Brandon Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: General

The symbols remind me of alchemy symbols and gylphs, im on the road right now so i cant exactly confirm but maybe that’s something to look into?


It seems to me that the 'forest of darkening glass" is like another way of saying what brandon described in one of the audio files. A multitude of glass disks, covering up something from within, that you can’t see. Perhaps he somehow did find what he was looking for, whatever it is. Plus with The Devoted saying “Imagine what he has seen beyond the forest”, it sounds like that is so. Maybe “dying” in this world isn’t dying at all? Maybe he just went to another disk? I honestly am unsure. Anyone got any ideas? Any idea is better than mine, it seems.


A post was split to a new topic: Lachman: The Fourth Fragment: Tiles

Also, those little plaques(?). Can anyone place them on top of each other to see if the part above them all comes together to say something? I don’t have any photo editing software like that. Maybe they are just little random marks that don’t mean a thing, but its worth a shot.

Just realized this. All the links also have “BL101186” in them. Clearly its “Brandon Lachmann” and “October 11th, 1986”. Seems they are following some kind of timeline. I wonder what big thing they are gonna do on “The Anniversary”, as they call it.


every definition has to do with ends, limits, and boundaries. Also the name of the Roman god of landmarks and boundaries.

Could be related to Brandon reaching the end, the terminus of our reality to enter into another, or maybe something else, I don’t know. Anyone else have an idea?


One of the later notes mentions Terminus again, but I’m drawing a blank on finding it now.

Also, this one mentions the ‘Traveler’s disc’ used to teleport between worlds. It requires activating 4 beacons to find. perhaps Brandon was looking for the beacons?


Wait. Requires activating 4 beacons. followed by. “No prize is worth winning without challenge”. Maybe 4 beacons = 4 keys? This is sounding familiar. perhaps this is why the BoB just doesn’t tell us what to do?


I just got the the second mention of it. I’m going through things… kinda slowly, been taking pauses exploring the files to try to match the symbols (we’ll see if that gets me anywhere). Terminus does seem important though, i don’t think the word would be on it’s own file if it wasn’t.


A terminus is also the end of the line for a train or subway route.


Yes! Wow i don’t know how i didn’t make the connection to how Brandon “died” on my own


Do you know if each symbol matches up with a story or a part of a story? After I saw the circus symbol along with the mentioning of “Fleagreen’s circus”, I figured so. I didn’t dig too much into those just yet, however.


That’s a good idea Bells, I’ll look into that once I download all the files, if someone else doesn’t get to it first. I don’t think I’ll get much farther with my Alchemy idea anyway.


Wow, I step away for an afternoon and look what happens!

So. Much. Information.

So, my initial thoughts. I’ve downloaded everything but haven’t had a chance to start putting things together. For those of you who have never played D&D or any other RPGs before, the majority of these docs look like the materials a DM has when running a campaign. So I think part of the solution will be to put the graph paper map/legend together with the appropriate symbols and descriptions. @TheBellsAreRinging, I think you’re spot on with the “Fleagreen Circus” and the circus symbol. This is often how a DM will keep track of what is what.

Brandon also mentions the discs in one of the audio segments, so those must be important in some way.

I have other thoughts but want to sift through everything for a bit first just to wrap my head around everything. I’ll post more when/if I come up with something.

We’ve got a lot a work ahead of us.


A post was split to a new topic: Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: Polaroids

So I believe we are supposed to put together some of these character’s pictures with their backstories as per the Lady Barleywade example provided. I’ll post the ones I did in my next post.


I think these character drawings and backstories go together:


Wow, so much more - been lurking some days.
I tried to arrange the text fragments and some of the icons - but its just a first attempt. Hope its helpful for anyone. And if I should have missed some text fragments maybe you could tell me :wink:
There seem to be more Icons than locations or story fragments. Also there are some text fragments that don´t seem to fit the general story.

Here´s the first attempt pdf:

I also tried to match the location texts with the map…but its not working yet. I rotated the map so that the tents on the main square are facing in the right direction but than the water is in the south and not in the north like described…I´m confused.

Some other random things that I noticed:
The Junk Troll - „adds people to his collection“ - reminds me of KR!

The Junk Troll uncovered „the travellers disc“ - its a teleporter! The location of it can be tracked by activating four „Neogic tracking beacons“ → which maybe are connected to the four images with numbers we have in the fragments… seems to be the device Brandon used to change from one world to another?

“A six legged king pointed arms crossed defiantly, snapped at me”
King Ant? The ant and the caterpillar…? so much loose ends!

So far…back to work!


Do we know what to do with the page that says “Insert plaques here”? I figured the 4 (I think it was) pieces with a symbol and a number, were supposed to lay on top of one another. They have a few little marks on top of them, which is why I thought so. But even if they were supposed to, how are we going to “roll”? Or maybe, they need to be put in an order and the number combo gives us something? Anyone know?


Crytter, I think this is incredible and now that I reread the opening post, is exactly what we’re supposed to be doing.

“Your help is needed…”

“We must reassemble his final weeks, align ouorselves to him, fill in the spaces that are missing. Complete the work.”

It reall makes sense that the goal of this would be to reassemble his story and characters and recreate the adventure he was building as a blueprint for his escape. I think we need to fit as much of the documents as we can into one coherent narrative.


@TheBellsAreRinging - I tried to lay the 4 parts over each other to look if the marks form a word or so, but i cant find anything in this…


Neither can I. Maybe it is nothing. Still, there’s gotta be something to do with them on that page.