Wiki: Itsuki

Itsuki was a Mountaineer and a moderator at the Basecamp 33 Forum. Itsuki ran The Campfire Project, as well as the Basecamp 33 Facebook page and Twitter.


A Balimoran, Itsuki was quiet, measured, and the oldest of the core Mountaineers, aged 42. He supported his wife and daughter as a risk analyst. He was known to occasionally mention Kura, his daughter (who was 13 years old in 2018), on the forum.

Itsuki was sometimes known as a primary exemplar of Balimoran qualities. He possessed an affinity for mathematics and a passion for music. He was also a lover of structure, who in turn also embraced the chaos of creation.


Itsuki discovered a new passion after the Mountaineers learned from Brandon Lachmann that magic is created in the space between things. He started the Campfire Project on the forum to explore this with others through the creation of new ‘magic’ (writing, drawing, music, etc.). He was a keen amateur digital musician and liked to create what he called “soundscapes.”

His parents are retired now, but they met when his mother moved to the UK from Japan with her family. Itsuki lived in the countryside and commuted to London. He had a degree in mathematics and became involved in the Mountaineers almost by accident. He was playing an online RPG in the mid-'00s and fell in with a group of gamers. They started to tell him about their beliefs, and he realized they were things he’d believed his entire life. He had a distinct childhood memory of two trees wrapped around one another, one living, the other dead. This, he realized, was identical to the crest of Balimora.

Itsuki remained relatively quiet on the forums until Ascender announced his departure after the Flora Keyhole was unlocked. Shortly afterward, Itsuki announced the creation of The Campfire Project, a concentrated attempt by forum users to unlock their magic potential through creative means. Since doing so, he became more visible, encouraging recruits to express themselves through art.

Kemetic Solutions Conditioning

On May 31, 2017, in a stream connected to the 12th fragment, it was revealed by Theodore Fallon that a member of the Mountaineers had been mind-controlled and used by Kemetic Solutions as a spy. Theodore revealed a few key facts about the mole, including the fact that he died a month before from a brain tumor the size of an apple. A few moments later, after the stream ended, Endri revealed who Theodore was talking about in a reply to the Fragment Twelve thread, stating:

"It was Itsuki.
He’d mentioned having a rough time back in April and when I reached out to him he said he’d been ill, but didn’t elaborate.

When Fallon said what he said I suspected, but wanted to be sure. I just heard back from Itsuki’s wife. He had an inoperable brain tumor. He told her he’d been working on a book about magic with some people on the internet, something he could leave behind for their daughter. So she would know about the world and the life he lived.

He died almost a month ago."