The Welcome Super Topic

Ooh, you and I are in a similar place lore-wise! Once you get your Trust Level 1 and can message, I’d love to have a reading buddy!


@Bandit - please create a LARP thread. I’ve never participated in a formal LARP, but I’m a huge ren-faire junkie, love DnD, and am wildly obsessed with the fantasy/immersive LARPs like College of Wizardry and New World Magischola. I’d love to learn more from someone with experience!


Welcome to the forum and to Thornmouth @greenmermaid! I’m Void, one of the Thornmouth Wagoneers. Super happy to have you!



I’m more than willing to have a reading buddy. I know I had a few question reading Floria and Fauna, but ended up figuring out the answer. It would be fun to toss around theories and things of the sort. :smile:


Hello everyone, my fellow newbies and the great people that come before us!
Amazingly, I came across this on instagram while going through stalking cats that I follow. Totally normal things.

At first I thought that this was one of those “false” advertising things or some type of spam, but the premise and design seemed too interesting to pass over and I said, heck it, why not?

Glad to see that it was neither of those things. So kudos to you all that helped decide how and what to advertise. It helps that the email was quite personable.

Now then, about myself; I like a wide variety of subjects and have always loved rpgs, immersive stories and RP.
I’m someone that gets involved in social groups pretty quickly in most places I go; I love getting involved in the community.
I put all my energy into a quick burst of socialization, so I’m either animated and enthusiastic or completely withdrawn. :laughing:
Hmm let’s see, I’m a proud mother of a beautiful, fluffy, frenetic, fat, black cat, I have a considerable amount of hobbies and interests, this is already long as is so won’t list them. Though,the tippy top of the list is reading.
After taking the assessment I got into the Weatherwatch guild. Looking forward to getting into the books, this community and the lore of Magiq! :grin:


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Aeryce!! I’m Rimor one of Thornmouths Wagoneers!

So to get started please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as they’re really important!!

Next up let me introduce you to your amazing guild leaders @Skylad and @Remus! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers such as myself, @Ignatius and @BrokenVoid. We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When you’re ready you can head over to the Weatherwatch guild hall to introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates!

Some thread that might interest you are book recommendations, currently reading, hobbies and pets! We also have the #bookish category full of book related threads!


Welcome @Bandit, @bludolfinz, @greenmermaid, and @Aeryce! I’m the Gossmere Wagoneer! I had a surprisingly busy 24 hour shift yesterday so I apologize for my lack of involvement but I am so happy you got to meet the other Wagoneers!

Like they said if you have any troubles/questions feel free to shoot one of us a message!


Welcome @Aeryce! I’m Void, Thornmouth Wagoneer. I’m around to help with whatever you need!


Hello everyone - I got sorted into Flinterforge, and am looking forward to going through Flora and Fauna and getting to know things a bit!


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Sela! My name is Rimor from Thornmouth and I’ll be your Wagoneer today!

So to get started please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as they’re really important!!

Next up let me introduce you to your guild leaders @Tinker and @Viviane! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers such as myself, @Ignatius and @BrokenVoid! We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When you’re ready you can head over to the Flinterforge guild hall to introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates!

So tell us a bit about yourself and your interests?


@Sela Welcome to the forum! I’m the Gossmere Wagoneer! Sorry we took so long to get to you, @Rimor asked me if I wanted to welcome you but I was asleep (Nasty 24 hour shifts are a nuisance) so I sincerely apologize!


So apparently Iggy’s post is the one thousand post on this thread! :laughing:


Welcome @Sela! I’m Void, another Thornmouth Wagoneer. Feel free to ask for help anytime!


Hey! Thanks for the welcome. I’m a little over a quarter of the way through first Monarch papers book. Do you suggest that catch up on all books before I start looking at forum stuff? I’m not used to forums so it can be a little confusing for me. Are there any immediate topics I should look at?


I’d suggest you read both books before getting into the in world stuff but I don’t think you’ll have access to it currently. You can however post in the out of world categories in #the-creationary, #bookish and #meet-greet-discuss:general-discussion! Just beware of spoilers though they should be blurred out!

You won’t be able to introduce yourself to your guild yet as you’re not a high enough rank yet so just participate in out of world topics till you get the notification that you’ve gone up in rank!


Thank you! I will see who I can meet and try and get through the books. So far I’m engrossed in it and it catches me off guard and puts some shivers down my spine. It’s actually hard to binge read since there is so much that gets to me! Thanks for the help!


No problem! A couple of great places to start are work where you can talk about your job, hobbies where you can talk about your interests and general discussion where you can just chat to people about random stuff! There are loads of out of world topics you can explore though!


I think this is where I’m supposed to introduce myself but anyway…Hi, I’m blue. I use They/Them pronouns. I was sorted into Thornmouth. I love books and music. i have now run out of things to say…


Hello, my name is Bunny. I really look forward to begin reading this series and trying to join the community. I look forward to seeing what these stories are all about!

(I took the exam and was sorted into Thornmouth.)


Welcome to the forum and to Thornmouth @Blue215 and @TheMeanBunny! I’m Void, one of the Thornmouth Wagoneers.

To get started make sure you have read the initial post of this topic as well as the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the rules and basics of the forum. After that you can get right in on our many engaging discussion topics such as the currently reading or hobbies, we also have a general discussion for anything random you feel lie chatting about. I know we have a playlist thread but I don’t believe there’s one for talking about music in general, so perhaps you could start one.

Once you’ve been active on the forum for a few hours you’ll be able to interact with the guild pages. You can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and check out the Thornmouth Guild House. Our guild leader is @Sellalellen, feel free to message her or any of us @Wagoneers anytime if you need help. We also have a Q&A for any further questions.

We’re all very happy to have you here and we hope you enjoy being part of our wonderful community!