SOLVED: Fragment Ten: Gladitor : The Office of Kemetic Solutions

I had the idea to look up what was going on in the skies on those dates, but thus far I haven’t found anything that stands out as significant. Will keep looking.


If Robert’s post was double digits, those numbers would be perfect to fit into aether’s x’s.


To me, it looks like all of the posts have at least some form of outside help being given or sought. I know its not quite solid, considering one of them is @Endri (no offense!), but they all seem to be seeking some sort of help from outside of these forums (the magimystical words, the Traveler, Endri, the Book, and Mr. Rank).

Then again, this could just be my tin-foil hat being wound too tightly…


That’s better than any connection I’ve made so far, @Keegan


I was going to say that each of the posts that the aether “timestamps” refer to also have a number in them, but @Robert’s doesn’t. I’m a little lost too.


Unless you count “none” as “zero”. But that may be a bit of a stretch


Oh geez, roberts post is giving me flashbacks from when I was a new mountaineer and didn’t know what to do :sweat_smile:
But, if you are going with that roberts post is zero… then uh… it would be…
5 3 0 2 30 so 530230. I put the numbers in order from the earliest to the latest date


Fun Fact: 530230 is the Zip-Code of Singapore and there is a Kemet lectronics Market …anyway I dont think thats related… ;(


Maybe I missed something, have we tried to use the first or first and second words of each post chronologically?


Well the first five words are ‘if’ ‘absolutely’ ‘none’ ‘the’ and ‘Hmm’. I don’t see a real sentence to be formed from that, but it’s a good idea.

Just to organize this a bit better in my own head here are the 5 posts arranged two ways. One by the order they appear in this thread and the other by the order of the dates edited into them. I figure either (or neither) could be it.

In order the edited posts appear in this thread

Robert - edited post and post it’s talking about (October 11th, 10:18am)
Kelsey - edited post and post it’s talking about (November 26th, 9:00pm)
Mike - edited post and post it’s talking about (August 10, 7:25pm.)
Revenir - edited post and post it’s talking about (December 6th, 7:45pm)
Endri - edited post and post it’s talking about (September 2nd, 4:17pm)

In order of the dates put into the posts

Mike - edited post and post it’s talking about (August 10, 7:25pm.)
Endri - edited post and post it’s talking about (September 2nd, 4:17pm)
Robert - edited post and post it’s talking about (October 11th, 10:18am)
Kelsey - edited post and post it’s talking about (November 26th, 9:00pm)
Revenir - edited post and post it’s talking about (December 6th, 7:45pm)


Speaking of dates, It could be that we’re looking for a time and date similar to what Aether edited into each of these posts. The Aether’s handle has 8 Xs which could stand in for that date and time. On the @Robert post you mention PMing Endri. The “PM” of that post could indicate that part of the time. None of the other posts have any times, numbers, or dates that I could see except for Kelsey’s which has the word “Monday.” So, shot in the dark.


Good point @Mike! And the other posts do have numbers, they’re just in word form.


Well Ive been playing with numbers a bit. These are the ones I see.

Robert - None Maybe 0? pm
Kelsey - Two Monday
Mike - Five (Also Score which = 20)
Revenir - Thirty
Endri - Third

In order to make an 8 digit number I need all of them. In this order its 02520303 in post order its 52030230


go anywhere. But notice they don’t redirect to the intro page either? I’m assuming this is the format we want.


And Kelsey mentions Monday which could also work. Could be “03”


I reached out to Aether… nothing.
I thought if a Gossmere reached out they would be more likely to respond. But it looks like while I’ve been doing that yall have made amazing progress!


Btw @Endri Aether is registered as a leader account, do you know them?


No, and @Bash says the account was never approved by another leader. It just appeared two days ago.


Reminds me of the book of briars account. Do we think this is strictly the books doing or some other force?


That’s a good question. The Book usually isn’t shy about letting us know that it’s trying to help us, but this could be someone like the Last Traveler >sniff< :cry: trying to point us in the right direction. Whether for our gains or theirs remains to be seen.


Don’t know. Best way to find out is figure out what it’s trying to tell us. Then we’ll see if it’s helpful or not.

I’m not 100% sure what it’s trying to say, but let’s go with the best idea we have, that this is a date we’re looking for. Perhaps we’re looking for a date to format to add to the url, or maybe we’re trying to create a date of another post and Aether modified a post somewhere else on the forum and put the clue there.

Either way, we have to start somewhere.

We believe we’re looking for a Monday, and if it’s a post on this forum it’s between August 1st, 2016 and today.

The numbers we definitely have are 2, 5, 30 and 3. (We might also have 20 if the word ‘score’ is added)

If one of the numbers has to be the month, and one the day and we need a monday then that gives us…

February(2) 20th , with 5, 3, and 30 left over
March(3) 20th, with 5, 2, and 30 left over

I don’t see any other possible mondays with these numbers. I believe I’ve looked at all the posts from Feb 20th, and March 20th if 2017 and I don’t see any edits.