The Welcome Super Topic

Excellent! We have a topic that kinda involves astrology here, we actually don’t have one specifically about tarot that I can find but maybe you could start one. There’s a general hobby where you can talk about any of your hobbies.


Welcome to the community! I’m Ignatius (as I’m sure you noticed) I’m the Gossmere Wagoneer!


Welcome @Skwirl!! I’m also into tarot and astrology! We should start a thread on those things!


Hullo all!
Not actually new but I never did introduce myself to the full community. I usually just lurk and stay up to date on the magiq-going-ons and whatnot until recently when I decided to jump in.
OC I am a Firefighter/EMT and a health food junkie (irony fully intended). I love doing anything outdoors i.e., working, running, hiking, farming, etc. I also love anything wolf/dog related.

IC I am a Baliforge or Flintmora. Whichever you prefer to call me. I’m honestly astounded by how well those guilds both fit my personality for tinkering, chaos, and my outdoorsy nature.


Hi there!

I’m a new guy, saw an add for this on instagram and thought it would be interesting to at least try. OOC I’m a freshman college student, currently in a relationship with my highschool sweetheart and a big hobby for me is PC gaming (though I’ve nothing against console gaming)

IC I’m a Weatherwatcher, and while I can’t speak much on my own spontaneity I certainly do have a number of burning passions that drive me through my life.

Thanks ahead of time for the welcome, I’m excited to learn more about this whole experience!


Hello and welcome @Erthmire! I’m the Gossmere welcomer! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or just feel like talking!

Your guild leaders are @Remus and @Skylad! So if you have any questions please reach out to them or us, @Wagoneers! The forum primer should also help get situated!

Once you’ve been on the forum a while I recommend checking out your guild house!

As for your interests we have a gaming topic started by your truly! If you have any other interests feel free to shoot me or anyone in that second paragraph/line!


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Erthmire! I’m Void, one of the Thornmouth Wagoneers.


Welcome @Erthmire to the gang! I’m James the other Thornmouth Wagoneer!


Hello everyone! Best not to have our true names stolen, so I go by Rosemary. I’m an accidentally-underemployed historical interpreter on a sailing ship for the summer and a college student the rest of the time. I’ve never been involve with something like this before but I’m all-too-easily pulled into searches for hidden magic, so here I am. I’m in the Thornmouth guild, and really enjoy theatre and dance (I’ve recently discovered English Country Dancing and it’s Fantastic), as well as writing, travel, and language-learning!


@Rosemary Hello and Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community! I’m the Gossmere welcomer and volunteer paramedic! This is/was my first forum as well so my advice is to just take your time, don’t do anything you don’t want to/don’t do things because you think you have to!

Your guild leader is @Sellalellen! So any questions can be thrown at her or us, @Wagoneers! The forum primer should also help you get situated within our community!

Once you’ve been on the forum a bit you can introduce yourselves to your guild here! Although I’m sure you could strike up a conversation with @BrokenVoid or @Rimor here! (The reason I brought them up specifically is because they’re the Thornmouth Wagoneers!)

I’d love to hear about your work over in the work topic! If you want to talking about your travels you can go here! As for the language learning we do have a quite extensive group of mounties that talk about languages and language learning here! You can find all things writing in #the-creationary category!

Once again welcome! If you need anything feel free to shoot me a message by clicking on my name! As long as I’m not on a call I should get back to you pretty quick!


Welcome @Rosemary!!! Yes I’m one of Thornmouths Wagoneers!


Welcome @Rosemary! I’m Void, the other Thornmouth Wagoneer. We’re all here to help with anything you need.


Hey there,

First things first, must say it was quite interesting how I found my way here. but thats a story for another time.

OC: I am a teacher and live my life in a rather hot weathered environment.

Otherwise here I’m just starting and definitly need to catch up on this strange new world I found. What and adventure! According to the guide I am an Ebenguard (Hope I spelt that correct, did that from memory ). hope to really learn about everything and contribute

Taldrin (call me Tal for short)


Welcome to the community @Taldrin! I’m Void, one of the Thornmouth Wagoneers. I’m glad you’re excited to get in and get involved.

When you’re ready we have plenty of general discussion topics you can take part in such as language learning, /dungeons and Dragons, and books you are currently reading.

After you’ve explored the forum for a few hours you’ll be able to interact with the guild pages where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and explore the Ebenguard Guild House. Your guild leaders are @Ashburn and @Ginger, feel free to message them or any of us @Wagoneers if you need help. There’s also a Q&A topic if you have any further questions.

We’re all very happy to have you here, and we hope you enjoy being part of the Magiq.


Hello @Taldrin! I’m a Gossmere Wagoneer! If you need any help my virtual door is always open!


Oh hey tal!


Hey thanks for the warm welcome and great info! Had to step away for a bit but ready to explore


Thank you, I’m sure I’ll gather a few questions as I explore.


Hey CJ, how’s it?


Welcome @Taldrin!!