I haven’t seen all of Love, Death, and Robots yet but I love the sci-fi short storyness of it! I really loved the steampunk one with the fox spirit. I’d watch or read more in that world for sure.
I agree, there isn’t enough good steampunk out there. I’ve watched it several times and it would be easier to name the ones I didn’t like as much than the ones I did.
Hi hi! Glace here!
I’ve just finished both reading and hurriedly skimmed (mostly out of excitement) everyone’s greetings.
Hmm a bit about me:
I work as a case manager for adults who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. I get to help them lead as independent and full quality lives as possible. I’m from California. Not only am I one of the more recent Balimorans to join, I am also a Libra! I am social by nature, an extrovert by granted title from all of the introverts I’ve claimed as my favorite people and best friends.
Just like @Sorrel I wasn’t so sure about my placement into Balimora, but took some time to further reflect and I’ve always been so drawn to the beauty and mystery of nature. A ray of light breaking through tree branches into a clearing; the reassuring yet potentially ominous feeling of the wind behind me.
I’m so glad to meet you all!
Hey all I’m Helios!
I’m also part of the Chaos Quorum as a guild leader. I chose my name ages ago when working on a religious history project in high school.
I’m currently a Political Science undergrad with an emphasis in International politics and a minor in Legal Studies. In my free time I volunteer at my campus radio station and involve myself on/off in a few clubs (history, super smash bros, poli-sci). I used to have serious time dedicated to playing piano and clarinet but after I started uni I lost most of that time. I also play video games here and there.
Nearly paragon assassin, here. Level 6. Bit of effort on fighter and bard, too.
Hi everyone! I am DarkNova and I just joined here a weekish ago. I’m excited to get all the readings done so I can finally figure out exactly what’s going on
I did my bachelor’s in archaeology, which was a fantastic but not doing much with it these days and am going back to school again next year. I love the outdoors, camping, hiking, swimming, etc. I also love fantasy and horror movies (I like to think I have a dark and edgy side).
@Sorrel and @Nimueh greeting I am also a giant Tolkien fan! They just played all the Lord of the Rings on the IMAX in my city and seeing them on the big screen again was just…
Oi, now that’s pretty cool!!
Yeeaaaaahhh! More Tolkien people! Maybe someone will finally understand my First Age humor!
Man, you dont wanna know how long its taken xP
It’s been awhile since I read the Silmarillion so I’m a little rusty with all the names (pretty sure there are more names in that book than there are words in the dictionary) but I urge you to hit me with all the first age jokes. Do your worst
Hey, figured this was the best place to post this, but just so everyone knows, I’ll be on sporadically most of the summer doing stereotypical Balimoran things. Hit me up if you want, just know I might be slow to respond.
Also keep an eye on Mountie Adventures, cuz I’ll be posting updates there as regularly as I can.
Thanks all, and Good Hunting
Hey everybody! I just delved into all this yesterday, so I’m still sort of getting my bearings. I already made an introductory post in the main forum welcome thread, so I don’t want to repeat myself too much, but I did want to say hello to my new guildmates! I’m looking forward to getting to know everybody and making new friends. I’ve noticed a lot of us are musicians, and wonder if folks might want to collaborate sometime. My Balimoran traits seem to manifest in hiking and exploring forests, and my love of animals. I’m also an anarchist, and very comfortable in chaos- or situations and environments which my seem chaotic from the outside looking in. I’m on Chapter 10 of The Monarch Papers: Flora & Fauna, so I’m still working to catch up, so I have a deeper understanding and can participate in the community fully.
Hi fellow Balimorans!
Thought I’d introduce myself to you folks
Balimora seemed an insanely accurate fit for me, and seemed very natural… (excuse the pun)
I have a degree in environmental science so my fascination with the natural world is hardly a secret! Not only that, but Balimora’s affinity with decay, destruction and rebirth fits with my current dream of one day starting a funeral service offering human recomposition (or composting if you want to get to the bare bones of it) in order to speed the return to the earth and provide new life to other organisms. Yes, its a bit of a morbid dream, but it feels like reincarnation in action!
I also found it interesting that this isn’t the first time I’ve been linked with being a seer… In the Wizarding World, a Silver Lime wand chose me, and those prefer to work with Seers. Still haven’t found my medium yet though!
Anyway, that was a bit too much about myself, but I’m so happy to meet you all and can’t wait to find out more about you
Welcome, new folks! I am also newish, and I’ve been enjoying myself immensely!
