Guild House of the Ebenguard

The night air was chill, a pale mist concealing the face of the mountains not far off. It was impossible to see far, the trees and the fog blending until everything was greyscale and blurred, even in the full moonlight. Still, it was not frightening. It was not uncomfortable.

This was home. Almost.

Barely a sound broke the stillness except for the occasional nocturnal bird in the branches above. The lone figure walked confidently, despite being nearly blind in these surroundings. They knew the way–they’d followed this path a dozen times in half-remembered dreams and fantasies. There was something so real about it in this moment, though.

Perhaps it was the goosebumps on the backs of their arms or the cold, humid air sinking into their skin. Or the dirt under their bare feet. Or the way they felt their gut fairly humming with the thrill of anticipation, though what they anticipated exactly, they didn’t know.

But something important.

They were surprised when they broke through the treeline. It had seemed that the forest could go on forever, that it did go on forever, and it had simply decided to spit them out at once.

The forest and the cold were soon forgotten.

Some small distance down the hill and across, there were lights filtering through the mist. One step onto the grass, soft and damp under their feet, and the mist was dispelled as though by magiq. Here, there were no illusions. No need to hide.

They’d been here hundreds of times, and it had not been a dream.


[This is a topic discussed as part of a mixed-Guild thread in the All-Guild Hall, however, I felt it was prudent to move the discussion about Guild Houses to the individual Guild discussion threads, as ideas were getting lost and difficult to sort through.

What is the Ebenguard Guild Home called? There are several suggestions. What does it look like? What features, magiqal and non-magiqal, does it have? What special purposes, in addition to housing the Ebenguardians, does it serve, if any?



I’ve always imagined the Ebenguard guild house to be much like a presidio sitting atop a hill overlooking the ocean and a wide expanse of beach on one side, with a dense forest on the other. Mountain(s) looming in the distance. Sitting on a ley line junction, as I’ve imagined that all the guild homes do.

It’s less a single structure and more of a compound or small village. At the center of it is a “meditation garden,” with reflective pools, magiq-ed to be soundproof so that outside disturbances don’t reach it. There is, beneath it, a stone chamber where Ebenguard can go to meditate, recover, and–known to a few–travel to other places via tunnels running beneath all the structures.

The entrance is wide and welcoming, but there is a sense of solemn promise to be felt when standing at the door: no one of ill intent shall enter.

Just a few of my thoughts to start the discussion.


@Deyavi I love you


I love you more :heart:


This! This right here is fantastically phenomenal!


What are your thoughts? This is a joint effort, so I really want to hear everyone’s preferences and ideas!

cough @grimangel53 this you


thanks @Deyavi
add in the cavern of the ebensong from nomads description. and i’ll read it all over and figure what else we might have


So! back in the day when we were first formulating the places, i envisioned a Manor house, old and covered with ivy and such, as our way. I much like the Presidio idea better though

we also came up with the name Sentinel’s Rest as the na,me of the guild house


Ivy grows really well on brick and stone buildings on humid coastal areas, so you can have the ivy covered buildings on the Presidio…

throws out randomness


thats fine. i agree with the ideas, im just saying thats what the original concept was.
i might need to reset and just write out a list of things and other bits


This is a totally open floor, and I don’t want to neglect any of the original ideas from the old thread and miss something we will all appreciate! So anything you have, I’d personally love to see it.


i mean like, i need to re write the ideas into the presidio style compound.
like certain places are put in certain buildings. and housing for ebenguardians would be in the 3 big buildings surrounding the middle garden. along with other small out buildings serving different purposes and or as links to the other compounds


I love that visual. I can envision the housing in a couple different ways. One with fully furnished and equipped individual studio apartment style rooms, or single rooms with communal facilities for lounging, cooking, dining, etc.


i figure the bigger northern manor is the one with communal areas, and the buildings to the east asnd west of the garden are the dormitories/studio apartments.

is there a dock with a boathouse and boats on the shore?


Yeah. The boats belonging to the Guild house in particular are sailboats, meticulously maintained and magiq-ed with multi-Guild spells to ensure their durability and their safe use in poor weather. The individually owned craft are a variety of runabouts and larger boats.



One of the older sailboats is how we portal to Weatherwatch’s guildhome too


Yeah. It’s keyed to find their airship wherever they are in the world. It’s a more primitive form of the same magiq they’re using now, but it works just as well.


And this is the write up i’ve made as of now.

Name: Sentinel’s Rest
Presidio Style Grounds. atop a hill overlooking the ocean with a forest in the north side of the grounds. Wall around grounds stretches fairly ffar back into woods before closing in. Gates at south end near coastal beach, and at the north end. Ivy covers a good portion of the buildings.

It’s less a single structure and more of a compound or small village. At the center of it is a “meditation garden,” with reflective pools, magiq-ed to be soundproof so that outside disturbances don’t reach it. There is, beneath it, a stone chamber where Ebenguard can go to meditate, recover, and–known to a few–travel to other places via tunnels running beneath all the structures.The stone meditation chamber holds a large zen garden, so as to have a place to meditate and be able to practice stone and sand scrying.

The entrance is wide and welcoming, but there is a sense of solemn promise to be felt when standing at the door: no one of ill intent shall enter.

Three main buildings surround the meditation garden. North Building is the main Presidio Building. North Building is biggest on the campus, providing most communal spaces, and some small dormitories.
Ebenguardian Dormitories are the east and west buildings, with each having its own little secrets and mysteries to find.
They are in the style of studio apartments.

Several out buildings.
Small workshop, which doubles as the flinterforge portal.
A dining hall, complete with stocked kitchen, which functions as a portal to the Gosspound. This is where most people take their meals, while the north, west, and east buildings also have smaller kitchens and dining areas.
Greenhouses are on the campus as well.
Gym where ebenguardians can practice their combat magic and work out.

Library can be located in either the north building (or at least a small library there) or in a larger Lighthouse that sits within the walls. This library is the connection to thornmouth.Small building out in the walled in portion of the forest, which serves as the entry point to balimora’s treehouse.

Boats, Docks, and Boathouse on Coastal Beach.
Guild House Boats are Immaculately maintained Sailboats, Enchanted for travel and durability.Personal craft are runabouts and larger boats.
Oldest Sailboat is Keyed to Weatherwatch’s Airship Base. Transports guild members to the base.

Cavern of the Ebensong is in the hill somewhere, but entrance is located only to those guardians who have been found worthy. It is underneath the Meditation Cavern. Flora and fauna around the campus have adapted to the magiq. Pods of Hippocampi live near the boathouse and docks. forest holds a great deal of different magical fauna.


I’m already starting to get a strong visual!


honestly, i could use a little help on the outbuildings and such, but i could probably build out at least a map for it.