The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

Okay, maybe I was wrong before and maybe vague isn’t the way here. We want to know what’s happening and if we can get on their fragment run. So, maybe we should just ask him. Like literally, “What happened to the forum? What is looking for you and why? Can you help us get approved with Tinkerdown so we can help you?”


I think the shift may be a good idea. If we don’t ask we may wind up wasting time we don’t have.


I agree with @Nimueh 's most recent line of questioning. Remember the book’s fragments (and Sullivan’s hints) have almost always sent us towards people who need help. In the course of helping them, we get our fragments.

The key question I would think is how can we help them in their current situation. Without destroying space and time, of course. Heck, we may have ‘already’ helped them, and the only reason Augie is alive now and was capable of warning Ascender is because we saved them.

Trust in the flow of magic. We’re talking to Augie for a reason, and that will become apparent if we help him out as best we can.


Joradian Safeguards for everyone! Kidding.

But… really.


You know that’s not a bad idea. We can send attachments. We could in theory send him the safeguard spell. Just say we dug it up in a library. Of course, they might already be using one.


I disagree - there was no indication in Augernon’s discussion with Martin during the Consolatory Tea Time spell that indicated that he had any help from the future. Here’s a re-post of that conversation to get everybody up to speed:


This may, again, be my savior complex at work. But maybe part of our purpose in being connected to Augernon, of all people, is to help them survive.


When done properly, no one knows they have help from the future. :wink:

Augie stood up to the storm allowing Ascender and others to escape alive and non-memory wiped. I’m just saying it’s a possibility he did that and lived with a bit of help. We still don’t know the mechanics of the encounter.

Anyway, that’s a future bridge. We need more grounded information first.


And what do we say? “We’re from the future. You have to sacrifice everything you love, have all of your mental faculties erased, develop what sounds more or less like epilepsy, so we can continue on your work?”


Hey @Nimueh. I was thinking the same thing as @Endri about establishing a timeline. Could we maybe tweak/add to the message to ask specifically which fragment they’re working on?
The fact that their forum is down makes me believe that the Storm has already targeted them at the time Augie gets our messages. :worried:


If we “help” him sacrifice his sanity to stand up to the Storm and allow Ascender to escape, then not only are we possibly interfering with the past, we are actually interfering with his free will.


I didn’t say that at all. I have no inclination to tell him we are connected to the future. But we weren’t connected to them for no reason. I’m just as sketched out by the idea of messing with the past as you are, but this qualifies as “the most dangerous magiq” in its own right.

AND quite frankly, maybe this is just Guild Pride, but I have serious doubts that anything we say could ever stop him from being willing to make the same sacrifice a hundred times. Even if he knew in advance what it would cost him. He did it because it was the only acceptable choice to him. He is a protector by nature.


Honestly? Not as the first pass, but if it eventually comes to it. Yes.

I’d more phrase it as 'We know what will come to pass. You’re going to defend your two families in a valiant struggle so they can live. It will come at great personal cost, but your actions will lay the foundation so that we can reopen the door and bring Magiq back to this world."

Heck, I’d sign up for that. Sounds like Augie would too.

But like I said…that’s a LONG way down the path. We’ve only done step 1 here. Let’s do step 2. We can worry about step 45 after step 44.


Maybe we already meddle in the past. Sullivan says trust in the flow of magiq. So maybe we already helped augi survive the storm.

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I’m standing behind that plan.

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My opinion would be to use this as a window into the past, and gather information we need for the present rather than a door to the past to actively participate in any events that have already unfolded.

I totally get the “maybe things are the way they are because we did X” argument, but I really think it’s too risky. Also, I have deep ethical reservations about essentially taking away Augernon’s free will by telling him he has to be the one to take the fall for everyone else to survive.


Sacrifice one to save many. The trolly problem.

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We don’t know what we’re walking into yet. Let’s establish that first. Then decide what our role is meant to be in this situation.


I’m totally down with the idea we don’t tell Augie he has to do anything. Augie made his own decisions.


By telling him what we know has already come to pass, we aren’t giving him any other options.

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