2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

I think this should be the focus (as we’re doing) of our investigation and the content of our next message to our new apparent allies. They seem to know as much, if not more, than we do about the Silver; maybe even about the Monarchs and the other magimystic groups of The Book of Kings.

Whatever is behind the “leaden veil,” it seems like the primary motivation is to isolate us from potential allies, like “The Searchers” (the herald and her protectors, behind the SearchforMagiq account), the Low, etc.

We know that the Council of the 18 Gates used their power to protect us rather than our iteration of the Book of Briars, allowing the book to be destroyed by the Silver’s storm; we’ve always thought them to be allies, but could they be the ones interfering with our ability to be seen by other magimystics? Thinking about other independents out there that we may be hidden from, would it be worth trying to get a message to the current Cagliostro and see if this leaden veil prevents her from seeing us, as well, with the idea that if there’s no response than perhaps it is, in fact, preventing her from seeing/reaching us?


Should we tell ‘The Searchers’ (I like that Augustus) about the Aliquary? I mean, we went through a lot of trouble to find it. We have no idea what to do with it, but the BoW Mounties sure seemed to think it would help in moving beyond this mess.

Maybe the Aliquary is what’s protecting AGP? No idea.

Edit: or maybe the Aliquary is so strong that the ‘mundane’ is trying to cut us off from the world to isolate it.


The Aliquary as the cause is an interesting idea. @SpiritSeer - when did you first hear about our stuff not being able to be seen by the others in The Low? It looks like The Vault arrived in the AGP offices on 2/19/19.


I have a thousand questions about the stag and the newt and the…

For now, I’d kind of guesstimated when things started “happening” with regards to the Mounties and the Low, but wanted to wait until I got confirmation. Which I just did.

Looks like things started going wonky about a year ago, give or take a month? So around May of last year?


I’m using the wireless priority service to message while I’m in the mountains, which is… kind of a no-no, but I wanted to answer @Augustus_Octavian as soon as I could. If I hear more, I’ll let you know when I’m back home!


Important dates to keep in mind:

The Day of Change happened on October 2, 2017. The Book was burnt in Fragment 12 around May 31, 2017. I don’t know that it would be the Council - their protection was fading around October of that year. That was a big part of the pressure to get going on defeating the Storm. I don’t know that we have any remnants of them left…as sad a thought as that is…

Based on the timeline, it looks like “Wet Woolie” was going on then. We unlocked the aliquary a month or so ago, and Sabes got the shipment in February 2019.

This stands out to me… Is it possible that the Silver are behind this? They must sense a war is coming too, they know the Book of Kings is over, so I’m sure they’re scrambling to come up with something. I doubt they were resting on their laurels for the past year and a half.

We can test some other forum-goers while we’re at it. @FKALauren @Marty.60 can you guys see this at all?

Should I email Marty? @Saberlane would you have special contact info for him, by any chance?


Yeah, I was just writing to say that I’ve tried to reach out to Marty several times over the past year and never had a response. I thought that given what happened with his son he was preoccupied but now I’m thinking that’s not really like him.


Oh man, I just checked the last time he posted to the forum. It was April of last year (fan club post) which aligns with what @SpiritSeer said.


It doesn’t look like anyone was ‘seen’ on the forum past 2017, except Eaves and Marty (and no one visited in 2019).

This is not good. What if they’ve been trying to reach out to us? And if you couldn’t get an email through, that must mean we’re barred from other forms of communication, too.


Even more worrying, I used Marty’s personal email address. So it’s not just the forum.


So, if we met Woolie around then, is that possibly when the ‘Last Figuration’ started?

Wasn’t the Last Figuration meant to keep magiq focused around one Well (AGP offices)? Maybe it included a protection, or they did it too well and it’s now more of a Black Hole then a Well and magiq can’t escape?

As my former Italian mother in law was fond of saying when she had no idea and I was asking her a silly question. “Boh?!” (pronounced Boo)


Hmm… Well, the first Secret Society post is from March 2018. I think the first mention of the haunting started here.

Sabes - do you remember when the haunting started? Was it in March, or sometime before that? :brandonthinking:


I don’t remember for sure, but I think it was around February that we really started noticing the weird things.


If that’s the case… I’m not sure if the events with Woolie are the cause of the veil. It’s several months too soon. Though that’s partly my tinfoil cap speaking…

I don’t know, my gut just really feels like this is something to do with the Silver. It just makes sense to me. Now that they can’t sic the Storm on their enemies, maybe they’re trying to fracture us, keep us from mobilizing. Win the war before it’s even started.


Especially because we’re not cut off from everyone. New recruits are still finding their way here every day.

We’re not just being cut off. We’re being strategically cut off.

Or at least it feels that way.


Gosh, I didn’t even think about that aspect. It makes sense though.

It’s actually brilliant if you think about it. We have no problems contacting our mundane friends and family. And each other. It lulled us into a false sense of security. After all, we’d think our amazing magimystical allies must just be busy, right?



That’s has some heavy implications. It’s like a digital siege almost. We can gather all the members we want, but we can’t do anything outside of our little corner of Internet. Someone or something really doesn’t want us influencing things, be that upcoming events or The Low.


It feels a little bit futile now I think about it. No matter how many people we recruit, no matter how strongly we believe, we’re just shouting at a wall. It’s not going anywhere.


Don’t give up hope. This is exactly the information The Searchers asked for. This is good. :cjheart:


Guys I’m freaking out. What if the Silver is terrorizing our friends while we’ve been (seemingly) MIA? And they wouldn’t even be able to ask for our help!?

I’m ready to fight :laurenangry: