The Welcome Super Topic

Hey everyone. I am in the beginnings of Flora & Fauna and I have just joined my Gossmere guild. Excited to start this new journey of magiq and adventure. :crystal_ball::relaxed:


Hey, welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @CelestialWitch! Iā€™m Void, one of the Thornmouth Wagoneers.

To start off make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there as those will give you the rules and basics of getting started. Once youā€™ve done that you can choose to lurk around for a bit to get a feel for how the forum works or jump right into some discussions. We have all kinds of topics you can join in such as food, drinks and cooking, your job, your personal hobbies, or just a general discussion for random thoughts.

After youā€™ve been active on the forum for a few hours youā€™ll be able to interact with the guild pages where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and explore what it means to be a Gossmere. Your guild leaders are @Augustus_Octavian and @OracleSage, you can message them anytime for help. You can also message any of the @Wagoneers which are currently @Rimor, @Ignatius and I. If you have any further questions we have a Q&A topic where you can get help from the whole community.

Weā€™re all very happy to have you here, and we hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


@CelestialWitch Hello! Iā€™m the Gossmere Wagoneer! Itā€™s nice to meet you, if you have any troubles please let one of us know!


Hey! Iā€™m Roo. Iā€™m an aspiring author and book lover. Thought Iā€™d pop in. Iā€™m part of Balimora!


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Roo! Iā€™m Void, one of the Thornmouth Wagoneers.

To get started make sure you read the initial post of the welcome thread and the forum primer linked there, as they will give you the rules of the forum. After that you can choose to lurk for a while and learn how the forum works or get right into discussions like hobbies, writing, or books youā€™re currently reading.

After youā€™ve been active on the forum for a few hours youā€™ll be able to interact with the guild pages where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and explore what it means to be a Balimoran. Your guild leaders are @Nimueh and @Helios, feel free to message them or any of the @Wagoneers for help. The current Wagoneers are @Ignatius, @Rimor and I. We also have a Q&A for any further questions.

Weā€™re all very happy to have you here and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


Welcome @CelestialWitch and @Roo!!!


Itā€™s so good to see so many fresh faces!!


Welcome back @cheyyyme!!!


A few months ago I gave my friend a Tarot card, one with the image of the phoenix.

I didnā€™t think of it until she moved out on a whim yesterday. I realized she took it with her. My heart sunk, since itā€™s part of a set, and I felt sad to ask for the token back.

Today I found it outside my house. Through the windy day and afternoon storms, it was caught in the clutches of a low lying bush, whoā€™s spindly fingers sheltered it from the wind and rain. I saw it immediately and held it, speechless.

I finally said, ā€œSometimes, you forget youā€™re magic and the Universe reminds you.ā€

As a rolling storm shakes my bedroom with thunderclaps and a gray tabby cozies up at my feet, the Universe reminds me of Magiq again.

Weā€™ve been looking for each other a while, havenā€™t we?

-Cassandra, Thornmouth


Hi yā€™all!

My name is Ashlynn, Iā€™m an avid magic fan on the tabletop, in literature, and in games.
I got sorted (is that the proper term?) into Ebenguard, which seems to suit me just fine at first glance.
Iā€™m excited to see where this takes me and Iā€™m ready to meet a bunch of other nerds in the journey!

-Lady Ash


Hello there fellow :mage:s ā€¦ I canā€™t really say how the Magiqverse found me, but Iā€™m glad it did!

Iā€™m a fellow creative and writer and Iā€™m drawn to the possibilities inherent in this creative format.

Iā€™ve been sorted into the Thornmouth Guild, not sure what that means as Iā€™ve not explored the forums or wiki yet or even read too far into the Magiqverse.

Hopefully Iā€™ll find more time to become a more informed member.

Thanks for having me :slight_smile:


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Cassandra, @Lady-Ash and @Lukos!!

So first thing you lot should do is make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as theyā€™re really important to get you started here!

Next @Cassandra and @Lukos your guild leader is @Sellalellen! @Lady-Ash you two guild leaders are @Ginger and @Ashburn!!

If you have any questions you can drop them in the Q&A thread! Your guild leaders should send you a welcome PM soon so you can ask them questions there as well! The Wagoneers @Ignatius, @BrokenVoid and myself are always available for guidelines so feel free to tag us!

Okay so at them moment youā€™re all at the lowest trust level so spend a few hours here and you should rank up to basic. This will allow you to introduce yourself to your guild mates over in the Thornmouth and Ebenguard welcome threads!

For now youā€™ll only be able to post in out of world threads! So @Cassandra you might be interested in the Oracle deck currently being built! @Lady-Ash you might be interested in tabletop gaming, D&D, gaming and the #bookish category! @Lukos you might want to look at the writers thread!

Before you all dive into the in world topics and wiki you might wanna check up on the story with CJs two fantastic books!


Welcome to the forum @Lady-Ash, and welcome to Thornmouth @Cassandra and @Lukos! Iā€™m Void, the other Thornmouth Wagoneer.


Hello! My name is Marie, and I am excited to be here. Iā€™ve always imagined creating a community like this, so to have one find me is truly magical.

Iā€™m one of the biggest nerds you will ever meet, with references ranging from Disney Princess movies, to Harry Potter, to Critical Role and World of Warcraft. Iā€™m going to school to study Film and Television directing, as well as creative/screenwriting.

Finally, I was lucky enough to be sorted into the Balimora Guild, which, from the description, suits me and my Heathen lifestyle very well.

Thank you for existing in general, and I am ready to get started! :3


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Marie!! Iā€™m James Rimor one of the Wagoneers!

So first thing you should do is make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as theyā€™re really important to get you started here!

Next let me introduce you to you guildā€™s wonderful leaders @Helios and @Nimueh! You can PM them or any of the @Wagoneers such as myself, @Ignatius and @BrokenVoid with any questions you have once you reach basic trust level! For now though if you have any questions you can post them over in the Q&A thread!

Then when youā€™ve reached basic level you can head over and introduce yourself to your guild mates in the Balimora welcome thread!


Welcome to the community @Marie! Iā€™m Void, the other Thornmouth Wagoneer. So glad to have you here!


hi, iā€™m leigh and a new addition to flinterforge (scary accurate). iā€™m excited to get reading and I hope i can get caught up quickly! very eager to begin exploring the magiqverse and getting to know everyone !!


Hello everyone!

Iā€™m Enoch, but most people call me ā€˜Virtueā€™
I was tested into the Ebenguard! I am filled with excitement and anticipation for meeting others whom seek truth and balance!

In real life Iā€™m pretty nerdy, reading as many fantasy novels as I can get my hands on, and Playing/DMā€™ing D&Dā€” this sort of story telling seems like the perfect to sate my thirst for collaborative storytelling!


Welcome @Leigh to the Ackerly Green Community! My name is Rimor one of Thornmouths Wagoneers!

So to get started please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as theyā€™re really important!!

Next up let me introduce you to your guild leaders @Tinker and @Viviane! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the Wagoneers such as myself and @BrokenVoid! We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When youā€™re at basic trust level you can head over to the Flinterforge guild hall to introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Enoch!!

So to get started please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as theyā€™re really important!!

Next your guild leaders are the wonderful @Ginger and @Ashburn! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the Wagoneers such as myself and @BrokenVoid. We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When youā€™ve increased in trust level you can head over to the Ebenguard guild hall to introduce yourselves to your fellow guild mates!

For now you can participate in threads such as Favourite Fantasy Novels and D&D!