Wiki: Wanderer


Project Wanderer was a creation of Kemetic Solutions, which was used to take down their enemies.


Project Wanderer was a project by Kemetic Solutions, much like Project Sweeper. It has been used to ‘unhook’ the enemies of Kemetic Solutions, potentially by erasing their memories. According to Theodore Fallon, Kemetic Solutions has “no clear overview of its effectiveness or consequences.”


Much of what is known of Project Wanderer was found by Aether in Fragment Eleven after his mind entered Kemetic Solutions’ servers. The true purpose or origin of the project is unknown.

Teddy Fallon’s Logs

It’s not foolproof but we’ve had some breakthroughs in the past year.

I have to be honest, I don’t understand the point of displacing those who risk what we’re trying to do.

But here we are unhooking people who could cause us irreparable harm, and possibly still could. Where they go, what they remember… none of it’s proven. It’s exhausting trying to argue the counterpoint. Sweeper has proven successful in 95% of use cases. Why we’re using Wanderer when we have no clear overview of its effectiveness, or consequences, I don’t know.

But there are machinations at work here that I’m not privy to.

I would like to say I’m proud of my work on the Wanderer project, that it was worth the cost, that she died for a cause. It’s a monumental leap forward in power. But I’m so deep in the shadows I can’t say anything we’re doing is worth the price.