@Rabbitfighter A musical collaboration would be awesome! I’m not musically inclined myself so I’m in awe of people with the skills.
@Adare your dream is so lovely! It would be so great if there were more options like that available to us. I so very much want to be a tree!
I also resonated with the ‘seer’ aspect of Balimora…someone has to watch the chaos and make stories out of it, after all!
Hey everyone! I’m very new to this, so it might take me a while to start properly getting involved, but I’m excited to at least meet you all. I guess I’ll be going by Teejafaw here. It felt right in the moment so I may as well stick with it, feel free to make whatever you want out of it!
I’m absolutely unsurprised that I turned out Balimora. I absolutely love nature, like, seriously love nature. I do some gardening, hide treats for the little critters in my garden as well as little water bowls on the rare occasion that we get sunny weather in England.
When I’m not in my garden, I’m probably in the woods or fields trying to talk to the squirrels
or the birds
(and ultimately being rejected every time), just enjoying the atmosphere. I take a few pictures here and there but I’m definitely not a photographer of any calibre.
I love really vivid daydreaming, dozing about in various places, writing in my spare time and reading practically anything and everything that come to hand. It looks like I have a lot of reading up to be doing to catch up, but that’s pretty exciting to me!
I’m considering taking up an intern position in a social enterprise think-tank type thing, which sounds like a great start to finding a way to make a difference, and I’ll be starting a BA soon too, which is also very, very exciting and fresh.
I’ve read some of the other introductions, and I can’t wait to get to know everyone else, you all seem like awesome people!
Hey! So I joined a while ago but have sort of been lurking just catching up on the books and reading the forum. I wanted to officially say hi to my guild! I’m going by FossilBlood (its from a song by Ohia called Farewell Transmission which is a fantastically Balimoran song so I highly recommend giving it a listen), i’m 22 and live in Canada. I’m a mix media artist and I work at an escape room. When I was sorted into Balimora, I immediately knew that it was the right fit for me. I’ve always been a bit of a hippie, as a kid I grew up playing make-believe outside, staring at the clouds or pretending that my swing set was a spaceship. I lost a bit of my connection to nature in middle/high school but after moving in with my partner to a cute house close to the river and forest, I’ve rekindled my love for being outside, we have a garden and I try to get outside every day that it’s nice out because I realise how helpful it is for my mental health to get some sunlight.I feel like this community found me for a reason (almost like magic) because as a kid I always believed there was something more to this world, lurking under the surface, but I couldn’t articulate it and of course in the mainstream you are told pretty early on that magic is real. But now after overcoming a few personal obstacles I’m starting to feel like anything is possible under the right circumstances with the right energies. Anyways I’m very excited to see where this journey leads and hope I can learn something about myself and the universe!
Welcome welcome! Where in canada are you? Im in bc, along with at least a couple of others.
Other than that, officially, welcome fossilblood to the fold! The balimora are a heck of a collective, but with a little luck i hope you stick around a while.
Im not very active on the forum but a lot of us use the discord for casual day to day. When you finally score an invite hmu
Hey thanks! I’m live in Manitoba, which is fine but it gets so cold in the winter that I can barely stand it. I’ve been to BC and it’s beautiful, eventually I might like to move out there (although I know its expensive). I
Ooo. Manitobas pretty nice too.
hi there- also a fellow lurker of the forums; i’ve only really recently gotten into this particular world, reading the first book, and kind of trying to catch up on the story- but i’ve been kind of wandering the threads here to generally get to know everyone and what this place is about.
i am swampwitch, kind of coincidentally placed in balimora. appropriate, i suppose. i’m still also somewhat learning what each of these guilds represent, but from my understanding of balimora it’s natural chaos, maintaining the balance with nature and its tumultuous possibilities. a very apt placement for me, since i pretty much take up all my time outside or among plants, or taking on far too many projects at once. i’m into gathering/foraging for local/nonlocal plants, collecting cool rocks, and natural uses for organic matter. i garden kind of extensively, and i like practical applications of plant matter with art and creating natural pigments/oils/salves.
kind of a hands-on sort of person; i like to paint, build things, and make my areas i study/draw in a whimsical sort of rainy forest (even if it’s in the city). i live currently in the southern US, in a massive bayou swamp area of the gulf coast. re; swamp witch.
lovely to meet y’all!