The General Discussion Super Topic

Ohhhh like physically watery. I guess I don’t really have an answer to that…I drink my tea without anything added, for the most part (with the exception of sweetener for some particular teas) and it is pretty much just leaf-y water :joy: Adding milk is definitely a thing though, and that’s maybe where brewing it stronger would help keep the milk from becoming overpowering…like brewing your coffee extra-strong if you’re pouring it over ice for iced coffee!


It’s probably a bit of tea blasphemy (or evil genius :steve:), but I recall adding some liquid coffee creamer to some bagged chai once upon a time. Italian Sweet Cream was best, but French Vanilla works, too. Still pretty watery if you don’t put too much in, but… :ascendershrug:

Also works great to give packet cocoa more body.


Also! I think some more traditional chais are brewed directly into milk! So you could try that too! I’ve never tried it myself, but my instinct says that the steeping time and amount of liquid needed would change, so that might be something to look into further.


I almost always add cream (usually half and half or light cream) to my tea, I find it makes it feel richer than milk! I used to make my tea with milk but then I went to college and for no reason whatsoever, it was easier to get cream than milk and now there’s no going back because it’s maybe the one thing college has done to improve my quality of life.


My best friend makes the best chai with milk and honey! She has Middle Eastern roots and that’s how she always grew up drinking it.


Thanks for the advice everyone!!


My bulk package of hot chocolate mix miraculously arrived today, a week early, on the same day as the first snow of the season, and I have a Halloween D&D oneshot later tonight! Kind of a perfect day I think!


While I don’t have bulk hot chocolate, I think I’m adding cocoa to our “eat in front of the TV because we’re watching a Halloween movie night for SirHenry.” Thanks, @Wyvern!


2 packages of bulk hot chocolate literally showed up on our doorstep today!
My family is going to do a chilli cookoff with our cousins tomorrow, and this will be a great thing to bring!
I won’t be there, I’m going to dnd, but I made a plate of jam filled “vampire bite” cookies to send in my place.


Cocoa was had, although two of us might have added a little coffee brandy to ours.

Not saying which two of the three of us…


It’s always awesome when a package arrives earlier then it’s supposed to.


Just a friendly non-party-affiliated reminder to all the of-age US Mounties…

If you haven’t voted already, make sure you find the time tomorrow! And if you can’t get to your polling place until later in the day, so long as you’re in line by 7pm they have to let you have your turn.

Love, the resident Ebbie crazy enough to volunteer for the 5:30am building opening shifts on election days


I’ll be first in line tomorrow morning!


General bump for JOLABOKAFLOD 2020
If anyone else would like to take part, I’ll be making pairings tomorrow afternoon GMT 17:00(+ or - an hour because the clocks changed apparently…)
It’s a little bit of fun and book sharing for the festive season.


Quick update for members of @The_Briar_Society:

We extended this year’s finite season to 12/31 on the membership area of our site, but some people’s memberships are still being “expired” and we’re not sure why. We’re looking into it, but if you lose access to either the private area of the Ackerly Green site or the group here on the forum, send us a message through the chat at the bottom of every page on and we’ll get you reactivated ASAP.


Hey guys. I know im not around much anymore, but ive been on an inspiration streak lately. I read the parts of the book of briars, and it lit a spark in me i dont think i can completely put out. Im on track to release my second major update to my tabletop rpg, and ive put out a 5e module and little short tavern game in the last month. Im on fire, honestly >;)

That being said, not why im writing again. Just wanted to say this cause its 4am and im feeling insomnic and nostalgic.

No matter how much time might pass - no matter how far the distance, you guys are and always will be family to me. The mountaineers stick together. Know ill always count myself lucky to be a balimora.

Ill be pretty inactive since ive got my own family to take care of now in osmond ward, but know im around. Ill keep poking my head in.

Kick some A, mountaineers.


No, not that one.


So glad to hear you’ve been doing well CJ! Best of luck to you with your own life, and you know we’ll always be here when you’re able to drop in!


#briarbroke 2020.




Well, more like #briarresponsiblespendinginlightofeverythinggoingonrightnow, but you get the idea.