The General Discussion Super Topic

I know. I’m so sorry about that. USPS international priority shipping rates for these candles start at around $28 and I charge a flat rate of $19 which means I don’t make a profit on the candle but my international readers get candles and that’s what matters most to me. If you have tips regarding future shipping or what other US companies you’ve bought from do I am all ears cause it’s bugged me for years. I’ve even sneakily peeked at other small business international rates by using some of your international addresses to see what their rates are and they’re so high.


Oh no, it’s nothing wrong with the way you guys are doing it, it’s just the nature of it. TBH, you’re one of the best companies I’ve ordered from internationally. I’ve had parcels from 30miles away take longer than the two weeks it takes for your stuff.


Haaaaaa well I never intended on needing to know the ins and outs of international shipping when I started all this so I’m happy to hear any and all advice. :cjheart:


Happiest Thanksgiving to all my American Mounties, and a big thanks to all my Mounties, wherever you are, for spending another year with me. We weathered 2020 together, and I’m so grateful for you all. There were days when the only thing getting me out of bed was knowing this community was here and we could create something wonderful together. :cjheart:


As a new person, I’ve been pouring over posts and threads, and am so far somewhat disappointed. I see so much heavy traffic and involvement during 2017 and some 2018, so I’m wondering where is most of the energy and activity focused as of late ? Has some of this lost steam and or active members ? What’s anyone’s take on this. Where can a new person trying to catch up fit in the best and do the most good.


There are lulls through the year, but also this year has mostly been occurring in the Briar Society which is a hidden topic.
CJB covers the basics of Briar Society in his post here


@TacticalStoic, thanks for exploring the forum and asking a question I’m sure many new readers have! 2016-2018 was the time period when The Monarch Papers, Ackerly Green’s Secret Society, and the Search for Magiq took place as free experiences on the forum, so there’s a lot of content for them out in the open.

This year, to support me/the company financially, I planned both a free experience and a “premium” experience called The Briar Society, which is TMP for the price of a paperback a month. Because of COVID and some big changes personally (a cross-country move being one of them), the free experience had to take a backseat while I focused on the experience many readers had paid for.

For 2021, I have much more planned for the forum, both in and out-of-world, but this year I had to direct my attention and resources to the experience that will keep the lights on at Ackerly Green. The forum has definitely been quieter this year than most and I plan to change that. :cjheart:


Great news thank you !


That reminds me I need to sign up for Briars before it closes again.

You know what it makes me think of? Novelists who wrote in serial format.


Signing up for TBS was one of the first things I did. I’m hoping I can get all caught up on the books and past events before things really kick off again. Almost done with Flora and Fauna. Wish I could dedicate more of my time to reading but alas, I too have bills to pay.


I’ve now signed up with TBS. Am i waiting on some correspondence or are we all in the same boat trying not to drown in information and twisting paths of narratives. Ha !


And I’m now signed up for the next year :relaxed:


Welcome! Since we’re in a weird transition from the end of this narrative to the beginning of next year (and ongoing) keep an eye out for an official welcome to the 2021 TBS chapter in the next week or so. It will walk you through how you found The Briar Society and what happens next!


I’ll use the time for my ND brain to read through what I can of the lore :relaxed:


I almost forgot about renewing, glad I checked in and saw this in time.


Sounds like I showed up at just the right time! :smiley:


I’m excited, but also anxious about not knowing enough. I get in the mindset that if I don’t know everything perfectly, then I’ve failed.


Understandable, but its being a bit harsh on yourself. No one here knows everything. You are in good company and most welcome with whatever you know about whats going on.


I felt that way too, but it’s not terribly hard to catch up, and the Mounties are amazing at helping with that. Watch, ask, join.


What the mountaineers know couldn’t fill a thimble. Totally reminded me of that quote :sweat_smile:. But yeah, @Alligatoramberlee, it’s chill here and people help out. I’ve done TBS for the past year, I still haven’t finished TMP so even if you can’t get through it all, you should be able to manage.