4. The Search For Magiq: Peering Arts

I think we should continue to weigh other options; who knows how long that text box was there. It may not be the solution to all of our problems like we’ve been making it out to be in the past 24 hours.

The guild affinities seem to be a reliable work-around for the Veil. Are there any other affinities we could use, whether to send support to the Sanctuary, or try to confuse the Silver into leaving them alone and expending energy on our “nigh-unbreakable” defense around us?


Oh I don’t think it’s the solution to all our problems. Far from it.

Sullivan, the BoB and to some degree the Magiq Guide have put obstacles in our way that, in time, led to discovers that HAVE solved whatever ‘now’ problem we had at that time, however. If our spell peering into the veil (and to some degree the Guide) unearthed this, it’s the next logical step on whatever path we are on.

But I totally agree, if you’re right, and whatever past that textbox doesn’t magiqally save the day we can totally work on another plan in parallel. We have the manpower to persue both lines.

Edit: Also @SabineBean,sorry didn’t mean to drown you out. I haven’t yet tried the old house names, but it’s a good idea. The thing I’m stuck on is how to boil down 6 elements into a 12 character phrase. It just boggles my mind. Maybe the houses have abbreviations, or there’s some other indicator.


Oh, don’t worry about it at all! None of this is my forté so all I can really do is dribble some odd ideas here and there and hope something sparks light in someone else’s mind! That and doodle, those are my two skills haha!

EDIT: also yeah, I have no clue about 12 letter words. There’s 12 x’s, but do we need to have 12 letters? Or does that refer to something else entirely?


do we still have any magimystic words that are twelve letters long?


I believe we used all the words we had or else they were keyed for the Book of Briars.


You know I was thinking. I wouldn’t restrict it to a word, or even to letters. I think that’s an assumption that may be holding us back.


We are the best, I swear.


I took the page numbers for each guild, in order of Peering Arts pieces received.


You are awesome!


Heh. I had a few possibilites written down when I saw your post. One of them worked. If only I was faster!

Edit. I won’t spoil what’s behind there but it just made me love the guide all over again.


CRAP. I JUST left home, too! Gonna be late to this ;-;


Oh, wow. I think Robert was right, this does have something to do with the Peering Arts spell.

In the old BoTW AG paperwork there was one mention of a revised edition of The Guide to Magiq that included a test for determining your “guild bearing”, but it wasn’t clear if it was ever finished or just a concept.

We found another piece of the Guide. Incredible.


so its a sub-guild? Is this going to create infighting? Should we be cautious about this?


I doubt it. At least not for us. The 3 Balimora bearings look very compatible. And we have new affinities to explore.

Inwardian Eye . I’m guessing something to do with introspection and empathy.


We should create a topic for those who figure out the solution to discuss their results. I don’t want to spoil anything, but I just unlocked it too. It’s like reading the Guide for the first time.


Man, all the people I wish could be here to see this. Ascender, Itsuki, Augernon. You found something new, a light in the darkness. I’m proud of you, Mounties.


Not to jump the gun or cut the celebration short or anything, but… How do we get this out to everyone else? Maybe these new affinities can help the Sanctuary and other lodges - but can they access it if they haven’t been able to access the forum? I know they’re sort of… two different things, but with the veil getting thicker and pushier, I want to extend as much help to our friends as we can.


It’s a good question, @Hekate. I think this is where we come back to @Augustus_Octavian 's idea of brainstorming ways to use the affinities to get through.

The best part of combining these two ideas is that if no one knew about these affinities before, or at least they were very rare or lost knowledge, then it’s possible Determiner 12 wasn’t build to stop these new affinities.

They might just go right through and give us new ways to reach out. I’m hoping some of the gossmere find some more detailed communication affinities.


I had some ideas for reworking the determined 12 along with some protection spells. Ill take a photo of my notes when I get to work… I left them on my desk.


Hhh. Still super struggling on what i need to do. Which guilds match which symbols, again?