The Quarters of "The Ascension" - A Weatherwatch Introduction Thread

Hello fellow Weatherwatchers!
My name is Corkus and I’m already loving this fantastic community. I’m always in search of a new adventure so this guild felt like a perfect fit immediately. I wish I could miss four nights of sleep to power through the Monarch Papers like @Louisa but I’ve been making good progress. This feels like a perfect mix of RPG and ARG elements that I just can’t resist.


Yeah, I’m not gonna pretend skipping a few nights of sleep is necessarily advisable. I’m still recovering a bit. :sweat_smile: Probably for the best to tackle it as time allows. The unique mix of RPG and ARG is a big part of what drew me in, too! I haven’t seen anything quite like it.


Hello fellow Weatherwatchers! I’m Gabby and I am so happy to have found all of you. I am just getting the hang of the forums, and am extraordinarily busy with life in general, so I am slowly catching up with everyone. I was a little skeptical of my guild placement at first (since I am the least spontaneous person I know), but after discovering my Celestant bearing, I feel like I am right where I belong.

I feel like I am currently on my personal quest IRL, as I am working towards a PhD in chemistry, and I definitely couldn’t do that without some wind in my sails and a support system to keep me afloat. I also love to travel, play DnD, read stories of adventure, snuggle my cat and do yoga.

I’m really happy to have boarded this ship with all of you and join such an amazing crew.


I’ve seen (read?) a lot of people feeling more at home in their guilds since finding their bearing. I just think that’s so cool! The whole thing is so exciting. So many new layers to the guilds to explore.

DnD, cats, and yoga - lots in common with you, there! Welcome! :slight_smile:


Hey there, everyone!

I came in to greet @gabbbyyyy, but I realized I hadn’t heard either @Corkus or @Louisa. School’s been a bit hectic so fast this semester, so I apologize for dropping the ball a bit on that :cagsrip:

I hope you’re all enjoying finding out your bearings! I think they’re super exciting, and I hope they’re helping you feel more at home here :constanceblush: we’ve got Watchers of all kinds here, though I think it’s super cool that the majority (for now) are Celestant-bearing. I’m not biased (okay, I kind of am), but I feel that it’s the one farthest away from what my conception of a Watcher was when I joined. If you haven’t, you should definitely check yours out!


Ooooh should we set up a poll to see who has what alignment?? I’m pretty sure you’d be surprised how many of my fellow Ardeonauts are out there :colelulz:


0 voters


I have to admit that I haven’t yet figured mine out. I think I have all the page numbers needed, but apparently I cannot get them in the correct order, so I am stumped at this time.

I am also still trying to catch up on the reading! I am about 300 pages in on TMP 2, and then I guess I have other stuff to get caught up on. I feel so behind and excited at the same time.


For those of you who haven’t seen it here’s one of the designs I’ve been working on


This is great, @Corkus! I love this design :heart_eyes:


Thanks! Let me know if you have any input on it or ideas for the other two bearings.


I think you should ask @Sapphire for more about the Navimant and @Skylad and @Louisa for more about what they think about for the Ardeonaut! I don’t know what I’d associate with those two, so I’d ask them what their bearings remind them of!

Also, if you don’t mind me asking, what constellation is that, and why did you choose it? I don’t recognize it, so I’m just curious!


I started working on an Ardeonaut one today that looks kinda like a ship’s wheel. That constellation isn’t one in particular but I could totally change it to one if you have any ideas @Remus


Awesome! And the only reason I asked was because we’ve got the constellations from Phase 3 if you wanted to add one of those!


@Corkus I think that design is spot on!! And I don’t know if it was intentional but that constellation kinda looks like an oar so it’s on theme!! The wheel concept for Ardeonaut sounds amazing as well!!! Can’t wait to see the final outcome :grin:


Yeah, that Celestant design is brilliant, @Corkus! I’m dying for a sticker or a pin or something.

I’ve been giving some thought as to what it means to be an Ardeonaut, and I think it’s something I’ll be mulling on for a while. It feels like a perfect fit, I was grinning ear to ear as I read it. :blush:

For symbols, though, the ship’s wheel is perfect. “Ardeonaut” sounds a lot like “Ardent” (enthusiastic/passionate) and the greek suffix “-naut” (traveller/voyager). So maybe working a heart somewhere in there? Or a captain’s hat? I’ll definitely post other ideas as they come to me here! I can’t wait to see where these designs take you. ^-^ :heart:

I have a question for anyone with an answer, one I’m not sure where to post. I’ve heard lots of folks see themselves as crosses between two guilds. Does that mean you can join more than one guild forum? The guide put me first and foremost in Weatherwatch, but Flinterforge comes up consistently, too. When I checked my bearing there, I found myself a Phantorist - moon bearing. Feels like the other half of me, the obsessive artist hermeting away all night on her projects before going back outside on another adventure… but I’m not sure of the forum etiquette, and hate to blindly barge into another guild thread.


Hey Louisa!

Yeah, in the past, there definitely a lot of us who sort of identified as being part of multiple guilds. We called ourselves polyguilds, and we usually had some clever names for it (I was a combination of Weatherwatch and Gossmere, otherwise known as a Weathermere). However, since we’ve found the bearings, most of us have sort of “found our homes” in one guild again, if that makes sense? [spoiler]This thread is Out-of-World, so I didn’t want to link it outright, but this is CJ’s stance on it. I’d read until post 38 for the full picture :simon:[/spoiler] Now that everyone’s got their bearings (sorry, I just had to), it’s a bit easier for many of us to find ourselves in a single guild that we’ve chosen (not just one that the guide chose for us - remember, you always can choose a different guild). That weird part of me that seeks understanding and not just “discovery”? Well, understanding isn’t just a Gossmere trait (or a Thornmouth one, either) - it’s also one of Celestant-bearing Weatherwatch. However, if you’d still like to identify as both you can; what I’m stating is just the general opinion of the community now. If you’d still like to be added to the Flinterforge group, though, just let me know and I’ll make sure it happens :laurensmile:


Thank you for the explaination, @Remus! That has me approaching this a little differently. :slight_smile:

I relate really intensely with the Phantorist creating alone and “working ceaselessly through the night…as if you were bewitched”. But ultimately, the reason I pursue my craft (visual storytelling and animation) is in order to express “what they (my audience) needs to see and hear from [me] in order to feel their bravest… [and] feel seen”. Plus, when I’m at my best in life and at work, it’s usually early in the morning - “first dawn, and it feels as though with each breath, [I am] inhaling all possibility”.

Ultimately, I think intent overrules method. So I’m very happy as an Ardeonaut bearing Weatherwatch. I appreciate the offer to let me polyguild anyway, though! I feel more satisfied with my sorting having considered all possibilities. :heart:


Hi! I’m Frost.

I do love a good adventure and dislike being bored in equal measures, so my affinity for Weatherwatch isn’t that surprising. I’m also prone to being stubborn headstrong and like to think I’m fairly resourceful. I’m Celestant-bearing, with Navimant a close second. I’m catching up on the story and love the mix of world-building and interaction.

Off forum I’m a data analyst/IT administrator, gamer, gardening enthusiast, and custom and very niche ink maker. I probably say “What’s the worst that can happen?” too frequently for my own good.


Hi! I’m Belladonna! Welcome to Weatherwatch. I’m Navimant-bearing so if you ever want to lean into solo exploration I’m your girl.

So what kind of custom inks do you make?