The Quarters of "The Ascension" - A Weatherwatch Introduction Thread

Upon the deck of The Ascension, there lies a set of french doors which lead into a space just under the upper deck. The room inside, though not completely defined, seems much larger than it should be, and as one explores the room, it becomes clear that the room is exactly as big as it needs to be. In the middle of this room, though, is a round table surrounded by comfortable chairs where a number of guild members are discussing their stories of travel, success, and (occasionally hilarious) failures.

This space is sort of like the “common room” of the quarters of the ship of The Ascension. Since Weatherwatchers are in constant motion, it can sometimes be nice for them to spend time with their guildmates. We don’t have access to The Ascension, though, so this section of the forums will just have to work like that. We’ve already got a couple of topics started here, so be sure to check those out. However, we’ve had a lot of people join the guild over the past few months, so this thread is for introductions! Feel free to post as much or as little as you want; most importantly, we want you all to feel comfortable here :laurensmile: So please, introduce yourself, and welcome to Weatherwatch!


I’ll start out! I’m Remus, and I’m a Weatherwatch and Gossmere polyguild. My username is a reference both to the character from Roman Mythology and Remus Lupin from Harry Potter, but it’s generally just been a part of my username since I was young.

Along with @Skylad, I’m one of the two captains of Weatherwatch (basically, I help to organize stuff within the guild and work with the other leaders to make the forum an amazing place - hence this thread). I wanted to apologize for not making a thread like this earlier: I’ve had a couple of crazy few weeks, so I haven’t had a lot of time to give to the forums. I’m hoping to be a bit more active later in the summer, but I’ll be a bit unavailable in the coming weeks; I’ll try and be as active as I can be! I joined the forum in June 2017 and I’m excited to meet all of you!

Off the forums, I’m a student in anthropology and modern languages. I don’t have a huge amount of time outside of studying, but I love playing video games, reading, talking with my friends, playing tabletop RPGs, and spending time here on the forums! I also speak and read French and a bit of German, and I’m excited to pick up some new languages and hobbies to fill in my time. I also work as a career advisor at my university, so I’m not sure how much time I can make for those new things, but I’m sure I’ll find a way :sweat_smile:. In other news, I recently got engaged to my long-term girlfriend and I’m extremely excited that I got to take a new step in my relationship :relaxed:.

As I said above, I’m really excited to hear from all of you! So, @Weatherwatch, who are you all?


I’ll go! I’ll be using your intro as a template if you do not mind.

I’m WarriorRose most people here just call me Rose. As of now I have taken the test twice, the first I got Balimora, however, I identified strongly with Weatherwatch from the beginning and am pleased to say the 2nd time I took the test I got WW as my result. I chose my username with the help of @OracleSage as I have always felt the term “warrior” reflected my values of bravery and doing the right thing. Rose is simply my middle name, I’ve used it many times in usernames.

As a member of the forum, I am not extremely active. I’ve never been good at solving puzzles, and once you get behind; understanding what is currently going on seems impossible. However, here there is a community that cannot be easily replicated. I am honored to have been a part of this story, even if it was only a slight contribution.

Outside the forums I am a student in Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, I am also incredibly busy with my studies and do not have much extra time for things aside from school and work. I love science, history, a large variety of TV shows, and reading. Funny you mention languages Remus, I’ve grown up hearing Spanish and I used to know quite a bit. I’ve made it a personal goal to pick up the language again. I would love to become fluent in a couple of languages, specifically Spanish and Hebrew.

Thankfully, my semester is over and I can enjoy my summer. I look forward to having more time to accomplish anything extra I’ve been meaning to do. I also am excited to read more about you all :).


Hello all. I am Wylder, and I’m a Weatherwatch through and through. My username is nothing special, just to represent my adventurous lifestyle. In this great community forum of ours, I try to stay involved as much as I can ( although most of the time I tend to lurk in the shadows).

Off forum, I’m a part time student in environmental science and I’m a aquatics lab tech. Also, I am a trainee naturalist, so needless to say I am very involved with nature. I’m often not in one place for very long and like to travel whenever I can, like a true weatherwatcher. I have been to every continent except Antarctica and Africa but I plan to change that eventually, hopefully soon. when I am not being a nomad I enjoy video games, reading, drawing and being outside. As for languages, so far it is just English and a little mandarin. So yeah hello again!

Also congratulations @Remus


Hola! I’m Cirydae, although if you see the username on other sites it’s not me (yes, I commit username theft). I usually spell the name differently depending on availability. It’s from a book, a misspelling of the word ciridae, who were supposedly knights or guards of some sort. I’m v new around here and still trying to get involved.
Off forum, I’m a professor. I’ve taught internationally for a few years now and keep moving about, but sooner or later I’m going to heck off into the woods and become the village witch. I also am a competitive rapier fencer, mostly in large-scale melees and some tourneys. Right now I’m in the middle of another international move, which sounds impressive but I’m mostly just doing paperwork.
I’m also a language nerd! I grew up speaking English and Spanish, but my Spanish is quite bad. I also speak some Mandarin and French, and I’m learning Korean right now. Most of my language learning is driven by sheer fear and necessity so I tend to only know very specific parts of the language ^.^
Nice to meet you all!


