A Balimoran Gathering!

Nice to meet ya, Fury! Pull up log and sit by the fire with us! Yeah…we are not good at this safety thing.


@Fury Nice to meet a fellow EMS member! I however fall under Paramedic rather than Fire but if we’re being honest Firefighters and Paramedics are often together on calls, at least around here. I wish you luck with working up to Wild Lands!

For the record I’m not a Bali but I had to stop in and say hello!


@Ignatius Ah. That we are.I’ll be working up to Paramedic as well but that won’t be for a while


I’d been trying to figure out why I couldn’t post in here, and then I got my Trust Level 1 today; success!

Hekate here; I chose the name from the Greek goddess of witchcraft, magic, ghosts, darkness, and the moon.
In the “normal” world I’m currently a freelance theatre and performing artist, tarot reader, licensed massage therapist, life coach, and dragon-style folklore/mythology/fairy tale hoarder. I have crates of obscure fairy tales and the like from volunteering at my local library’s book sale fundraisers (whatever’s left at closing is up for grabs :wink::sunglasses: )

I used to do a lot of forum-based RPG in my high school days, ran a site for a while, but college, grad school, and life in general kind sucked that part of my soul away for a while.
I’m really excited by the interactive/immersive role this site plays with the books, and I will be eagerly working my way up the ranks to join in the action!

I was sorted into Balimora when I took the assessment waaay back in April. After I read Flora & Fauna I took it again and was sorted into Ebengard, but I feel more like a Balimora in my bones :bone::bone::wink: get it… bones, chaos, death, rebirth, natural order? You get it.

I just started TMP2 and am just as entranced as I was with the first in the series. I hope to be a generous member, and I look forward to getting to know you all better!


Great to meet you!!! Wow, we seem to be ecrewing a lot of tarot readers and greek myth nuts recently, and I have to say it’s amazing (not that I’m biased, lol)! I’d be very intrigued to hear some of those obscure fairy tales some time. I’ve been trying to get better aquainted with local tales myself recently, maybe we can set up a thread to share local lore/stories/fairy tales?


That would be fantastic! Maybe some sort of “campfire stories” or something? I know that a lot of myths and lore and such have different endings, or different main action points/main characters depending on how they traveled across the globe and through time - it’d also be neat to see how many different versions we could collect there!


Welcome @Hekate. I love Greek mythology. Have fun exploring the community let us know if you need anything. @Nimueh is an awesome leader.


Thanks! @Nimueh has been very helpful as I’ve been navigating the forum; as has literally everyone! I feel real lucky that I found this site (or it found me?) and that Balimora has been such a welcoming home-away-from-home :crystal_ball::skull_and_crossbones::evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree:


Hey everybody. Still alive out here, though decent service is hard to come by. In town for the day so thought I’d check in and do a photo dump on the adventures thread. Hope everyone is well!


Glad to hear from you Smokey.


uhhhh hi, i’m chey

i’m a notorious lurker but definitely try to help when and where i can

i had to take a huge step back from a lot of things for a year or so to sort out my health but i’m getting back into the swing of work/fun/rest balance

i’m a loyal follower of all things Steve and generally consider myself to be chaotic good

my adoration for nature and animals is only matched by my thirst for understanding - i’m a balimouth through and through

it’s so good to see you all here!


The work/fun/rest balance struggle is real - I’m glad you’re here, chey!


Hey all! Finally got trust level 1, so now I can post in the guild. I have seen some of you around the forum already but here is a little about me:

I am an avid writer, reader and teacher. I have degrees in theology and culture and I love interacting with others, especially those who have different views than I do. I think we are all created that way so we can learn and grow together. I play dungeons and dragons s regularly, sometimes even writing my own (like a full blown star wars campaign). I play all sorts of video games, play guitar, paint occasionally, and drink lots of coffee. I love to hike and be in nature. Reading in a hammock is one of the best things ever.

I hope to be a published fantasy writer some day. I am pretty much an open book so ask me anything.

I really look forward to getting to know everyone a bit more! We have a pretty awesome guild!


Congratulations!! :hermanthumbs::balimora:
Well met, and welcome, and aloha!
Theology and culture!? That sounds like a fascinating intersection to be studying. What led you there?


Hi all! I guess I made it through the thicket into the Balimoran Guild Hall. I’m Bairn and I’m a Balimoran. It’s funny, when I got back the first assessment, I could swear I’ve heard the word Balimora before somewhere… just not sure where. Magiq flows in interesting ways, huh?

About me, I’m a writer, a gamer, and I volunteer raising money to help sick kids for fun. (Not a humble brag, it is actually fun when your marathon is gaming not running.) My stress outlets include baking and poetry, and sometimes I customize dolls.

Ask me things, I’ve probably forgotten to include stuff.


What kind of doll customization? I have a friend who used to run an antique doll restoration shop, and I’m fascinated by all things crafty!


Repainting and changing out the hair on ball jointed dolls, usually Monster High or Ever After High. So like I’ll strip off the factory paint and repaint the face, and use chalk pastels to blush the body and make it look realistic, and sometimes I’ll take the head off to fully remove the hair and replace it either with rerooting (all new hair inserted in the old hair plug holes) or a wig (wefts of hair stitched/glued into a cap shape).


Hello! I’m SirVanHoose but Jarred is my name feel free to call me as such, after all we are al friends here. I have been a member of the Balimora Guild ever since I first joined in 2017. I have been gone for a while but I never forgot this place. I’m sure very few of you remember me but that does not matter I’m back now and happy to be part of this again. Now a little bit about me, I am going to school for cultural anthropology and have finished my associates degree bit still have a long road ahead. I am a bit of a book worm ( if you have any book recommendations please let me know. I write story’s for my dnd group whom I play with often. That’s a simple summery of me, i’m sure we will all learn more about each other as we go along.


Howdy all. I’m Floradeana and was super excited to get placed in Balimora. I joined the forums a week or two ago and have really enjoyed how helpful, caring and interesting everyone is here. Still haven’t finished to first book yet because I got caught up in the forums and all the other sites that are mentioned in to first book. There is sooo much information to take in.
Growing up, I spent my summers at my grandparents where I grew to love nature by helping with the garden and observing nature. So this was definitely the best guild for me. I have a collection of house plants and pets as well.
In my spare time, I play video games (mostly just classic WoW), tend to my 3 pets (a dog, a cat and a bunny), take care of my super awesome plants, and watch way to much Youtube (GMM and Scishow are my faves). Other than that, I keep busy by being a mother, wife, part-time employ and college student (but took off this semester for my mental health).
Can’t wait to get to know more about you guys! :smiley:


So glad to have you here! Welcome!
Sounds like you keep very busy - I’m super proud of you for making sure to tend to your health. The world is crazy, and it’s hard to maintain the sane all the time. I look forward to seeing you around the forum!