Wiki: Bash

Bash is a Mountaineer and was a moderator of the Basecamp 33 Forum.


Bash is one of the quietest members of the Mountaineers, mostly staying in the background unless called upon by someone. They make sure that the site is running properly. Despite this, they can be very silly, doing things such as adding a tin-foil hat emoji to the forum.


Belonging to Flinterforge, Bash is one of the core Mountaineers recruited by Ascender. Although Bash has rarely appeared after the creation of the Basecamp site, they did announce the opening of the Basecamp 33 Forum in a post titled ‘The Basecamp Forum is Live.’ Bash has appeared from time to time to confirm strange changes to the forum, such as the appearance of the Book of Briars leader account and checking the IP addresses of suspicious accounts.

In a comment on ‘The Week of July 23rd’ recap thread, Endri noted that “the last time I heard from Eaves he was going on a trip somewhere with Bash but wouldn’t say where. I just have hope that if they were in any kind of trouble they’d let us know.” Besides this, Bash’s fate is currently unknown.

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