21. The Secret Society: Of Two Minds

There’s a note in the cubby.


Got my hands full right now…

There’s a note on an old washed out business card. Holy crap.

I can’t take a pic of it. It’s fading in and out like A.G.'s journal entries. Hang on…


It (partially) says,

This object is called an aliquary. It is an ingot of pure magimystic energy. Aliquaries are sometimes left behind when a powerful magimyst dies. We left this for someone like you to find, and since you have, then the efforts of my family were not completely in vain.

[A blurred out passage]

I can’t imagine what the world is like now. I’m not even sure where I am if it has come to you finding this. But with this aliquary, you will have a chance. You were led to this. Chosen to find it. Use it well, but judiciously. It may be all the magic that’s left.

Fight for wonder in the world, whether it is our world, or some new and unknown world beyond.

Remember that nothing is by chance.
Trust in magic,
Avis Green


:scream: :scream: :scream:

So much has happened! I’m glad you finally made it to Neithernor Sabes!

Also…“trust in magic” sounds a lot like “trust in the flow of magiq” and it’s probably just a coincidence but I love how different ages of magiq have that idea…


so. the final, enormous question at hand: what the heck do we use it for?


That struck me too, @Tinker, and made me strangely emotional. We’re all tied together.


It gets warmer the longer you hold it.


Ummmm, WHAT! This is amazing, Sabes! I’m so happy you finally got to go to Neithernor - I know you’ve been waiting a long time :hermanthumbs:

Onto the slightly more pressing issue, the aliquary. It’s interesting because the word reminds me of Anne of Brittany and her reliquary. Reliquaries are just things that hold relics, typically of saints, and the word “relic” in the beginning of the word. This aliquary holds something that a powerful magimystic (in place of a saint) has left behind. What is this object/force/entity, and why is it called an aliquary instead of a reliquary? What does the “ali-” prefix refer to here?


It’s beautiful, can’t help but wonder whose energy is in that thing… and what purpose we are to use it for. If the letters right then it may be the last magiq in the book of kings, I think we’ve all felt it draining more and more. This gives us hope, this is our seed.
Now we just need to figure out how to make it grow.


Congrats on making it to Neithernor Sabes. You deserve to see that place.

The pendant reminds me of an Egg in some ways.

Aliquary…seems like a powerful artefact. Maybe we can try using the pieces in different combinations to see if they unlock any more places?


Sounds like quite the adventure Saberlane. Well done! Glad you’re okay.

And yeah, we never would have figured out that knock. Good thing you’ve got good instincts. You were chosen well.


if its a seed and all we need to do is make it grow, i assume we would just plant it in a pot of dirt. Unfortunately, something tells me that wont do.


I can’t take the credit for the knock. @Tinker and @grimangel53 figured most of that out.

And to me that letter means we were chosen, not just me. I imagine any of you would’ve done what I did. You’re the brave ones. I’m just more prone to breaking laws in search of magic.


Bah. you’re own awesomeness this day does not take away from ours. Yes, we rock. But we don’t regularly run down pitch dark tunnels into oncoming trains to find a door to another world.

Hold onto this victory with both hands and accept you done good. We’re proud of you. :slight_smile:


:endriblush: thanks @Robert


how did Tinker and I figure out the knock?
Im not entirely following here.


Tinker had the idea to use the elements:

And you started attributing elements to objects:

Which helped me figure out a possible final combination:

Since the elements are connected to guilds, I tried the knock combination: Gossmere, Weatherwatch, Ebenguard, Thornmouth, Flitnerforge, and I took a wild guess that the last knock would either be one of the other guilds repeated, or Balimora. It was Balimora.


I feel like this is a too-generous assessment of my contribution here BUT moving forward…I think it’s safe to assume the aliquary and it’s energy isn’t Avis’ magiq since the letter is signed by Avis. Are there any other prevalent magimysts that we know of yet? Is the “who” an important question here?


Sorry I haven’t been around to contribute much but well done on getting to Neithernor Sabes!


I know things are crazy lately; what with @Saberlane breaking into train stations and finding Neithernor while we cast a spell continuously for 30 days straight and get strange messages through Instagram that we’re apparently doing something right. I just wanted to pause, step back from the chaos, and share my gratitude with everyone.

Yesterday, my phone (not the AG app, just plain ol’ Google Images) reminded me that it’s been a year since I went to Bancroft Tower and found Buried Treasure. A whole year. Think about it, Mounties. In the past year, we’ve scoured the globe for a lost magimystic vault, pieced together the broken memories of a Neithernorian spirit, eventually setting him free and rejoining him with his lost love and family, read the secret diary of a woman in an alternate dimension as the world she knew crumbled around her, ultimately found a tiny, coalesced pearl of pure magiq, and more!

I can’t believe what an adventure this year has been, and I couldn’t ask for a better group of kindred spirits to have been on it with. I’ve learned about myself as a person, what you and I are all capable of as magimystics, and about just how deeply the secret history of our world is buried.

Thank you for taking over Ackerly Green Publishing, keeping the lights on, and for your continued feats of derring-do @Saberlane. None of us would be here without you. Thank you, again, Mountaineers. Keep climbing!
