The Welcome Super Topic

Welcome @Psychopomp and @Kvornir!!!


I think it should also be mentioned that my painting, titled ‘The Four Elements’, just won at my local county fair. I found out the same day this all happened. Just leaving this here for posterity.


Hi there!

My name’s Aschu, and I’m a pretty outgoing college student with a (at least I’d like to say) knack for creating pretty decent amateur drawings, love of dogs, and super power of always waking up at 6 am regardless of whether I went to bed at 3 am or not.

I was sorted into Balimora! It seems very interesting, and I’m sure I’ll love it- it’s just odd for me to wrap my head around the symbolism a bit because I’ve been trained to associate nature with stability rather than chaos, but honestly I welcome that new train of thought.


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Aschu! I’m Rimor one of Thornmouths Wagoneers!

So to get started please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as they’re really important!!

Next up let me introduce you to your amazing guild leaders @Helios and @Nimueh! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers such as myself and @BrokenVoid. We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When you’re ready you can head over to the Balimora guild hall to introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates!

Some thread you might be interested in are Pets, sketch and visual arts!


I found a link to this on facebook, as I have loved interactive novels for a while I wanted to give this a try.
I got sorted into gossmer and hope I can contribute well.


Welcome @Onward to the Ackerly Green Community!! I’m Rimor one of the Wagoneers from Thornmouth!

So to get started here please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as they’re really important!!

Next up let me introduce you to your amazing guild leaders @OracleSage and @Augustus_Octavian! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers such as myself and @BrokenVoid. We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When you reach basic trust level you can introduce yourself to you fellow guild mates in the Gossmere welcome thread!

For now tell us about some of your interests so we can direct you to some threads you might like!


Welcome to the community @Aschu and @Onward! I’m Void, the other Thornmouth Wagoneer. Glad to have you here!


I’m a all around gamer and anime watcher. I play games from all systems and eras that I can find. The rest of my time I’m usually helping others


We do have a video game topic that you may enjoy. It doesn’t look like we have a topic for anime, but if you want to start one I’m sure there would be interest in it.


How would I go about starting one?


There should be a button on the main page called new topic


Hey, I’m mikasol, I love studying magic in many forms, have most my life, I stumbled upon the magiq universe a couple days ago. Or rather it found me. Turns out I’m Ebenguard and I can see that but I’m brand new and want to be cuaght up I’m reading Flora and fuana now, well devouring it haha I’m sure I’ll be done in a day or two. Loving every minute of this almost feels like home


Welcome to the forum, @Mikasol!

I’m one of the Ebenguard guild leaders, along with @Ginger. Any questions you may find yourself with while poking around the forum, feel free to reach out to either of us or our Wagoneers.

We have our Q&A topic here, our guild hall welcome topic here (which may or may not be locked to posting in for a little while, depending on exactly how long/how much browsing the forum requires to go up from the super-new-person level). The top post on this thread has some good info too, though I’m sure you’ve seen it. :endriwink:

Look forward to seeing you around! :laurensmile:


Thanks Ashburn! Ill bring my questions to you and the q&a much appreciated :blush:


Hi everyone. I’m new here and I just found this community. I’m part of the Ebenguard guild and I can’t wait to help build this world


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Zhadic!!

So to get started please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as they’re really important!!

Next your guild leaders are the wonderful @Ginger and @Ashburn! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the Wagoneers such as myself and @BrokenVoid. We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When you’ve increased in trust level you can head over to the Ebenguard guild hall to introduce yourselves to your fellow guild mates!

Now that’s out of the way tell us a little bit about yourself and your interests!


Just stumbled upon all of this through a friend’s link on Facebook. Took my quiz and was sorted into Balimora. I read the other guild descriptions in the wiki and though I feel drawn to aspects of other guilds, this one seems to resonate with me. (I’m a social worker, so the Gossmere guild felt philosophically right - but I’m also a bit chaotic and trust where the Universe leads me, even when it doesn’t appear “correct” on the surface… so Balimora it is!)

I have not finished reading everything yet - it will likely take me a bit. I’m open to all guidance and gentle nudges to know where to go next and what to do. I’m not entirely sure what this all is yet, but I’m interested. :slight_smile:


Welcome @Solunari to the Ackerly Green Community!!

So to get started please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as they’re really important!!

Next up let me introduce you to your amazing guild leaders @Helios and @Nimueh! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers such as myself and @BrokenVoid. We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When you’re ready you can head over to the Balimora guild hall to introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates!

I’d recommend you start with CJs books as they’ll get you caught up on the narrative but In the meantime we have all kinds of topics you can join in such as food, drinks and cooking, your job, your personal hobbies, or just a general discussion!


Well, I like to read and play games. Most of my spare time I usually play games. But this interested me so much I decided to focus on learning about this amazing world and the people behind it


Well @Zhadic have multiple threads about reading the #bookish such as Currently reading and book recommendations, we also have gaming, tabletop and D&D threads!