Brandon Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: General

None I see. If in doubt if what you found is relevant I’d suggest PM’ing Endri. She has a good a grasp of the fragments as anyone.


So this might be relevant but this is sounding very proxy to Celtic Lore that we have here in this reality today. Faered/ Faery.

I’ve been unable to check in for a few days so I’m not completely caught up again yet, but it might be worth mentioning that in celtic lore Faery is not the cute little beings we think of today. It was the Land of the Dead, with Sidhe/ Faeries themselves being the souls of those that died. This might be completely wrong or of no use, it seems like it might be worth me exploring? Faery was a land that existed seperated slightly from ours, where time passed differently, much like a different time line. Sometimes things bleed over between the two and you could easily stumble into one and become trapped there…


I had thought initially that Faered was a play on words. Either with them being “fair” or with them being the “feared”. Too very different sides of the spectrum. Though, it being Faery, seems much more likely.


Random brain dump time. These thoughts do me no good. Maybe they will for someone else.

“Find the glass report”

Before jumping into what the Glass Report is. Let’s discuss why we care.

Assuming the recording we heard was Brandon’s answering machine message, and assuming again that is Brandon’s voice when played backwards on the message. Then Brandon was clearly leaving a message behind. He didn’t want it to be obvious, be he wanted those words out there. If it was important enough for him to hide and give in his final message, then it’s important enough for us to figure out.

So, what could the glass report be?

  • It could be a clue to something like a mirror or other glass object as someone above guessed. Perhaps some mirror he left in that backpack that was found, or some famous mirror or glass object in NYC?

One vague candidate is a very ornate glass oculus found in the subway station he died in. Perhaps this is important later.

  • It could be a report written by someone named Glass. Perhaps some architect wrote a study about the abandoned train station that he was found in. Maybe that would give his parents a clue why he went there?

  • It could be an anagram. ‘Glass report’ has bazillions of possible anagrams. My favorite being ‘Last Gropers’. I don’t think Brandon was looking for those though.

Any other thoughts? Can’t be any worse than mine!


@Robert I’m already following a trail of stained glass in New York. I’ve been trying to find who designed the oculus and if i had a name.(The design look like a floral pattern not unlike the fraylily)
My first instinct says Tiffany’s, but I haven’t found anything conclusive yet. But there’s more than that.Tell me this doesn’t look like a forest of darkening glass

(I don’t necessarily think he or the glass we’re looking for is in a church, this is just a reference to give you an idea of what I’m thinking) There are similar design elements (high arched coves, gothic architecture) in a lot of buildings in New York

I think Brandon could possibly be in one of three places. The hereafter (dead), His created world (Doesn’t appear that he made it there, but he might have) or he’s stuck in limbo…I think he’s in a limbo like place that’s maybe a mash-up of the world he left behind (New York) and the world he was trying to create.
As for the report,

  1. an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like
  2. a widely circulated statement or item of news; rumor; gossip…
    5 .a loud noise, as from an explosion: the report of a distant cannon.

verb (used with object)
12. to relate, as what has been learned by observation or investigation.
15. to make a charge against (a person), as to a superior: I intend to report him to the dean for cheating.
16. to make known the presence, condition, or whereabouts of: to report a ship missing.

verb (used without object).
22. to serve or work as a reporter, as for a newspaper.
24. to present oneself duly, as at a place:( to report to Room 101.)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, words almost always have more than one meaning.


@TheBellsAreRinging I’ve been doing analysis of Brandon’s map (including place names) here, Mountaineer's Map of New York - #5 by Leigha if you’re interested. Brin is a root word meaning hill. Brandon means broom-covered hill. Hope that helps.
Also, don’t know if it helps, but since the Fae (faery) were mentioned, In Ireland and Scotland faery-folk were believed to live in hills or Shee, and hills were considered entrances or portals to their realm.


Okay I may be going in a completely wrong direction here, but Faery is also refereed to as a hill and is separated from this world by a limbo Mist meant to separate the worlds. If you enter it without a guide, especially as one who isn’t dead, you can become trapped in a nightmarish limbo.

This might just be my experience with that lore speaking, but this is just feeling really strongly connected


@SkullVine @Leigha @Robert

You guys made me decide for shits and giggles to just google glass report and a pair of odd things popped up.

The second one seems like a strong lead.


Ready to do some browsing? The link after the backpack link has changed now:

Edit: Did the recording we found earlier change?


There is so much there I don’t even know where to start. I will note that all of the links have the word “trial1” in them. And also, do you guys remember that little thing leigh found when you google search the site name? The thing that says “The first trials”? Something is happening.


I’m checking the audio now, but at first glance nothing seems to have changed.


wow. well lets get reading. looks like perhaps a cult or group trying to follow Brandon. I wonder if the original mountaineers knew of these devoted.


@Robert, I’ve never heard of them. But I already reached out to Ascender. Will let you know if/when I hear back. Just when you think it can’t get any weirder… :cold_sweat:


I asked about the audio because the first link in what the Devoted released talks about the audio changing being the signal to release the information. They do hold some respect for Susan as they called her The Mother again.

Also, we have an email:
What should we ask?


I’d try to ‘join’ them. Ask to help them find Brandon, see what they need. Obviously they need help if they’re posting everything or they’d be doing this on their own. Pretend you’ve been researching Brandon all your life and are excited to find others like you. Have fun with it. But I like cloak and dagger stuff. You can be more forthright if you prefer :slight_smile:

They seem to consider us another ‘faction’, if they know of the Mountaineers at all. So they might not be friendly if they know where you’re coming from, but who knows? These time be crazy.


Also, for those pieceing it together. The 4 poloroid pictures combine to spell out.

Walking twixt rise and fall from the spot on the lawn
I passed flaming hearts and strung stories
A six legged king pointed arms crossed defiantly, snapped at me.
I decided to pause. The wyvern laughed at my seeming error of judgement
But I had realised my destination was not the roundabout after all.

Edit also this one is interesting.

I think it spells out:

our clues to Brandon
abandoned in the network
use the light drawn to are intend
We he wasn’t the notes

It gets weird for me at the end. Maybe I’m parsing wrong.


The circled letters at the beginning could also spell out Four.


The symbols remind me of alchemy symbols and gylphs, im on the road right now so i cant exactly confirm but maybe that’s something to look into?


It seems to me that the 'forest of darkening glass" is like another way of saying what brandon described in one of the audio files. A multitude of glass disks, covering up something from within, that you can’t see. Perhaps he somehow did find what he was looking for, whatever it is. Plus with The Devoted saying “Imagine what he has seen beyond the forest”, it sounds like that is so. Maybe “dying” in this world isn’t dying at all? Maybe he just went to another disk? I honestly am unsure. Anyone got any ideas? Any idea is better than mine, it seems.


A post was split to a new topic: Lachman: The Fourth Fragment: Tiles