Wiki: Magimystical Assessment


Magimystical Assessments are tests which were completed by the Mountaineers at the end of every phase of The Monarch Papers, in order to unlock one of the four keyholes of the Book of Briars.


At the end of Phase One and Phase Two the Book of Briars sent out an assessment to all Mountaineers. These assessments were meant to be done individually, though some group work may be required.

Messages from the Book of Briars

At the end of Phase One, the Book of Briars emailed all the Mountaineers with the following message:

Good All Hallow’s Eve,
You have found four fragments.
Four fragments that can used to obtain a key to the Book of Briars.
But before you can obtain the key, you must first test your magimystic sensitivity, capability, and retention.
You must take the actual test alone. Sharing of its contents is not allowed, but you may seek general guidance from others.
Your assessment begins where this image belongs:
(There followed an image)
Do you remember where you first saw it?

At the end of Phase Two, the Book of Briars emailed all of the Mountaineers with the following message:

Good Imbolc,

You have found four new fragments.
Four fragments that can be used to obtain another key to the Book of Briars.
But first your magimystic intuition, capability, and retention must be tested.
You must take the actual test alone. Sharing of its contents is not allowed, but you may seek guidance from others. There are ways to work together.
Your assessment begins where this image belongs:
(There followed another image)

The Assessments

The Magimystical Assessments could be solved using information gathered throughout their respective phases.