7. The Secret Society: Wet Woolie

I have some time tomorrow morning to go hunting for lost memories. Any ideas of what I should be looking for, especially now with the changed poem?


It’s hard to say, but so far, we’ve found a market, a clock, and a cemetery. And also, possibly, two wheels at sea. So that means, you’d be looking for a tower, a courthouse, or a memento mori.

Also, every location we’ve found so far has been listed in the Atlas Obscura, so likely locations should have some kind of notoriety. Also, from what we know, the locations don’t seem to be terribly far from a Mountaineer. They were less than 15 miles away for me and Robert, at least. My guess is, look for things within a 20-25 radius of wherever your pin usually resides.


the adams river salmon run, which has so many salmon usually show up that the water literally turns blood red. maybe a memento mori, cause the salmon usually die once they get here.


Thanks, Rev! I have some ideas.


All right, Mounties! Stop #1 on the hidden memory tour (in the SNOW, by the way) was a dud. With the new “sinister shear” clue, I thought a treacherous chasm would be a sure-shot. Nope! Onto the next location.


DING DING DING, we have a winner!

This creepy miniature castle held the hidden memory:

“Buried treasure”


Great work Augo! What’s the place called?


Well done @Augustus_Octavian! Which clues does this match up with?


Well, it’s definitely a tower…

It’s not particularly sinister (even if they use it for haunted houses)…
I can’t find anything that says the guy who had it built did anything nefarious, despite the rumor in the AO article that he was “using up the family fortune”…

Maybe this one is seal of a king and the market was Romanesque lure?


Since it’s been a bit, here’s an update to the list:

  • Robert - Balimora - “A market - the seal of a king” - “A Collector of Tales”
  • Rimor - Thornmouth - Moses Carpenter’s Grave - “A cemetery - a carpenter’s cure” - “A Circle of Stones”
  • Revenir - Flinterforge - Union Station Clock - “A clock - a union in time” - “A Lost Father”
  • Augustus_Octavian - Gossmere - Bancroft Tower - “A tower - a Romanesque lure” - “Buried Treasure”
  • Deyavi - Ebenguard - Asamkirche - “A memento mori - a sinister shear” - “A Swashbuckling Pirate”

We still need:

  • A courthouse


  • A brush with the law

Augo, you’re amazing! Thank you for checking out that spooky castle for us. :cjsmile:

Side note - do we think this could be Romanesque? That’d be from the period of 900–1200AD. It seems like it could fit into that time period.


And “lure” could be a tip to Bancroft’s naval experience?


Per our fan club :coleshadez:, it looks like we don’t have to worry about the wheels or the tree anymore (though after looking at it, and the name of that book related to it, I feel strongly about that being it).



Oh, really? Well I’m a goof. I assumed we’d have to find both the new clue and the old one. :joy: I’ll fix my post.


I’m doing some more digging on that courthouse clue, particularly since it’s looking more and more like it pairs with a brush with the law. Found a place that was once (at different times) a courthouse and a prison.

May need to wait a bit though…


Or a “memento mori,” since it was built to honor Admiral Bancroft by his friend after he’d passed away.


Excellent point, then we should be on the lookout for memento moris and towers, to be safe.


What’s vexing me is the meaning behind memento mori. At a first look I thought it would mean “remember the dead” (I have minimal latin experience, only a few old textbooks) but according to a quick google search it means “remember that you have to die”.

The phrase relates to ‘medieval Latin Christian theory and practice of reflection on mortality, especially as a means of considering the vanity of earthly life and the transient nature of all earthly goods and pursuits.’ That seems very off-putting and doesn’t seem to specifically relate to a type of location. All that I can think of it connecting to is to any medieval Christian churches.

Another possible connection it may have could be to the overall situation with Woolie and his death. He is dead and working on remembering his own death. And regardless of how he may feel, he knows that the memories he’s longing for are about him dying and won’t turn out any happier. He has no choice but to know that he has to die in these memories.


Okay, so I’m at the Millhopper, walked around the whole trail that runs along the top…

Maybe I need to actually go closer to the bottom/center of it to get it to register? If that’s the case, it may be a while. Apparently the rangers were telling people 2-3 months 2-3 months ago.



for memento mori - theres a place called memory mall on my campus that doubles as a veterans memorial? im not sure what it would have to do with the shear part of the clue, but should i check it out? and on that note, how close has everyone had to be to the specific location before the notification happened?