Wiki: Durkonos


Durkonos is a constellation in the Briarverse.


Durkonos is a round-topped constellation, with its bottom taking the form of an M-shape, making it look almost like two mountains. The constellation, as represented on the Book of Briars website, was white with a blurred, light blue hue.

Durkonos is also an object in The Myth of Elainnor, by Fletcher Dawson. According to the librarians of the The Lost Athenaeum, Durkonos is the helmet worn by Elainnor.


Durkonos was the name of Fragment Eleven. It was found within Martin Rank’s memories after he admitted to holding the key to some of Portencia’s fragmented consciousness. After posting the phrase, “don’t fear them in the present,” the Book of Briars account edited it to include the link to the fragment. The image contained on the fragment page was necessary to solve the third Magimystical Assessment and unlock the Cosmos Key.

During The Day of Change, Deirdre wore glass armor reminiscent of the objects worn by Elainnor, including Durkonos, Galifanx, and Gladitor. She used them to defeat The Churning Storm once and for all by striking it with Gladitor.