Morning Weatherwatchers! I’m Thorn, a name that seems to follow me around a lot online since I chose it as a pseudonym for my art a while back. As far as I can tell I’m as Weatherwatch and something else, though an eta on figuring out that other thing is difficult to give rn, and I, like quite a few folks, am pretty new around these parts.

As a member of this little corner of the internet, you can probably expect me to either stay in the shadows (for a while, at least), or come right out with tinfoil-hat level speculation. If I end up going with the latter though I will have unending questions, and for that I’m sorry to all parties involved in advance :sweat_smile:

Off forum I’m an aspiring artist/author, and a part time student. As well as that, I enjoy hiking and though I don’t often have the money for it, traveling when I can, I’ve mainly stayed in the states so far, though I definitely want to get out and explore more. Unfortunately I was not lucky enough to grow up surrounded by languages, so I’ve had to teach myself; I obviously know english fairly well, but I also am fluent in Esperanto, and I know a bit of Spanish, Danish & Mandarin. Esperanto in particular has launched a bit of an interest in created languages as well as creating my own, but conlanging has taken a back seat for a little while due to the sheer amount of time I need to devote to it to create anything cohesive.

Oncemore, I’m happy to be here, and I can’t wait to get to know all of you!


Hey. I’m Garr.
I’ve known Thorn for roughly two tough years. And she’s the gal who dragged me here by the ear.
I’m sure you’ll find I’m a pretty alright guy.


Hi! I just joined last night and the assessment placed me here in Weatherwatch! I must admit, when I was examining the guild emblems and brief descriptions on the Instagram ad it wasn’t one I expected to be placed in, but it made a lot of sense to me when I read the longer description. Excited to be here!

I too am a languages nerd, and am fluent in three languages and working very hard to become fluent in Polish. I’m working on writing a novel (still on research and planning phase but not for long) and spend my days dog walking and working on a bunch of different skills. I just love learning!


Hey @Weatherwatch sorry for being so slack with getting this part up but home life got super crazy (brothers wedding in a couple of weeks and something I don’t wanna jinx juuuust yet :wink:)
So I’m Sky one of the leaders along with the amazing Remus (who I feel picks up more slack than he should! He’s defiantly the backbone of Weatherwatch) I’m 26 for a little while longer (Water monkey, Scorpio for all you horoscopers) I’ve always been drawn to the performing arts however coming from a smallish town in centeral Queensland (Australia) didn’t really have the opportunity or finances to peruse it professionally but I’m happy enough working in the aviation industry! I’m a flight attendant now which is why I go dark for big chunks. Sometimes my work roster is a bit cruel and keeps me away from everyone but I love the travel! I’ve had some amazing long layovers in some pretty cool places like Bali and Fiji and all over Australia! Prior to flying I’ve done Denmark (that’s where Skyfa is from (my Dad)) Ireland, HongKong and a few daytrips to Sweden and Germany too (mainly for the duty free)

Weatherwatch fits me like a glove! Coming from a multicultural household and having friends from all over the world I love throwing myself into other cultures and exploring their traditions and food (loooove food) I’m quite extroverted when I’m out with friends and at work. If I’m dragged to a party or somewhere I’m unfamiliar I do become a bit introverted but I like to think I’m always approachable and bubbly.

I think that covers everything from me! I’d love to hear from some of the newer recruits! Why does Weatherwatch resonate with you and what shenanigans have you been getting up to lately :grin:


Hey, I’m Kell.

I’ve recently finished reading the Monarch books and am still processing everything but wanted to join in. The books drew me in quickly, particularly the story of Lauren and the Cagliostro, as I have long been fascinated by famous magicians of old. I was sorted into the guild Weatherwatch, and I believe this to be accurate as one of my greatest hobbies is travelling and I live what one might call a nomadic lifestyle. I’m also a student of languages, mostly romance (my first language is Spanish), but have a very rudimentary understanding of Mandarin Chinese.

It seems our numbers are small, is it rare to be of the Weatherwatch guild? Or are we simply scattered about the world?


Hey, Kell! Welcome to the crew!

If you’re interested in languages, I’d check out this thread to connect with your fellow linguaphiles! And you’re right, there aren’t that many of us. For a long time, we didn’t have any active Watchers, but we’ve been growing in the past few months. I think we just assume the rest of us are off on their adventures rather than on the forums!


Hello guild mates!
It’s an honor to meet you all, and I hope to get to know everyone bit by bit.

