fallon’s files on new pages on the Kemetic Solutions website, which revealed that Fallon and his team were kidnapping adepts and placing them in a chair that Fallon hoped could open doors. The Lachmann project was one of many, including Wanderer and Sweeper.

During the entirety of Fragment Eleven and Fragment Twelve, the Kemetic Solutions website served as a point of contact for the Mountaineers and Aether. Various pages were added by Aether, which included information like Teddy’s logs and updates on Aether’s state of mind. The pages also revealed more about the fellow captives, Portencia and Climber. Portencia was a young girl who had the ability to enter into people’s minds, and Climber had the ancestral memories of past members of the the Path of Wool.

In Fragment Eleven, Whistler, an alleged whistleblower employee at Kemetic Solutions, began contacting Martin Rank and exposed many of the goings on at the company. Whistler’s emails revealed that Kemetic Solutions was fronting itself as an ultra high-security research and development lab, which vetted its employees to ensure that they would accept the conditioning process. According to Whistler, Kemetic Solutions was altering the minds of its employees to make them forget about the work they did once they left the compound, and also to alter their memories of their pasts. Whistler also alluded to the possibility that Kemetic Solutions gave them false memories to suit the jobs they wanted them to have.

As Whistler began to retain their memories, they revealed that they were working all-nighters in response to Aether’s escape. As part of the security team, Whistler reported to Fallon, who expressed concerns about people getting into the system. During the process of securing the systems, Whistler encountered another team who were in pursuit of Aether. This was later confirmed by Aether, who emailed Mountaineers saying that Kemetic Solutions was hunting him, trying to kill him. Later, Whistler told Martin that she had been switched to a new project by Fallon, who wanted to make sure there were no security vulnerabilities during the trials. Whistler witnessed Fallon placing Portencia in an old stone throne over an archway, while asking her questions for hours. Fallon would write things in a journal while watching the trial, and the journal would write back telling him what to ask.

During the infitration of Kemetic Solutions in Fragment Twelve, the Mountaineers were successfully able to use the conditioning of Kemetic Solutions employees against them, making Marty invisible as he attempted to retrieve Aether’s body and rescue Portencia and Climber. During a brief reboot of the systems, Whistler shut down the redundant system so that Aether and Marty could enter. Aether entered a cellphone and went off with Whistler to find Kendrick, an employee who they believed held a fragment of Portencia’s memory, while Marty went to go grab Portencia and Climber. However, it was revealed that Teddy was aware of the Mountaineers plan, because they had infiltrated the group using a mole. They had sent conditioning images into Aether’s livestreams, and Itsuki had been brainwashed to send them information on the recruits’ activities. In order to lure Marty and Aether to the building, Teddy had allowed Whistler, revealed to be Sacha, to believe she was free. In reality, she was shutting down their plan and placing Aether in a firewalled cell. However, Marty revealed that Aether had never left with Sacha, and was safely stored in his bluetooth headpiece. The confrontation was cut short, however, when The Churning Storm attacked Kemetic Solutions’ office. Marty and Aether had anticipated a trap, and when Marty entered the sublevel, Aether had shut down Kemetic’s firewalls from Marty’s Bluetooth and begun to send their files to a secure server (which Martin later visited in Fragment Fifteen). Eventually, with the help of Portencia, who summoned a magical escape door, Marty and all of the Kemetic Solutions captives were able to escape alive.

In Fragment Fifteen, it was revealed that after the events of the break-in, the Kemetic Solutions office was completely gutted, with all employees and contents disappearing in the process. The building management claimed that the Kemetic Solutions offices had flooded, though this was assumed by the Mountaineers to be a lie.

Internal Promo

The following is a transcript for Kemetic Solution’s internal promotional video:

“We are tiny creatures living in an obscure corner of a vast universe. Small, alone, alongside billions of other planets just like ours. And yet, we are different. This is a special place with special inhabitants. Ours is a planet full of life. Life, and freedom. Freedom to grow. To evolve. Freedom to enjoy simple pleasures. And freedom to connect safely. But to ensure that freedom, we must defend our world with advanced technology and industrial solutions. There will always be threats to freedom but we are ready. For years we at Kemetic Solutions have developed technology to keep this world safe and free, but we didn’t stop there. Our technological advances now power discoveries in physical well-being. We are helping advance the research of rare diseases and the discovery of new cures every day to help people live better lives now, but also to help us understand where we come from and where we are going. Our systems protect life and extend it into the future. From research and technology to industry and commerce, Kemetic Solutions allows life to evolve, helping communities to function, knowledge to flourish, and digital technologies to progress. Our global communications help governments media and organizations of all kinds stay connected so we can enjoy our lives in the sun as our unique and special world keeps turning. Kemetic Solutions. Freedom. Safety. Evolution.”