4. The Search For Magiq: Peering Arts

Tides - Ebenguard, Ore - Flinterforge, Thought - Thornmouth, Wilds - Balimora Light - Weatherwatcher, Aether- Gossmere :wink:


Was wholly convinced that tides was weatherwatch. Rip.

Got it!


Rough thoughts for Editing Determiner 12 and helping the Sanctuary

Determiner 12(Veil/Guide of Magiq) is a ward in 3 parts, Physical, Virtual, Group.
We dont want to destroy it, but expand it to include Sanctuary.
Sanctuary can either be a physical location or a group.

Edit the physical ward

  • Positive, protects anyone physically in Sanctuary.
  • Downside, Silver are possibly already on to the Sanctuary location. The veils protection would stop the silver getting to the actual location(eg trying to go to Martys house), but the Silver could camp out and attack anyone who leaves, if Sanctuary is remote then this is a big risk.

Edit the group wards

  • Positives; Sanctuary people are protected wherever they are. Physical location can be compramised and people will still be hidden. Communication should become simpler theyre on the same side of the viel so physical and virtual messages become possible, wont require magic to communicate. Potentially also protects physical/magical items owned by Sanctuary.
  • Downside, Groups are harder to define, inherently more vague than a definable physical location. If anyone in Sanctuary has been compramised they might be included and we might invite evil in by accident.

Iā€™m assuming an edit isnt a full casting and since the majority of magic for Determiner 12 has been cast, there should be less, touch wood no, risk of death.
Howeverā€¦ Iā€™m thinking spells within spells, to protect the casters who are trying to edit Determiner 12.

  • Outer protection hexagon- Calling the Corners - Grounding Hex
    Elemental magical (lightening) rods, grounds out any rebounding magic
    20.5.The Secret Society: Calling the Corners for Saberlane and Woolie (Complete!)

  • Power Hexangons (3x6) - Inital half of Cataclysm spell
    Gifting the power of items to the inner main casting
    3.5. The Search for Magiq: Casting The Cataclysm

  • Inner protection hexagons - Fern and Waysā€™ Concealment/The Mountainā€™s Shroud
    Used to hide the casters, if they cant be seen they cant get caught in magical shock wave. (Iā€™ll grant this is tenuous at best, I think this spell hid Marty + escapees from the storm during the raid on KS, my reference might be off)
    SOLVED: Fragment Twelve: Spell Creation - #422 by Augustus_Octavian

  • Inner Edit Casting formed from 3 casters
    Call upon the Veil/Guide of Magiq, show we were chosen by Acenser to be protected and tell a story of his hopes and dreams for us. Tell our current story and our dreams, how Sanctuary is part of that, gift our combined power to the Veil/Guide of Magiq and entreat the Veil/Guide of Magiq to expand its protections to include the Sanctuary.

    • 1 representative of the forum and personification of Acenders Legacy
    • 1 representative of Sanctuary Group and embodiment of their group, their aims, their goals their goodnessā€¦
    • 1 primary caster, channel for Power hexagons + Editor of Determiner 12. Focus point for intent, eyes for the Veil/Guide of Magiq to see physically what we want in teh form of the Forum and Sanctuary reps.

It is essential that the representative of Sanctuary is the true embodiment of the goals they have stated to us, they must not have been compramised by Silver, as the edit might then also invite in the silver. The visualisation of the Sanctuary group needs to be vague enough so that a minor mistake in someones past would not necesarily exclude them from the Sanctuary Group we define to the Veil/Guide of Magiq. But is also needs to be specific enough to exclude Silver people or traits that would threaten us if brought inside the wards.

The story that the Inner Edit Casting group makes will need input from someone else, Iā€™m no story teller and I never knew Ascender, it wouldnt be right for me to presume his hopes and dreams it will need someone who knew him.

I thinking this set up gives us poetry in numbers that refelcts the numbers/staves/circles in the runes. 3 protection circles(hexagons), 3 power circles, 3 Primary casters, 6 outer rings 2 for each of the 3 casters.
Downside with this set up is its people hungry! 39 peopleā€¦


so, it would appear i have some kind of seer capability according to this second assessment. The Inwardian Eye? Does that sound familiar to anyone? Do i have a similar ability to the one they call the seer in the sanctuary? Can iā€¦ Can i help guide us, provide a way forward?


