The Welcome Super Topic

Welcome @strike and @Stormcaller!


Welcome @strike to our community!


Alright, hello friends! I am Saint-Exupery, and like most of you, I too clicked on a random ad I saw on social media. Nevertheless, I’m very curious to see what this place has to offer. I am one of those good old fashioned book, philosophy, and history nerds with dreams of being a teacher. I love reading, listening to lectures, and giving them. I have a particular soft spot for the Great War, and I’m trying to teach myself more about the medieval ages. I’m from Arizona, but I’ll be making my way to Annapolis in a few months for college. I haven’t started this here book yet, but I plan on it soon. It is my pleasure to meet you all.

edit: Oh, and I’m a member of the Weatherwatch. Onward, to the further light!


Welcome, friend!

Are you a larper, by chance? Galerdain or empire? Maybe SCA?


Surprisingly enough, I’m not. The high school I worked at (and graduated from (and which I plan to work at again after college)) had asked me to wear the mascot outfit for their annual Senior Walk, where the seniors take a trip throughout the campus in a sort of goodbye ceremony.


Hello and welcome @Saint-Exupery!

The Weatherwatch guild leaders are @Skylad and @Remus! So if you have any questions feel free to shoot them, or us Wagoneers a message! I think all Wagoneer except for myself are asleep so I apologize for the wait!

If you want to meet your guild mates you can go here!

As for your interests if I am being completely honest I’m not sure what we have on philosphy and history although that doesn’t mean you can’t make your own topics for them! Although before making the topics I suggest asking around in the Q&A topic! We do have an entire thread designated for books though! You can find all of that in the #bookish area!

Once again I apologize for the wait! I really hope you come to enjoy your time around here on the Ackerly Green forum!


Oh no please, I don’t mind waiting if it means others get a good nights rest.


I think I’m actually headed to bed myself but for real, if you have any trouble or need any help feel free to shoot me a message! Honestly any of us @Wagoneers are always down to led anyone a helping hand! So are the guild leaders so to be honest everyone is just helpful lol


Thank you again. Rest well, friend.


Welcome @Saint-Exupery!


Welcome @Saint-Exupery! Glad you found your way here!


Welcome to the community @Saint-Exupery! Very glad to have you here!


Hi there everyone!
I’m currently working as a catering chef in central Canada and a few days I ago stumbled upon the world of Ackerly Green just like most recent newbies seem to have - through an instagram ad
Being a lover of all things magic(q), I instantly knew this place was for me. I was placed into Ebenguard, and (being a Libra) thought it was very fitting - I am always striving for balance.
I’m about half way through reading Flora & Fauna now and eager to catch up to the events currently happening!
I’ve never been super into writing or forums but have always wanted to be a part of a larger community, so I hope to come back to this place more and more as I delve deeper and deeper down this rabbit hole :wink:


Welcome @moontide to the Ackerly Green Community!!

Please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as they’re both super important!!

Next let me introduce you to your wonderful guild leaders @Ashburn and @Ginger! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers. We also have a wonderful Q&A thread where you can ask questions!

When you’re ready you can head over to the Ebenguard guild hall to introduce yourselves to your fellow guild mates!

You can tell us about your job in the werk thread! We also have a personality type thread that you might be interested in!


Welcome to the community @moontide! So glad to have you here!


Hello @moontide, we’re glad to have you here.


Hello everyone.

I took the assessment while searching on Instagram and, found myself in the guild of Flinterforge. I’m currently studying for my Master’s in Creative Writing, and I have a Bachelor’s in Game Design. I hope to make many of friends here, along with tons of memories.

Shall we begin?


@Rothar Hello and welcome to the Ackerly Green community!

As for your guild leaders they are @Tinker and @Viviane! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to them, us Wagoneers, or even the Q&A topic!

As for meeting your guild mates (which I highly recommend you do at one point or another) you can do that here!

As for your interests I personally think you’ll like #the-creationary! The creationary has your more creative things, writings, arts, etc. Now for Game Design I’m sure you’ll enjoy our gaming topic! I’d also love to hear about what you do for work over in the werk topic!

Once again welcome to the forum! I feel near certain you’ll make friends here! If you have any problems finding your way around feel free to reach out to me/the wagoneers or your guild leaders!


AHH BGD!!! Thats my dream bachelor, but i never met the prerequisite where im from for the english marks necessary. Welcome, im sure we can have some wonderful conversations, given im a former game developer myself o3o


@Cj_Heighton Feel free to message me sometime. Let’s chat!