The Welcome Super Topic

WEATHERWATCH REPRESENT!!! Quick lads and lasses!!! I want 8 barrels of our finest jingleberry wine brought up on deck! @Sapphire I want tables and food here YESTERDAY!!! @Remus gather all the watchers you can find!!! We have a new guildmate to welcome!!!


On behalf of all of Weatherwatch welcome @Frost Iā€™m one of your guild leaders (everyone just calls me Sky) youā€™re more than welcome to PM or ā€œ@ā€œ me anytime you have any questions or need help with anything! Iā€™ve been a bit quiet on the forums lately cause of life but my notifications are always turned on so Iā€™ll always be around to help out :grin:

@Remus is another Weatherwatch guild leader and is honestly one of the most amazing people to ask if you have any questions about the lore of the world! Donā€™t be afraid to reach out to either one of us if you have any questions or even just want a chat :grin:



Hello everyone!

Iā€™m Wyvern, I guess kind of obviously, and I was sorted into Flinterforge, which feels fairly appropriate. Iā€™m currently a college student so Iā€™m pretty busy, and Iā€™m studying psychology, anthropology, and history, but my career interests lie in zookeeping and animal science. I actually worked as a zookeeper last summer and became, legitimately, best friends with an owl. I read a lot, mostly science fiction and, predictably, fantasy. I also actually have a cat named Nimueh which I understand is also the name of a guild leader, which I think is fun. I play flute and I do pit orchestra here at school about every semester. Iā€™ve loved magic since my earliest memories and I was always that kid who thought if I tried hard enough Iā€™d finally get to experience it. I guess now I kind of have so Iā€™m really excited.


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Wyvern! Iā€™m Void, the Thornmouth Wagoneer.

To get started here on the forum make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the basic rules and info for getting around. Once youā€™ve done that you can start getting involved in our many discussion topics such as your work, hobbies, and pets!

After youā€™ve been active on the forum for a few hours youā€™ll be able to interact with the guild page, where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and discover what it means to be a Flinterforged. The leadership roster will tell you your guild leaders as well as who takes care of what around the forum. There is also a Q&A for any further questions you may have.

