The Welcome Super Topic

Welcome to the community @Vaquero! I’m Void, one of the Thornmouth Wagoneers.

Once you’ve read through the initial post of this thread as well as the forum primer linked there we have a wide variety of general discussion topics that you can get in on right away. We have a Dungeons and Dragons for sharing fun stories and characters, and a visual arts thread where you could share your comic artwork. We have a topic for guild tattoos specifically but not one for tattoos in general, so maybe you could start one.

After you’ve explored the forum for a few hours you’ll be able to interact with the guild pages where you can introduce yourself to your new Ebenguard guildmates and explore the Ebenguard Guild House. Your guild leaders are @Ashburn and @Ginger, feel free to message them or any of us @Wagoneers if you need anything. We also have a Q&A topic for any further questions.

We’re all very happy to have you here, we hope you enjoy being part of our community and part of the Magiq.


Welcome @Vaquero!!!


Hello @Vaquero! I’m the Gossmere Wagoneer! If you need anything let one of us know!


Much obliged!


Hi everyone!

I just discovered this and it’s already my new favorite thing. Gotta love interactive storytelling.

According to the assessment, I’m Weatherwatch which seems pretty exciting, although I’m still learning about all of them! Can’t wait to read the first Monarch Papers and get all caught up on the history and such.



Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Belladonna!! My name is James and ill be your Wagoneer today!

So to get started please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as they’re really important!!

Next up let me introduce you to your amazing guild leaders @Skylad and @Remus! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers such as myself, @Ignatius and @BrokenVoid. We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When you’re ready you can head over to the Weatherwatch guild hall to introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates!

So now the formalities are over tell us a bit about your self and your interests?


@Belladonna Hi! I’m the Gossmere Wagoneer! It’s a pleasure to have you here! If you need any help feel free to shoot one of us a message!


Awesome thank you!

A major interest is (probably obviously) reading and I especially love classics. I’ve also self taught myself coding and have a minor obsession with personality tests. What about y’all?


Well obviously then I should recommend the favourite fantasy novels, book recommendations and currently reading threads! I see you’ve already found the Personality thread so I won’t link that :laughing:. I don’t believe we have a coding thread but hobbies should be a good place to talk about it!

I personally love photography and reading :cjsmile:


Welcome @Belladonna! I’m Void, the other Thornmouth Wagoneer. Super happy to have you here!


Hello all! I’m Lavity! Assessment told me I’m Ebenguard. Currently, I’m working on catching up and I’m so excited to start my journey in this community!


@Lavity Welcome! I apologize for the wait! I’m the Gossmere Wagoneer! I sincerely recommend checking out the Forum Primer!

Your guild leaders are @Ginger and @Ashburn! So if you have any questions feel free to ask them or us @Wagoneers! Which are me, @Rimor, and @Brokenvoid!

Once you’ve spent some time on the forum you can meet your guildmates here!

If you have any particular interests you’d like to know if we have a topic for feel free to shoot me a message!


Welcome to the community @Lavity, very glad to have you here! I’m Void, a Thornmouth and Wagoneer.


Hi, I’ve just joined and got sorted into Ebenguard? I’m planning on spending the weekend reading before I get stuck in here, but I’m very excited!


Hi! My name is Sophia. I’m a new college student studying International Affairs. I found AGP on an Instagram ad right before I was going to bed. I love reading, writing, and role-play, so I thought this was too good to be true! I’ve always wished that stories were more immersive. It adds a bit more mystery when you are contributing to it! I was sorted into Weatherwatchers, which I hear has a ship? It sounds SUPER exciting. I’m going to start reading the Monarch Papers to catch up a bit :slight_smile: .


@June and @Tamsyn! Hello and Welcome! I’m Ignatius the Gossmere Wagoneer! @Tamsyn I really apologize for the wait!

@June You’re guild leaders are @Skylad and @Remus! Once you’ve been on the forum for a bit you can talk to your guild mates here!

@Tamsyn You’re guild leaders are @Ginger and @Ashburn! Once you’ve been on the forum for a bit you can meet your guild mates here!

If either of you have any questions you can shoot your guild leaders or us @Wagoneers a message! The Wagoneers are myself, @Rimor, and @BrokenVoid! There is also the Q&A topic if for some reason none of the listen above are available or you’d prefer to ask to a larger demographic.

@June as for your interests you can check out all things books at the #bookish category! As for writing there are several in #the-creationary category! Including my own which you can find here!

Once again @Tamsyn I am really, really sorry that no one greeted you sooner! If you have any certain interests you want to ask about feel free to shoot me a message!

To you both I say again Welcome and if you have any questions my virtual door is always open!


Thank you! I live in New Zealand so I imagine a different time zone to most of you, so not a worry!


Welcome @Lavity, @June and @Tamsyn!!


Welcome @Tamsyn and @June to our wonderful community! I’m Void, a Thornmouth Wagoneer, and I’m here to help if you need it.


Hello! I’m Charlemagne and I’m super excited to be here. I love role play stuff and immersive stories are always great. I’m a dungeon Master for DND and a Story Teller for VTM. I am going to get started on catching up on the lore and rules asap!