Brandon Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: General

I’m looking at Brandon’s artwork and am struck by the lions. They look like statues, the kind you would see in front of buildings, in fact exactly like these in front of the New York Public Library, (note the patterns of fur around the face and at the elbows. Holy crap these are the lions he drew! Not too surprising, he loved books and libraries. This must be the library he went to, maybe even the one his mom worked at.}

Okay this just keeps getting better and better, these two lions are named Patience and Fortitude. On Brandon’s map there’s a place called Patience Port.


To me, it sounds like he’s saying “I’m the Glass Forest” or “I’m the Glass Fort” …something along those lines. The second word definitely sounds more like “the” than “Fur”


Hang on, I’m going to upload my clip, it’s very clear. I’m just having a few technical difficulties. Got it-!Ajtbp18Ljw5MjBXCpWUxT2fve2YD


@Leigha I think you’re 100% right. Listening to again I agree with you that the four words Brandon says are


The other sounds might just be distortions of those same words just spoke at various speeds or run through filters (who knows what happens to audio coming from an alternate timeline). But I think that phrase “find the glass report” is important. Which begs the question…

What IS the glass report?


Who are The Devoted? Are they another group like the Mountaineers? From one of the other timelines? They seem to be.
Okay so I’m looking at the source code for their new page, the one with the audio file,and it’s…odd. One loooong string of code running across the top of the page. This may take a while.
I looked through it till I went cross eyed,I may have gone into the future a bit, but didn’t see anything that stood out (though admittedly I know nothing about coding, I just know it doesn’t usually look like that)
until the very end. It counts up to 67 and then there’s this, which looks nothing like the rest of the code.

I have no idea if this means anything.


maybe they’re people like Brandon and the others from RK’s site? people who died, but didn’t.


Great find! It seems like it is a string of characters that we may be able to pass through a cipher or be able to decipher it. My cipher/deciphering skills are underwhelming at best, so is my jargon on the topic. I messed around with it a bit tonight but it is definitely something I want to play around with more after I have a good nights sleep. I will look at it more tomorrow.


Its not any standard cryptological method ive seen. In fact i think its a kind of math equation.


It’s a substitution encoding of sorts. Basically in the above code if you see #1; you replace it with the first character in that last string “,” in your case. #2; becomes ‘+’, etc.

KingRabbits website was encoded in the same way. I wrote a program to decode it given the string (which seems to be randomly generated every time the website changes). In the end it wasn’t too interesting. I got the names of some gifs and saw the underlying website structure. I suppose in this site it’d give us a faster means of looking for changes, but it’s kinda cheating.

I don’t believe it’s super pertinent to the fragments. It’s just obscuring the code a bit to make us have to focus on the site instead of the code behind it.


I think we should focus on the site and not the source code. All the sites are obscured this way but nothing has been hidden in the source before. All the information is revealed in the sites’ text and images.

Also, I was thinking the Devoted might actually be a group in our timeline. Given the way they said they’re sharing information with other factions --us-- in order to help facilitate communication. Also note that they call Susan ‘The Mother’ all capitals, almost like a title.


@Mike, to answer your question, it seems that, so far, “backpack” is the only different link (I just went through all of them).

I have also noticed that in some instances, words in a phrase are grouped as one hyperlink, whereas in others, each word is a separate hyperlink. Just something to keep in mind when checking the links!

Any thoughts on what the page title text of the new link says? Like how “rudvtd” read “are you devoted?” I’m thinking perhaps “dvtsbtxt” means “devote subtext” or something along those lines! I’m also curious about this portion of their message to us:

The documents will be timed for release and managed according to The Timeline, which is our best chance of ensuring contact.

I’m assuming this means clues will be released via hyperlink only on certain days, but I don’t know which Timeline they are referencing. I looked at the Magiq Timeline, but there are no specific dates within October it references. Maybe it’s a timeline of events leading up to Brandon’s disappearance?


I think you’re right. It seems like they’ll be rolling out hyperlinks along a specific timeline. So it may be that, for the moment, the “backpack” link is the only one available (btw, great find @deedust!)

Also, as @Robert mentioned, the castle image has changed so that a figure is now standing in the window. It’s quite possible that one of the images may eventually become a hyperlink as well so we’ll have to keep an eye out for that possibility.

With luck, one of the upcoming links will give us some more info on the Glass Report.

I know a couple of Recruits have been vigilant in keeping records on when certain changes are made (super awesome). So we might want to keep an eye out for any patterns to when new links become available. Is it one every day, every other day, once a week? It could help us figure out The Devoted’s timeline for releasing their records. No idea what that would get us in our search for the fragment, but it couldn’t hurt.

And I have to say that all you new Recruits have been Rockin’ and Rollin’ on this! So glad to have you aboard!

UPDATE: I just realized something. The only way we may know when a new link becomes available is by checking every one of the hundreds of links on the site every day. It may be useful to divide and conquer just like we did with the KR videos. Set up a schedule and assign a couple of paragraphs to check for those who sign up. Just a thought. I know some of you are incredibly thorough, but it could make the load easier (@Dustin, how long did it take you to go through all of them?!?) .


@Robert - Thats good to know. I don’t really want to work on something that bypasses steps or “cheats”. We never know what information could be needed at a later date, and if we start just solely looking for the answer, we could put ourselves in a tough situation in the future.

As for some actual work, I checked the actual hyperlinked words themselves (not the links) last night, and they all appear to be the same as the day before. As this fragment progresses, it is starting to become clear to me, that it won’t be the words that change, but the links to different webpages. However, in the small chance I am wrong, I will keep up with my spreadsheet.


What’s more I believe the code in the choice hyperlink words tells us which ones to pick.

I already have a thread devoted to uploading different versions of things with a date time stamp: 5
Time to fire it up.


Checking the links doesn’t take all that long. 5-8 minutes tops depending on internet connection. I use the Tab key to cycle from one link to the next and keep my eye out for different links that way.

Did we also note the Devoted’s links end with 102986? October 29th, 1986.


oh, that’s a wickedly clever observation @deedust. I just thought it was random. I should know better by now.

I’ve also discovered that if I hover my mouse over a link, the url will appear in the lower lefthand corner of my browser (I’m using Chrome) so I don’t actually have to click on the site. My browser tells me where it’s headed., Should make it quick too.


A thought. Maybe Brandon’s “mirrored” message is; find the glass, report. Like report is a directive. Find the glass and report. Just a thought. Still no idea what find the glass would mean though. I guess find the forest of glass.


Yes, it didn’t take me long at all!


Question, Did i just miss it the first few times i looked through the site, or are the linked words in the page titles new? On Brandon’s Worlds and Advice on Grief.


They were like that before, I missed it too the first time I read them.