The Welcome Super Topic

I wouldn’t say we Bali are a rare breed, just a lot of us come and go with the chaos as we feel. I think at one point we seriously outnumbered the other guilds, don’t know if that’s still the case.


It’s interesting for sure how the members of each guild in ways eb and flow depending on the times and events. For the record i’m quite new not even through TMP yet even, but setting aside some time to get into the culture and medias. Any thoughts comments or questions for a new guy ?


It is quite interesting, especially when you take into consideration the values of each guild.

As for being new, why don’t you start by telling us a bit about yourself? Whatever you’re comfortable sharing ^-^
A re-introduction of sorts since you originally joined the forums a little over a year ago, correct? It’s not all that uncommon that people find their way here, forget about it for a bit, and then find their way back when they’re meant to. Magiq and all that :wink:
At first you said you were pointed in the direction of Gossmere and it didn’t feel right. Does Balimora feel more natural? Are you liking that fit better?


Excited to see so many new faces! Welcome!


Verdurant Bearing so it seems, and yes the first assessment i did it produced Gossmere, but after doing it again in a calm and quiet place it was Bali, which seems to fit nicely. I sometimes wonder if perhaps with me being a Hybrid Leo/Virgo (August 23 B-day) i share about half of the traits of each, that it could apply here also. Im content how it shows now though. As for me , i’m a 36 year old father of two, always in pursuit of peace quiet and freedom. Modern stoic and always at home in nature and often go alone. Former combat medic from the army for 8 years, spent 15 months in Iraq from 2007 to 2009. Now a Medicolegal Death Investigator for the Crime Laboratory and part time EMT and Deputy Coroner. Death has somehow followed me home from the military and i don’t function well without exposure to it. Im passionate about helping families and speaking for those who had their voices taken by violence or accident, or even intentionally. Always been very into art of all medias for a long time and feel its the true measure and beauty of the human race, even if we seem to be nearly a virus to the planet the last 50 or so years. An innate drawing towards this exists though, as it seemis common, so i’m following that path and open minded to its destinations. Wondering where and how new people like myself fit and can help in the best capacity. One thing that is happening and in waves is incidents with number synchronicity. At times is multiple times a day for weeks on end, 111 222 333 444 555 , then things like 1010 1111 1212 etc. Certain ones seem to repeat on certain days, but then they will stop completely for months at a time, and then start again , never sparingly or far apart, either all or none. I’m an extremely vivid dreamer, sometimes lucid , but always very detailed and real, some spanning multiple days where i go to sleep in the dream, dream again, tell people about the dream when i wake up and then it continues until i wake a second time and have two dreams from one to think about or journal. I guess i had a lot to say , Ha ! Thoughts ? Questions ?


Welcome back to the Ackerly Green Community @TacticalStoic! I’m Void, the Thornmouth Wagoneer.

To get started here on the forum make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the basic rules and info for getting around. Once you’ve done that you can start getting involved in our many discussion topics such as visual arts, your work, and hobbies!

After you’ve been active on the forum for a few hours you’ll be able to interact with the guild page, where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and discover what it means to be a Balimoran. The leadership roster will tell you your guild leaders as well as who takes care of what around the forum. There is also a Q&A for any further questions you may have.

We’re all very happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


Hello, my name is Rietveld, and I joined this forum too early.

I was technically introduced to this wonderful work last year. I saw a post Instagram that immediately piqued my interest (you try to sort me into a house or guild and I’m yours) and I saved it with the intention to get to it. That never happened, life has a way of getting in the way of things. In August of 2020 I was going through my old saved posts and found the assessment yet again and did it right then and there, I was declared Weatherwatch, joined the forum, and purchased Flora & Fauna and Cosmos & Time with every intention of jumping in. Once again, life had other plans. Until now, I’ve recently finished Flora & Fauna and I’ve started Cosmos & Time, I’m hoping to get caught up soon and get more involved.

Basically, this is my long and complicated way of saying that it’s nice to meet all of you and I hope to get to know you all as well. I’m a native New Yorker though I’ve long since moved. I’m fluent in Spanish and I’m interested in learning new languages both real (ASL, Esperanto) and fictional (Dothraki). I’m a big video game nerd with a gripping TTRPG obsession and I used to be a big reader but that died down as I’ve gotten older but I’m taking steps to correct that.


