The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

Maybe we already meddle in the past. Sullivan says trust in the flow of magiq. So maybe we already helped augi survive the storm.

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I’m standing behind that plan.

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My opinion would be to use this as a window into the past, and gather information we need for the present rather than a door to the past to actively participate in any events that have already unfolded.

I totally get the “maybe things are the way they are because we did X” argument, but I really think it’s too risky. Also, I have deep ethical reservations about essentially taking away Augernon’s free will by telling him he has to be the one to take the fall for everyone else to survive.


Sacrifice one to save many. The trolly problem.

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We don’t know what we’re walking into yet. Let’s establish that first. Then decide what our role is meant to be in this situation.


I’m totally down with the idea we don’t tell Augie he has to do anything. Augie made his own decisions.


By telling him what we know has already come to pass, we aren’t giving him any other options.

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So we’re established that we intend to ask this evening only about their progress with the Book and Fragments.

And we will discuss the rest when we have to make that choice. If we have to make that choice.


I think we all agree that telling him anything about the future is a huge red flag and we’re not doing that unless we have no other choice.

Who knows. Maybe Augie tells us “You know, I have a crazy plan to sacrifice myself and save everyone. But I don’t think it’ll work, so why bother I’ll just sit here and die.” Maybe we’re supposed to tell him his plan worked.

Heck, how many weird messages have we gotten from journals and things. Are you sure none of them are from our future?

We all agree not to do this lightly. Let’s just see how things are first.

Edit: I just blew my own dang mind. What if Cole and Deidre have a kid (no pressure guys) and name them Sullivan. What if we’re not talking to the Sullivan we think we are?


OKay, let’s take a step back a sec again.

First off, we need to establish when we are in the timeline. We can do that this message and see what response we get. And yes, @Viviane I have changed my draft message to include asking which fregment, just haven’t posted an update recently on it as I wanted to see what other ideas we had first.

Secondly, I see both sides of the whole “meddling with the past” thing.There are many ways though to influence a person, including merely suggesting something.There is no way yet of knowing if that’s what we’re doing here, so let’s leave this for now.


I think we are all in agreement about our first step, and that we are going to be responsible with this. So let’s think about the wording of the message. We have several hours, still. But it’s good to be prepared.


Good to find more mountaineers. Especially now. After losing the forum I’m over cautious… Won’t even let my boys answer the phone. Whatever’s out there is looking for us now. Don’t know about Neithernor but I can tell you “when” with some certainty (haven’t lost my mind completely in all this craziness) I’m now. With you. Haha. I don’t know if I can get you on the fragment chain though, if that’s what you’re hoping. I don’t do the “admissions” stuff now that things got crazy. Tinkerdown’s in charge of that. If he chooses to approve you, you’re approved. Otherwise you just have to wait for all-mounty announcements or emails from the book.
By the way, what’s your name?? My user name’s Augernon but everybody calls me Augie.

“We see the mountain no one sees. We seek the mountain no one seeks.”

So, first, what do we tell him we’re called? Is there a good 90’s cultural reference we can use to “blend in”?

Second, he doesn’t think he can get us on the fragment chain, but I think we could get by with saying that we’re finding this all very confusing and trying to catch up (especially since the forum went down) - could he tell us which fragment we’re currently working on so that we can get up to speed?


Here’s it atm:

"Hi Augie!
My name’s Nimueh, and I’m one of a small group of Mountaineers. We only just found out how to contact you guys, actually. What happened to your forum? What is looking for you and why?

As for the fragments; Is there a way you could put us in touch with Tinkerdown? Or maybe you could tell us how we might get approved? We’d really like to see if we could help you guys out. Which fragment are you on, by the way?

Thanks again,

What do people think? Any wording changes? Anything to add/cut? I already said we were mountiees last message, so we can just stick with that.


It looks good to me. I can’t think of the we would need to add right now.

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Like @Augustus_Octavian mentioned, can we specifically ask to confirm which fragment they’re working on?


Sorry, I must have tweaked it again lol, could have sworn I did ask :smiley:


No problem! That’s what all the extra eyes are for, anyway. :wink:


Ugh, got to wait 5 hours and 2 minutes.


Like many of you I stayed up until 4 am
(What we were thinking is beyond me)
Now that we know we are talking to we should, if we haven’t already, compile a clear list of questions we all agree will not mess with time. I’m sure our resident Thornmouths will have a clear idea on what we can and cannot do, as one of their affinities is time bending.


I think this is an awesome response btw. Selfishly there are some questions I’d also like to ask but I’m unsure if it would be safe or not.