The Welcome Super Topic

Welcome @Tassie!!


Thank you Rimor Iā€™m glad to be here.


Hello! I am not really sure that I am doing this properly (forums make me go crosseyed). But I am entranced by this magical wonderful gem that I have stumbled on all unprepared, so please bear with me as I learn the ropes. It appears from my testing that I am an Ebenguard. I am excited to learn all that that means. I think today, for the first time, Iā€™ve encountered Real Magic!


Hi! Werefolk, here! My mom and her magic friends sent me the Magiq Assessment and I, being a fan of the strange and arcane, jumped on the opportunity to take it. Iā€™m a brand new member of the Balimora guild! Iā€™m a bit of a slow reader, but I look forward to making my way through this universe! It seems like itā€™ll be a fun time.


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Skwirl and @Werefolk! Iā€™m Void, Iā€™m a Thornmouth, and Iā€™ll be your Wagoneer today! This was my first forum too, it takes a little while but youā€™ll learn where things are at since it is pretty well organized.

For starters make sure youā€™ve read the initial post of this topic and the forum primer thatā€™s linked there, as those will give you all of the rules and important info on getting started here. @Skwirl you can go here to join the Ebenguard group so that it shows on your profile. Once youā€™ve gotten familiar with the rules you can get involved in our many general discussions including but certainly not limited to: video games, pets, hobbies, and even dice collections!

@Skwirl: Your guild leaders are @ashburn and @ginger, feel free to message them if you need anything. Once youā€™ve been on the forum for a few hours and gained member level youā€™ll be able to interact with the guild pages where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and explore the Ebenguard Guild House.

@Werefolk: Your guild leaders are @Nimueh and @Helios if you need anything. Once youā€™ve gained member level by exploring the forum for a few hours youā€™ll be able to interact with the guild pages where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and explore the Balimora Guild House.

You can also message any of us @Wagoneers if you need anything or visit the Q&A Super Topic.

Weā€™re all incredibly happy to have you here, and we hope you enjoy being part of our community!


Welcome @Skwirl and @Werefolk!!!


Hello, my name is Kell.

I have newly finished reading the Monarch Papers and am eager to continue learning, if someone may point me in the right direction?

Looking forward to meeting all of you kind people. I am of the guild Weatherwatch.


Hello and welcome to the community @what.the.kell!

Your guild leaders are @Remus and @Skylad! If you have any questions feel free to ask them or us @Wagoneers!

As for meeting fellow Weathers go here!

As for the recent parts of the story itā€™d probably be best to ask either your guild leaders or @Rimor!

Once again welcome! If youā€™d like to see if we have any topics related to certain interests you have feel free to shoot one of us a message!


Thank you very much, I will explore


Welcome @what.the.kell!


Hey @what.the.kell! Welcome to the community!! Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions!


Hello, Iā€™m Nixed. Iā€™m a Weatherwatcher, which sounds cool. I found out about Magiq through Instagram and was curious.


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Nixed! My name is James Rimor one of the Wagoneers from Thornmouth!

So to get started please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as theyā€™re really important!!

Next up let me introduce you to your amazing guild leaders @Skylad and @Remus! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers such as myself. We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When youā€™re ready you can head over to the Weatherwatch guild hall to introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates!

So now the formalities are over tell us a bit about yourself and your interests!


Welcome to the community @Nixed!


Welcome to the forum @Nixed! Iā€™m the Gossmere Wagoneer!


Hey :wave: Iā€™m a college student, studying communications and marketing. Iā€™m very curious and always up for an adventure. I have a lot of hobbies but the top three are reading, writing and taking pictures.


Seeing as the elusive @Rimor has disappeared off to who knows where, Iā€™ll try to point you towards those three topics!

Writing: We have a few, first Writing topic! We also have a Sci-Fi writing topic! Sadly those havenā€™t had some love in quite a bit but maybe you can change that!

As for reading we have an entire category dedicated to books! It is lovingly named #bookish! My favorites of the bunch are currently reading and recommendation!

We might have more than one photography ones but Iā€™ve only ever seen this one! Although we do have the hobby topic!

Once again welcome and if you need anything let us know!


Thanks @Ignatius, I was just wrapping up my holiday and heading home as is write this!

@Nixed I love photography as well!! We really need a dedicated photography thread :laughing:


@Rimor I just got into it cause of a class I had to take. Itā€™s so relaxing though


Hello Everyone! I finally figured out how to post! I am an old gal in the south. My hobbies are Tarot, Astrology, and hanging out with my family. I am super fortunate in that my job is hand in had with my hobbies.
I canā€™t wait to learn to navigate these forums and be part of the community :slight_smile: This entire idea is pure genius!