SOLVED Fragment Eleven: Durkonos

Something I’m worried about though; how likely is it that Augie will do or say something hastily? If he accidentally alerts anyone that his memory is back, I can say pretty confidently that KS will crack down as fast as they can.


As far as I know, the only one who knew Augie personally ain’t around to tell us now.

So I have no clue. But we don’t know what recovering his memory would look like for him, either. Would it have helped, or made things worse?


In the short term, I would imagine it would make it worse. Especially if they all snapped back at once. Hopefully, his memories came back at the pace of the ritual though, so his mind had time to sort through them.

My assumption is that it’ll help long term. But for right now, I really worry that it’s not going easy on him.


Sometimes we lose our memory because our mind is trying to protect us from trauma. I’m not sure that forcing him to remember is doing him any favors, regardless of the psychic damage the ritual could have caused.

I know we want to think that we were probably helping him, but there’s always a big give and take in these kinds of things. Magiq always carries a price.

Elements of calm and peace, and warmth were inherent in the spell, which is a plus, but…


Sorry to be the Devil’s advocate but:

Perhaps the rush of memories could have given him a heart attack or a stroke.

He could have gone comatose from a rush of psychic energy.

We’ll see when Marty collects his thoughts.


In parking lot outside of town. Typing this all out.

Gonna post in chunks as I get through this.

Augie didn’t have much to say and couldn’t answer any of my questions. He was having a “bad day” according to the nurse. But then around 3:30 he just sort of lit up. He was looking around the room like he woke up in a place he didn’t recognize.

M: Bill? Augernon? Are you alright?
A: What happened?
M: You just woke up.

He tried to get up…

M: Don’t get up.
A: Where’s Anne, my kids?
M: They’re okay. Everybody’s okay.

M: Can you tell me what you remember about the Mountaineers?
A: The— Mountaineers? My other family. I tried to save them. I tried to buy them time. Sent my family away because I knew they’d come for me. And I thought I could… I thought I could give everyone a chance to hide.
M: hide from what?
A: The Storm.
M: What is the Storm?
A: The other side of the forked road. I don’t know what they call themselves but they’ve been here for centuries. The shadow cast on the world. They wiped out the originals. Monarch’s Mountain. And when we got too close they did the same to us.
M: You met them?
A: I am an Ebenguard. I stood my ground so my friends could live.

He started crying.


Aww poor man :frowning:


Poor Augie. I feel so bad for him. A true hero.
Whoever did this to him, to all of them… I want them to have “consequences”.


Oish Poor brave soul.


M: Augernon…
A: No one calls me that but Ascender. Call me Augie. I remember him here. Ascender.
M: Yeah. He’s come to visit you.
A: I recruited him, you know.
M: You did?t wwhat about Climber? does that sound familiar?

He got agitated.

A: The book. Where’s the book?
M: What book?

He kept talking about a book for a few minutes. Then he looked at me for the first time.

A: Who are you?
M: My name’s Martin Rank. I’m a reporter.
A: I don’t know you.
M: no. but someone told me you could help us. We’re trying to help some people. Maybe the book you remember could be useful. What book are you talking about?

A: The Book of Briars.

M: How do you know about that?
A: It’s almost unlocked. But we didn’t see the Storm coming.
M: I don’t understand. Are you talking about now? Or the 90’s?
A: … What year is it?
M: The Book of Briars existed in 1994?
A: The Book has always existed, Mr. Rank. The originals tried to open it. Others in the unwritten times. Us. And now you, yes?
M: Yes.
A: You think it’s going to tell you the truth, don’t you?
M: What is it?

A: I don’t think we’re meant to learn anything from it. I think it was put here for us to teach it. Shape it. I don’t think it’s a book at all.
M: What do you think it is?

A: What do you think it is?

M: I think it’s a spell.


Is there a recap of the video? I wasn’t able to watch it.


It’s up on the YouTube channel


Whoa. That is some heavy dope right there. The Book is… collecting information? That’s why it’s talking to us?


Can anyone recalling it having changed since they first used it? Is it growing, or adapting depending on our usage of the guild sorting…There could have been massive shifts with all the new readers…


“We stand brave, united on the shores of day and night. We are Ebenguard.”
My heart hurts for you, Brother.

We’ll give them some “consequences,” all right.

Thoth, god of the Balance. What are we getting into?


He got up, walked to the screened-in patio. I followed him.

M: What kind of spell is it, Augie?

A: They won’t let anyone have that book. They want the world the way it is. They want to enslave magic and keep it in the shadows. I’ve been gone a long time. Haven’t I?
M: Yes.
A: But they’ve been here with me, always. I hear them whispering to each other from around the world. Feel them moving like they’re under my skin. A splinter. A thing I can’t remember but can’t forget.
M: Can you tell me anything else about them? Who they are. Where they are.
A: Everywhere! Everywhere. Because they rule this world from a palace made of doors.

He looked at me again, unfamiliar.

A: I don’t know you.
M: I’m Martin Rank, Augie.
A: I’m really tired.
M: Come sit down…

I could tell the spell was failing, or fading. He was becoming the Augie I’d met before. Glassy-eyed, blank.

A: Ascender…
M: He’s…
A: What are you doing here?
M: My name…
A: You can’t be here. I did this to keep you safe.

I realized he thought I was Ascender.

M: I don’t know what to do Augie. What can we do to stop The Storm?
A: You need to learn all you can, Sender. How close are you? How many fragments do you have?
M: Ten.
A: You’re close. They came for us at twelve, remember?

And then I was a stranger to him again.


Twelve. We’re on Eleven.


I don’t think it’s a literal physical change. If it’s a spell it’s perhaps more of like an energy change?


AhhhhhhHHHhhh. Augie, who hurt this kind soul?!

So what we get from that;

Monarch’s Mountain and the '94 Mountaineers were both taken out by “the Storm”.
Augie is an Ebenguardian
“The other side of the forked road” is “the Storm”.
The book may be a spell
They want to “Enslave” magic
The '94 mounties got to 12 fragments.


A: Who are you? How did you find me?
M: It’s a long story…

And then he was back.

A: They all are when it comes to magic. Remember what I told you, Sender. There are pieces moving on both sides of the board. Some are trying to hinder. Some are trying to help. Hide from hinder, you’re too weak right now to fight, but follow help with all your might. It won’t make sense. Until it does. Trust the flow of magic. Trust whoever it is that wants us to open the book.

He started wringing his hands, pacing. Then he stopped and looked up at me…

A: Is my family safe? Tell me the truth.
M: They are. Your boys are grown. They have families too now.
A: Good. I’m a grandfather. The past is just a moment, Martin. They’re coming. They’re here.

Then he collapsed. It happened so fast I thought he tripped but he was seizing. Orderlies came in. He was foaming from the mouth.

They pushed me out of the way.

And then the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, like a current rushed through the room. I felt what he felt. Just for a second. I couldn’t help him. I ran.

Not my proudest moment.

That’s all I have.

I need a drink.