A Balimoran Gathering!

Hi all, I’m Maj. I introduced myself in the main thread about a month ago and have mostly just been reading threads since, as much as I’m able to anyway. Life has been keeping me busy as I’m working on separating from the military to pursue my dream of working in wildlife (working on my fisheries and wildlife degree now). I’m married with 2 littles and love games (Sims 4 magic pack just came out!), making things, hiking, swimming, and pushing my limits.


I’m just about to pick up that Sims 4 pack! Been waiting on magic stuff of ages as I love making fantasy characters in the Sims (really miss The Sis Medieval).


I’ve only been around for a week, but I feel like I’ve fallen into the rabbit hole (with no intention of trying to crawl back out). The assessment put me in Balimora, and I’ve found my bearing to be Verdurant. The descriptions feel spot on, and it seems especially apropos since my name is (really!) Fox.
If you need me, I’ll be curled up in the root structure of our tree with a good book.


Hello from the upper branches, friend! Where’re you at with our little story? Im assuming caught up if you managed the second section of the guide.


I’m finished reading all the available material so far, and I’m hopelessly hooked. I’m not quite at the level where I can interact fully, but I’m okay with watching things unfold =]


@Fox Same! I’m excited though. I plan on attending Ascender’s funeral, even if I can’t participate. It’s fun to watch stuff happening, but I want to be in on the mystery soon.


Hi I’m Juniperus. I’ve been on the forum for some time but haven’t done my introduction here. Bring sorted into Balimora seemed perfect for me, it was as if it spoke directly to me. I discovered my bearing as well which is Maelisorn and made me feel even more home here.

I’m an animal and nature lover, naturally an introvert. I love making and doing things with my hands: knitting, sewing, writing, gardening. I am a paediatric nurse which is a challenge as much as it is fun. Recently joined a local medieval club, it’s allowed me to be more social and hands on with making period clothing to wear for our events. I have also been learning a bit of archery!

Looking forward to getting to know you guys more and being able to participate in in-world stuff soon, lots of exciting things are happening there!


A medieval club sounds like so much fun!


It really is! My husband joined and got into the combat aspect of it (full armour, blunted swords) practicing different styles of medieval combat but since another female joined, we’ve been doing feasts, craft days (sewing, making armour, shields), learning old songs and dances so I’ve been more into that aspect of it


That sounds so fun! I love folk dance and I wish there was more of it in the world! That’s awesome that you’re bringing in the crafting aspects to the club. I’ve always enjoyed learning old crafting skills…I’ve been wanting to learn drop spindle and card weaving for ages.


I have a drop spindle and I’ve practiced a bit, it was inspired by my love for knitting years ago and the fact that I was too awkward to use a spinning wheel. Have not yet tried card weaving but I do enjoy embroidery and cross stitch (not medieval). I just bought an embroidery scroll frame that I want to try card weaving on to make belts and other accessories for my medieval outfits


My Life Partner uses a drop spindle, he makes thread with it. I’m okayish with fiber arts, but I really don’t enjoy spinning as much as he does. We both love metalcrafting though.


Hey guys! A few other guilds already have their Day of Change threads up. Are we planning to do that soon and if so can I help any?


I think @Nimueh was planning to take care of that in the next couple days, but maybe if she isn’t planning on doing ome, you could start it. Basic premise is how do the guilds celebrate the day of change?


You just inspired me @BairnSidhe