Weā€™re all very happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


Hiya my name is Chellyā€¦ Well actually itā€™s Me/Chall but by now everybody just called me Chellyā€¦ Or even ā€œhey u yes u u over there uā€ and I smile even with that greeting will doā€¦ Iā€™m 40ish??? Iā€™m a Ma to 10 beautiful almost grow children and two grands and one one the way (the rainbow baby)ā€¦ Oh speaking of rainbow babyā€¦ Iā€™m color blindā€¦ Geez that seemed to come from outta nowhereā€¦ Blah blah 32 years ago I was shot in the right eye with a Red Ryder BB gun AT FREAKING CHRISTMAS TIME AT THATā€¦ :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: I have to admit that Iā€™m Loosy Goosy as my meds havenā€™t yet kicked inā€¦ Stirring over the whole forum and OMG GOOD GRAVY WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTERESTED IN NOW??? I was minding my own business way on May 19, of 2019 and my ADHD was kicking me big time and as normal I come in and plop on the couch and get online to catch up on the latest hip hop gossip and the fakes onlineā€¦ I wasnā€™t paying much attention to my typing as I Googled ā€œmagickā€ but by mistake ā€œmagiqā€ and ā€œBernsteinā€ pops up on my screenā€¦ I chuckled as I said aloud ā€œlike the Bernstein Bears???ā€ But I lingered on the page for a few to many seconds too long and it caught my interestā€¦ WHAAAAA GET OUTTA DODGE WHATS THIS SORCERYā€¦ With my chin in my hand I wonder into the world of CJ Bernstein and his The Monarch Papersā€¦ I was hooked and I knew I was in troubleā€¦
Long story short I invested the best of three days immersion blender of the forum and the new information I was no lie there sitting on my couch for three days straight engulf and completely in over my head lost with the Magiqverse and those who inhabit thereā€¦ A knock on my door and "OMG my life was on pause for THREE DAYS STRAIGHTā€¦ I had lost track of time and how could I do something like this where did I go what happened did I die or alive IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE YASSSS OF COURSE in between the In-world and Out-worlds and everything in betweenā€¦ I had to actually get off my lazy bum to answer the front door to only be greeted by my groomā€™s (OTR driver with USX) loving but tired faceā€¦:green_heart::yellow_heart::purple_heart: HEā€™S HOME YAYS letā€™s go snuggles for the next two days uninterrupted it was then all that I had encountered just left me but not completelyā€¦ I had read up to chapter three of The Monarch Papers and just left everything like I hadnā€™t ever discovered itā€¦ Or so I thoughtā€¦
secretly The pages leaked into my consciousness every so often but I suffer from severe ADHD ASA it come into my In-world so it slipped into my Out-worlds šŸ™…šŸ™…šŸ™…
As our lives changed like in a split second 90Ā° Iā€™m seeing myself go through and sitting in the passengers seat next to my groom on his normal duty time I was swept away from the ā€œhaving to deal with actual peopleā€ phase of my life and into a life I truly wasnā€™t prepared forā€¦ An OTR driver for USX who was now being bossed around by my groom (in loving but stern moreso as he became my boss over night)
There u see there I go againā€¦ I lost track of time and I was loosing my memory of my footsteps I just took 20 secs agoā€¦ Whatā€™s wrong with meā€¦ I go OTR right on into a full blown depression I like to call The Lovely Depression as I was constant with my situation at that time but totally out of my heart (we had to board our sweet sweet VJ while we were out OTR) I lost myself again and I knew there was no coming back thenā€¦ As he worked so patiently with me and my driving skillsā€¦ I became the person I promised myself I would never become againā€¦ As he worked to get our handsome orange tabby reunited with us and I slowlyā€¦ No I really fell into depression almost over nightā€¦ It scared me and apparently him to seeing how much I missed our child VJ and couldnā€™t stand the separation from himā€¦ USX granted permission for VJ to become a member of the rider program #truckingkitty #kittydiaries on FB and Insta :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: shout-out but doing so in a quiet manner :notes::notes::notes: reunited and it feels so goodā€‹:notes::notes::notes: just as quickly as I slipped into The Lovely Depression did I come out of itā€¦ I have my child I have my man and I couldnā€™t be happierā€¦ Til we had to go North and the altitude saying quietly as to not wake the monster named Altitude stricken me to the coreā€¦ Thatā€™s another story in itself :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
My mind kept wondering off into this fantasy land of mystery and wonder that I found myself Googling The Magiqverse again I havenā€™t ever been this obsessed over anything in life LIKE EVER :sob::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I drove head first into this magically mystical mind of the brilliant CJ Bernsteinā€¦ I canā€™t put this down I have continued to loose track of time and experiences of memory loss as I have gotten to know the forum so well I have decided to stay thereā€¦ I like it thereā€¦ Itā€™s like hey there are like my people yoā€¦ I think imma finally find a place I can call my ā€œinterwebs homeā€ so to speakā€¦ I must learn how to keep myself in check with the reality of my surroundings just enough to get by til Iā€™m completely satisfiedā€¦ Hints to that will be a very long time maybe more than two years I predict as I see others have mentioned they are still lost and being members of this ā€œsecret societyā€ gangā€¦ Ok Pam u can calm down nowā€¦ NOT REALLY IM SUPER STOKED TO BE HEREā€¦
BRING IT IN FOR A BIG OLE HUG FAMā€¦ I am a proud member of the Ebenguardā€¦ Or if I were to speak politically correct Marentide with the affinity Pendulancyā€¦
Good day mates I canā€™t wait to drive in again now that Iā€™ve done my fantabulous introā€¦ Itā€™s nice to meet yous guys as I graduate up the ladder of knowing all things
Chelly or Chell whatever u are happy calling me
Username: mcctheone


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @mcctheone! Iā€™m Void, the Thornmouth Wagoneer.

To get started here on the forum make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the basic rules and info for getting around. Once youā€™ve done that you can start getting involved in our many discussion topics such as currently reading, hobbies, and pets!

After youā€™ve been active on the forum for a few hours youā€™ll be able to interact with the guild page, where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and discover what it means to be an Ebenguardian. The leadership roster will tell you your guild leaders as well as who takes care of what around the forum. There is also a Q&A for any further questions you may have.

Weā€™re all very happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


Iā€™m glad you decided to dive down the rabbit hole with us!


Thanx a millie for the warm welcome mountaineer mateā€‹:green_heart::yellow_heart::purple_heart:


Thanx a millie for the warm and very informational welcome mountaineer mate :green_heart::yellow_heart::purple_heart:


Hello everybody!