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Rietveld! I’m Void, the Thornmouth Wagoneer.

To get started here on the forum make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the basic rules and info for getting around. Once you’ve done that you can start getting involved in our many discussion topics such as language learning, video games, tabletop gaming, and currently reading!

After you’ve been active on the forum for a few hours you’ll be able to interact with the guild page, where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and discover what it means to be a Weatherwatcher. The leadership roster will tell you your guild leaders as well as who takes care of what around the forum. There is also a Q&A for any further questions you may have.

We’re all very happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


Welcome from a fellow Sun Guilder! (I’m Flinterforge, but we live on the same half of the compass as Weatherwatch.) We’re in a bit of a story break right now, so it’s a great time to hop in and start getting to know people in the topics. And you’re definitely not the only one whose book consumption has dropped off severely with age; I can feel the judgemental glare of my to-read list from here. :laughing: And don’t be afraid to post in an old topic if you see something you like! It can remind some of us who’ve been here longer to revisit something cool.


Welcome to the forums and the crew, @Rietveld! I’m Remus, one of Weatherwatch’s Captains along with @Skylad. We’re thrilled to have you on the forums and we can’t see more of you. Feel free to reach out to any of us leaders with questions that you might have!


YAY A NEW RECRUIT!!! Awesome to have you on board! Remus is the real powerhouse here! I’m just an overexcitable mascot who also gets put in charge of steering the ship from time to time (I may be responsible for one or several UFO sightings) but I am always willing and able to help new recruit! If I don’t know the answer I can find you a Thornmouth who does :colelulz:

Welcome again @Rietveld


@BrokenVoid @Viviane @Remus @Skylad Thank you all for the warm welcome! I swear I thought it hadn’t been two days since I introduced myself but some friends recently convinced me to pick up Monster Prom and the Sims has recently sucked me back in so been in a bit of a hole lol.


Believe me I know the feeling! Forgot to check something for an hour and suddenly it’s been three days. I’m sure plenty can relate.


Hahaha I’m a bit of a chronomancer so days are meaningless to me :joy: just need the date to figure out where I am :colelulz:


Pretty sure the Sims is responsible for like at least 10% of my overall time loss, so I get it!


Hello everyone!

I’m Alchemilla Heron. Alchemilla being from the botanical name of Lady’s Mantle, which I suppose is what happens when your mother is a botanist. I however am an acupuncturist, herbalist, and concoctor of many goods, mundane and otherwise. sly grin I certainly have loved books on history, mythology and folklore, natural sciences, languages that are current and ancient (especially those with different writing systems from my own), textiles, archaic fashion reconstruction, herbalism, alchemy, and magic.

I have been placed in Thornmouth and I get a shiver of excitement thinking of all the possibilities! It will be nice to have others to network with who also have such an affinity for books and information hoarding (hehe). Looking forward to chatting with everyone here and becoming a part of this community. I think, especially now with how things are in the world, finding connection with others is so important. Thanks!




Welcome @Alchemilla_Heron! Our amazing Waggoner @BrokenVoid will probably be along soon to give you a proper welcome (he’s a superstar!!! He reads all your introductions and finds good threads for you to look into to feel at home! If I wasn’t such a technophobe I’d probably give it a whack myself :colelulz:)

I’m Sky one of the Weatherwatch captains your more than welcome to reach out to myself or any of the amazing leaders but @Sellalellen is the Thornmouth First Word she can show you the ropes (show you the ladders??? The ledgers??? Idk what the Thornmouth version of show you around would be…) around your guild


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community and to the Thornmouth guild @Alchemilla_Heron! I’m Void, the Thornmouth Wagoneer.

To get started here on the forum make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the basic rules and info for getting around. Once you’ve done that you can start getting involved in our many discussion topics such as your work, currently reading, and languages!

After you’ve been active on the forum for a few hours you’ll be able to interact with the guild page, where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and discover what it means to be a Thornmouth. The leadership roster will tell you your guild leaders as well as who takes care of what around the forum. There is also a Q&A for any further questions you may have.

We’re all very happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


Hello! There’s so much stuff… I have no clue what to do with it all, but I’m super excited that there’s a new world to explore! I’ve never been a part of an interactive story before, although I’ve always loved reading fantasy novels. I’m in the Thornmouth guild, and am looking forward to getting to know everyone. :relaxed: