The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

My only fear wouldbe that it would either be useless or bring The Storm down on them faster.

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I had those same fears too but from what I’ve heard they don’t get past fragment 12 which means they never get the key (Correct me if I’m wrong!) The storm is the only big problem, we don’t know how it works or what will happen if we send the key. It might be something we have to chance, but I don’t think the storm or its master will see this coming.


We didn’t see it coming either. Our progress and what Aether did - a direct action - spurred the Storm into an attack. Our actions could provoke the Storm into attacking Augie and the others much sooner than it might otherwise.

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Does anyone have more information on what exactly happened to the 94 Mounties? Tin foil hat time! What if the 94 Mounties were attacked last time because we sent the key?

Let’s give them the key. I’m quickly liking that idea… Maybe, well crap what do we do if he asks where it came from?

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Well we could say we don’t know what its for and say that we thought it might be important to them? I’m not sure it’s a hitch that we’ll have to overcome

And maybe let’s ask which fragment they are on? It would let us know how much we can say.


Maybe the key is somethign to give them a little further down the line. I think we first need to find out what they’re doing and if we can get in on it. Maybe it’s not about giving them the key to use, but us using it on the past book once we have access to it.


I don’t entirely disagree with you. But I think we may need to try to jump on their Frag Wagon before we think about that. Plus, consider the implication - that we have somehow been separately working on the Book and got farther than they have, without them being able to see any of the tangible results. And we show up right as things are going wrong for them, with information we can’t possibly have and a key they have no reason to trust. Something is after them. They don’t know it’s not us.


You’re right we do need to get in on their fragment first and find out how much they know. But I’m afraid they don’t have much time left. Sometimes you gotta have a bit of blind faith. @Nimueh is right this is something for further down the line but I don’t think we will have much choice

How’s this?

"You mentioned that your forums are down and that you’re not allowing your kids to answer the phone; has something happened? We heard recently something about “the Storm”? Also, something about the Council and the Fray? Have you had contact with them lately? "


The Fray is a place on the other side of the veil, so its not a thing they’d contact, but the Council is.

Also, just one person’s opinion, but we’ve already presented ourselves to him as Mountaineers just like him. So we don’t have to withhold all our knowledge, just our understanding of their situation specifically.


Yeah, the “them” was refering to the council, but I can see now that it doesn’t sound right. I was going along @Revenir’s train of thought and trying to ask what he knows about the Fray, and maybe find something we could use to help the council. But yeah, not the best way to go about it… Any suggestions?


Also, in his response to us it sounded very much like they’re recruiting. Almost like a Welcome Lodge post.


Okay, haha. The wording had me a little confused but I see where you were going with it for sure… Maybe ask him what he knows about The Fray directly but separately. Like after asking if he has had contact with The Council.

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I do think it’s important to find out where they are, fragment-wise, so we can assemble a timeline… Augie mentioned the Storm coming for them at 12. Does that means 12 is yet to happen or was “losing the forum” what happened when The Storm first showed up and they are past that point, time-wise? Keeping his boys off the phone indicates that A) there is still some imminent threat and B) Augie hasn’t made his final stand against The Storm.

This is mind-blowing.


Okay so, the thing is, what I have been dancing around admitting is that I am worried if we ask too many questions too quickly it will shut him down. They’re clearly in trouble already.

I’ve toyed with different thoughts, but I’m standing by my earlier opinion that we should ask about being involved with their Frag hunt to find out where they are and what, if anything, we can do and assess how immediate their danger is. And we can ask if they’ve had contact with The Council… But I really think our focus should be Tinkerdown and getting connected to their BoB, if it’s possible for us to do that from 23 years in the future.


Maybe we should just stick to the Frag stuff this message then, and later ask about the council once we’ve done an assessment of the situation?


Kinda what I was getting at, but it’s not up to me.

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Here are my thoughts:

  1. It goes against my better moral judgement, too, @Deyavi but we absolutely cannot issue any warnings, hints, or probably even suggest that we’re from the future or regarding anything that may have happened after 1998. If circumstances change, and Augernon isn’t put into a position to make his last stand, we risk Ascender not escaping The Storm. In that case, Endri, Itsuki, Eaves and Bash will remain a Club for Rare Book Enthusiasts rather than be recruited as Mountaineers. Therefore, we will never have seen the online Magiq Guide posted by them in Autumn 2016. Slowly, quietly, all the Wells left in the world would dry up and the Storm will have won forever.

  2. I agree with @Deyavi’s thought that this magiqal singularity probably can’t put us in touch with whomever we want. I don’t think it will be fruitful to get Tinkerdown’s contact information to get recruited into the '94 Mounties. Fletcher Dawson’s site doesn’t have an address field, we can’t direct any of our messages, so I think it’s safe to assume that we can only communicate with Augernon.

  3. This has to be “the most dangerous of magiqs” to allow us to “reach through time” Sullivan talked about. We need to focus on our task, and in doing so, we need to (and I hate saying this) probably somewhat deceive Augernon to our own ends because of reasons outlined in point #1. I’m at loss for what exactly to ask for to help Dierdre get to Niethernor, but…

  4. I did note that Fletcher’s site has an attachments field. Can we ask him to send a digital copy of the Book of Briars, especially now that their “forum is down”?

5). We probably should only use one pseudonym when emailing, regardless of whom actually is composing and sending the message.