Iā€™m new here and excited to get started. Iā€™m Shrike, a name I chose in homage to my favorite science fiction novel (meaningless internet points to anybody who knows the reference). I actually went through The Guide about 8 months ago but didnā€™t take the next step until just now. Before joining the forum today I went back through The Guide and both times Iā€™ve done so Iā€™ve been a Thornmouth. So I suppose thatā€™s accurate!

In the physical world Iā€™m a veterinarian by day and . . . also by night lately. When I actually have free time I love reading (of course) and board games. Iā€™m looking forward to becoming more familiar with this universe!


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Shrike! Iā€™m Void, the Thornmouth Wagoneer.

To get started here on the forum make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the basic rules and info for getting around. Once youā€™ve done that you can start getting involved in our many discussion topics such as your work, currently reading, and tabletop games!

After youā€™ve been active on the forum for a few hours youā€™ll be able to interact with the guild page, where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and discover what it means to be an Ebenguardian. The leadership roster will tell you your guild leaders as well as who takes care of what around the forum. There is also a Q&A for any further questions you may have.

Weā€™re all very happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


Hi all- Iā€™m Bee. Iā€™m a floral designer and illustrator who loves raising snails and butterflies and collects bones and books. I play violin and cello, travel often, and one of my favorite pastimes is collecting stories and secrets from people I meet on my path through life.

I came across AG on the recommendation of a dear friend and was sorted into Weatherwatch.
I donā€™t know much about this community but I am very excited to get involved.



Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @aswarmofbees! Iā€™m Void, the Thornmouth Wagoneer.

To get started here on the forum make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the basic rules and info for getting around. Once youā€™ve done that you can start getting involved in our many discussion topics such as drawing, hobbies, and adventures!

After youā€™ve been active on the forum for a few hours youā€™ll be able to interact with the guild page, where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and discover what it means to be a Weatherwatcher. The leadership roster will tell you your guild leaders as well as who takes care of what around the forum. There is also a Q&A for any further questions you may have.

Weā€™re all very happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


ANOTHER WEATHERWATCHER!!! Welcome @aswarmofbees itā€™s wonderful to have you on board! Iā€™m Sky one of you guild leaders, feel free to PM or @ me whenever! @Remus is my partner in crime and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to Ackerly lore!!! Heā€™s also down for a chat if you have any questions you would like answered :grin:


Thanks, glad to be a Watcher!
Iā€™m really excited to be a part of this community.
Thanks so much for the warm welcome, and Iā€™ll keep that in mind if I have any questions :slight_smile:


Hi there everyone! Iā€™m currently reading TMP1, and the assessment placed me in Weatherwatch. I am a biomedical scientist (specializing in neuroscience - my username is a play on the type of cells I study :nerd_face:), but I am also a HUGE bookworm. I havenā€™t participated in a forum in about 15 years, but I am in love with the idea of readers shaping the narrative of this story, and Iā€™m very excited to get involved!


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Somebranches! Iā€™m Void, the Thornmouth Wagoneer.

To get started here on the forum make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the basic rules and info for getting around. Once youā€™ve done that you can start getting involved in our many discussion topics such as your work, hobbies, and book recommendations!

After youā€™ve been active on the forum for a few hours youā€™ll be able to interact with the guild page, where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and discover what it means to be a Weatherwatcher. The leadership roster will tell you your guild leaders as well as who takes care of what around the forum. There is also a Q&A for any further questions you may have.

Weā€™re all very happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


Hi all. New Thornmouth. Just discovered all this this evening. Iā€™ll be doing a deeper dive later tonight and tomorrow. But excited to discover what all this is about!


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community and to the Thornmouth guild @Berenger! Iā€™m Void, the Thornmouth Wagoneer.

To get started here on the forum make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the basic rules and info for getting around. Once youā€™ve done that you can start getting involved in our many discussion topics such as writing, currently reading, and hobbies!

After youā€™ve been active on the forum for a few hours youā€™ll be able to interact with the guild page, where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and discover what it means to be a Thornmouth. The leadership roster will tell you your guild leaders as well as who takes care of what around the forum. There is also a Q&A for any further questions you may have.

Weā€™re all very happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


ANOTHER WEATHERWATCH!!! :spiritseergimme:

Hey @Somebranches Iā€™m Sky one of the Weatherwatch guild leaders. Iā€™m always happy to answer any questions you may have so donā€™t be afraid to @ me if you need any help