Also, do we want to send a message to Eaves?
Message loop has been active for 3 days (huh thought it had been longer)

Along the lines of:

Hay Eaves
We discovered some more details about the Mountaneer Guilds, this might have something that can help us all, if nothing else it seems to be giving us more knowledge about magiq.
Weā€™re also investigating a way to expand the veil to protect you too.
We dont have much atm, but want to reduce the strain on you and hopefully reduce your spell sickness so weā€™re closing the message loop, message us again on 2019-09-xx and we should have more info. If we dont hear from you on that date weā€™ll try using the same skills youā€™ve been using but in reverse.


Should we point them to the page in the guide that leads to the new discoveries? We donā€™t even have to give them the key, AlisonB will figure it out for them in no time.

I think they should see it, since the guide is the gatekeeper it should be both in and out of the veil. But Iā€™m fuzzy on how it all works.


@Robert I think itā€™s only right that we share this. We arenā€™t meant to keep the guide to ourselves. Also @Cj_Heighton thatā€™d be awesome. I have Circlaerion Vision. Maybe we can put our heads together and figure the path out?
Edit: looking over some of the other new affinities it looks like Unifiers will from the flinter side could be really useful for the spell edit. It could possibly help focus all of our thoughts and ideas about how we want to edit the spell when the time comes.


did i miss where we figured out how to get past the password? cause im a little confused as of right now.


I figured it out last night, about 7pm. General instructions for the password under the screenshot I posted.


I cant see it. woot.


i just REALLY didnt see it.
now to go and find my bearing!
once iā€™ve figured out the numbers.


That is a lot of peopleā€¦
Continuing to spit ball here, I think we can do something similar with fewer people. Again, there is a lot of protection already set up, and now that we have collected our Bearings :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I think we have access to something Determiner 12 was missing - the triplicate form.
Inner, Middle, Outer - we already have some organization guidance here. Determiner 18, as it were. One person from each new bearing, working in tandem both with their guildmates and their bearing partners. For instance, Iā€™m Anivaeus, so I would work with the other two Balimorans to help rework the Wild guards, and with the other Eclipse Bearers to rework the Mid-Veil. I think calling the corners and some of that may be an unnecessary redundancy sinceā€¦ weā€™re all pretty well grounded inside this veil.

It would also break the work up, while also making the most use of our teams.
I like the addition of a specific Caster for Ascenderā€™s story, though. Determiner 18.1.
Each guild trio calls on their element and what they seek from like-minded adepts. Each Bearing sextuplet calls on a specific aspect of protection (Inner layer: Camoflauge/Hiding Middle layer: Secure communication/access through the veil ((Firewall/virus protection?)), Outer layer: Expansion/growth/inclusion of lodges/sanctuary/all others who seek to protect and wield magiq responsibly???)

I feel like this would create a more secure magiq web, all our efforts reaching across to each other, acting as back up systems and patches and redundancies for all the things that went haywire in D-12.

I think having an Ascender Caster to weave all this efforts into a cohesive story which honors Ascenderā€™s sacrifice is almost like a power cell, recharging everything that is already in place and opening up the seams to slide in our new patches.


That sounds brilliant honestly.


While this seems good in theory, Iā€™m gonna have to be a party pooper and mention the elephant in the room; weā€™re running out of magiq. If the extersion of using affinities is causing Eaves physical injuries, I canā€™t imagine the effects of something like this. Now, Iā€™m not saying this isnā€™t an option, Iā€™m just saying that if weā€™re going to try and alter the veil we need to be clever. If we could take this idea and maybe work it into some kind of Figuration, maybe it could work?


Could the runes work as magical resource? The magiq splinters left behind, right?
The veil itself is magiq, I just hesitate to tap into that at the same time we ā€œeditā€ it. And story weaving magiq is supposed to help open up new veins of magiqā€¦ Or was that something I imagined?
Yes, weā€™re running short on magiqā€¦ and timeā€¦ Does that mean we sit here twiddling our thumbs waiting for the Silver to gobble up every magiq thing left - including our friends? What good is safety if itā€™s pulling double duty as a prison?


Figuration magiq is ā€œstory magiqā€. So, we could maybe craft a story where the magiq we want to happen happens, kinda alla The Day of Change. Weā€™d have to be quick making it, but I think we could do it.

Edit: Thought, are there any affinities from the guild bearings that could help with this?


For some reason I got Figuration mixed up in my brain library. Thanks for clarifying :sweat_smile:


iā€™m thinking there could be a few.
but it all depends on how things work.


Iā€™m a Lunivox, basically we read avoricously and if we know something new we add notes or make minor adjustmentsā€¦ Iā€™m not sure about everyone elseā€™s skills/affinity
Could we in theory, each of us write a line of a chain-story and then Lunivox(s) edit the whole before ā€œsendingā€ it out?