I was considerably surprised to get Weatherwatch at first.
At initial reading I understood this to be an adventurer guild, people that go out and explore and go to different countries and different places etc.
However, it’s not just the atypical type of adventure, not merely.
Adventure can also be taken as, “forge your own beliefs and blaze unwalked trails.”
There is a different sense of adventure rather than the travelling kind, such as challenging the status quo or as the guide may put it, “challenge the word of (your) our parents” which doesn’t just mean our direct parents, but could also refer to those that came before us.
There’s also some charismatic and linguistic side to this guild.

Regardless, I am rather excited to say this was the first guild I got on the test and feel as if it’s the “true” one since I went with my guts. It was the first time I took this quiz and I couldn’t and wouldn’t be able to manipulate my answers to get into a guild I felt “more me”.
This is me. I don’t believe I fit in on my initial surface level understanding of what it stands for, but after reading it and re-reading it, I find I quite do.

Ah, look a rant :sweat_smile:
Well, I like books, tv shows, discovering new more lazy ways to do things, I have a daughter; whom is a cat, i’m also a scorpio (yay us), and I never know quite what I wish to do career wise and can never easily make a decision.
I look forward to getting to know you all!


Hi everyone!

I’m Belladonna but feel free to nickname me as you wish. Like @Aeryce, I was surprised to end up in Weatherwatch because I don’t feel like I’m “traditionally adventurous,” but at the same time, I’m drawn to making things my own.

Some of my favorite things to do are reading and sewing and I have a slight (read: all-consuming) love of vintage fashion.

I’m very excited to get to know everyone and get involved!


Welcome to the crew, @Aeryce, @Belladonna, and all the others who’ve posted in here! It’s great to have new Watchers, and I hope this thread will help you all get to know each other better. I’m curious if any of you would like to have another thread sort of like either this one or this one.

The first thread is sort of like the General Discussion Super Thread and it would give everyone the chance to chat with their fellow guildmates about whatever you’d like. It would just be a chill space for Watchers to be, well, a part of Weatherwatch. The second thread is more of a light roleplay area where we can sort of work out what our lives would be like if we, you know, had access to the Ascension. It’s totally up to what all of you want, but I wanted to give you all the options. I may be one of your captains, but I’m all for hearing out what everyone else would like out of the guild! So, now for everyone’s favorite: a poll!

  • A casual hangout thread sounds nice!
  • Exploring our guild house through collaborative storytelling and roleplay! Count me in!
  • “Both is good”

0 voters


Hello everyone!
I’m Laura IRL, but here I have chosen the name Ivy. I have always loved that name, and one of these days I will eventually name a pet Ivy. To me the name conjures up a strong woman, plus nature, growth and, for some reason quietness or silence. I hope to be active here, especially when I get the books finished. I just started the first one, and I am already 80 pages in!

By day, I am a nurse case manager at a small hospital. Basically I solve complex discharge problems for patients with complex needs. I love reading, animals, I am a huge Doctor Who nerd, and am really an introvert at heart. I do want to travel more, and would love to have the time and funds to see the aurora borealis, meet the Dalai lama, see a lion in the wild, see proof with my own eyes that ghosts are real… I look forward to getting to know you guys, and excited to begin my adventure with you as well. Bye for now!



I’m Louisa! I’m delighted to be a part of Weatherwatch. It felt like the right fit from beginning to end. Taking the assessment a few times always landed me in either Weatherwatch or Flinterforge, but more often the former. The latter certainly captures the creative part of my brain (I’m an illustrator and animation artist by trade), but the former really pinned me down. An art mentor of mine once called the pursuit of art and storytelling “The Mountain with No Summit”. When I read about The Further Fire, it brought that phrase to mind.

Plus, our home base is apparently a flying ship, and I have a serious love for sky ships. I am SO here for some Peter Pan/Treasure Planet aesthetic. :grin:

Besides being an artist, I’m also a tabletop RPG and gaming nerd, a bookworm, and a serious foodie (I’m that person taking pictures of my food to post on instagram). I’m generally more of an introvert, but in the right crowd I open right up (then collapse when my limited social energies are spent). I’m an American mutt raised in New Orleans and Detroit, and love to travel.

I just finished catching up with the Monarch Papers today. Honestly, I started out reading it pretty casually, not sure whether I would be hooked. Then I lost sleep for four nights binge reading it all. This whole thing is pretty incredible and I am so excited to get to know you all and play any small part in it.

All the best :heart:


I have to know…is Belladonna a reference to Belladonna Took from Lord of the Rings? It’s an excellent name.

Also, I love vintage fashion, too! I’m a poor seamstress, but it’s helpful for illustration as well. :slight_smile:


Actually it’s for one of the Roman goddesses of war (Bellona) + the actual plant shows up in one of my fave musicals so I thought using the long version would be fun. For some reason I haven’t just sat down to read or watch Lord of the Rings yet but I really need to.


Sounds like a good fit for WW! The minor character in Lord of the Rings is a hobbit known for going on adventures despite it being scandalous in her small town. So it’s an excellent fit on all fronts. :slight_smile: