SOLVED: King Rabbit's Burrow: The Second Fragment

I actually took a gamble and sent him a message in response to his Instagram story, asking what he needed from us; I figure it couldn’t hurt to just downright ask, especially if I can find out some information under the guise that we really want to “help” KR.

Might blow up in my face, but I feel like I’m spinning my wheels here! :slight_smile:


Could be he didn’t feel like wasting the work he put into making it and wanted us to see it. Or he wanted us to know we were right.

No one ever creates a puzzle with information as a reward because they want to hide the information. There are far easier ways to do that. (Like, not contacting us in the first place.) Despite his methods, King Rabbit wants us to know whatever lies at the end of these puzzles. Or perhaps, he wants us to be worthy of knowing what he knows. Either way.

We’ll get there.


@Endri said that maybe KR knows we haven’t found the third word yet. Is this a taunt to hurry up?


@Dustin! I did the same thing! I guess I don’t respond well to being taunted! I’ll let you know if he responds but I imagine I’m just yelling into the wind.


I found the next clue!

[spoiler]It’s “MOONS.” It shows up at 4: 58:21.[/spoiler]




A post was merged into an existing topic: King Rabbit’s “Bonus Content”

Uh, GUYS! On a whim, I visited the Book of Briars and typed in EYE OF THE MOONS just like we did with the fraylilly and, guess what?


I’m still investigating it but I wanted to share right away! But also, what’s left with KR’s clues then? There are still two “magic words” sections to discover. Thoughts?


You deserve to be recognized in the Book of Briars. Nice work!!


Great work, @Mike! I’m so happy to be done with the rabbit. Word to the recruits, last time the book allowed several people to “record their discovery” and the names ended up on the actual book. You all should sign your names, you deserve it.


Well, I don’t feel like I did enough to warrant recording my name but I did it anyway because when I “unlock fragment two” I don’t see anything (like the scraps of paper from the first one.) And I thought I had to put my name in to be able to see stuff. Probably just a bad internet connection and the page isn’t loading all the way for me. Blurgh.

Great work, everyone. But I hate to break it to you @Endri-- I don’t think we’re done with KR. Those last two “magical words” slots have to lead to something.


:rabbit::hammer: I see new scraps of paper, one that mentions “eye of the moons” which I assume is some sort of plant/flower like “fraylily.”


The first time I hit the page the image refused to come up for me also. I just attributed it to network issues and/or magical gremlins. I refreshed a couple times and got it.


I missed part of investigation, but could you please let me know how fourth part (“re”) was transformed to link and “Brandon Lachmann did not die in 1986” label appeared? I mean that initially (after magic word input) it was just a text “re”.


I feel like we should perhaps start a topic for the rabbit’s “bonus content.” I can copy @Robert s recent summary post over there. Thoughts?


Sure the third part ‘re’ was opened when we figured out the third set of Magic Words King Rabbit wanted was ‘Ming Fay’. He is a sculptor who did an art installation in the Staten Island Ferry Whitehall terminal after it burned down. The installation depicts 28 indian canoes in granite.

Edit: Oh you asked about the 4th part, sorry. I’m dense.

The clues referred to a shuttered, but beautiful subway station under city hall. The name of the designer was Rafael Guastavino and that solved the puzzle I believe.


Well I guess it’s obviously not needed for the second fragment, so I guess it deserves a new category or be moved to exploration yeah.


Thank you, but when we found solution for the 4th part, only word “re” was opened. But then it was somehow transformed into link. Was it made automatically or some other puzzle was solved for that?


New topic created in exploration!


Ah. KingRabbit didn’t open the 4th video until we had found the hidden word in the 3rd video first. Apparently he wanted us to do them in order. Once we found the 3rd word, the 4th video was unlocked.


Well, well, well…

And just in time.

Did you enjoy my new collection? I admit it was rudimentary, primitive even. But what do you expect? I’m not used to having thumbs.

Painting is fun, but I think I prefer curation.

Got to run, time is ticking and the treasure I was promised is almost in my (his?) hands.

I’m just so impressed with you lot. You finally managed to put your heads together and almost make one whole brain.
