Bearings from the Lighthouse

I got the Umbranor bearing. Couldn’t be more happy with getting this one, suits me perfectly honestly


It’s okay @Sellalellen I got your back


I’m both pleased and not at all surprised getting Luminast, just reading it makes me feel warm inside.


looks at his shelves of rulebooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, and that CD case of Encarta 95
Umbranor. Yeah, that fits.


High fives @BarkbytheGrace Yey another Luminast!!


Even though I haven’t gathered my bearings yet, nor figured out how to, Lumanist seems to fit my instinctual senses. It suits me, as I am much more of a watcher and absorber rather than being an active participant. I’ll share what stories I can, but only when I feel comfortable.

EDIT: Well, after having a hand point me in the right direction, it turns out that I’m born of the Moon! After some consideration, me being an Umbranor also makes sense, maybe more-so than Lumanist.


I’m an Umbranor! Upon reading the other bearings I had thought that Luminast would suit me more, at least surface wise…but the Umbranor description does ring true for me in certain contexts! Maybe from an outside perspective it’s more obvious haha


Is there a test to determine which bearing you are?


unsolved page, for how to solve it go here and that should point you in the right direction, though if you do need more help shoot me a message and i’ll help :smiley:


Finally sussed out the test :sweat_smile: and found that im Lunivox! It really does make a lot of sense to me, and really helps me feel totally at home here in Thornmouth :heart_decoration:


I am an Umbranor. I can see a little how this fits me but I personally would have put myself as a luminast.

But then. I’ve always looked for the truth in the myth, and my pagan journey does look for the magic in the everyday, the energy and correlations between things. I’m also a scientist, looking at how things work, and I enjoy language- both how my native tongue goes together as well as learning new ones. So maybe Umbranor isn’t so far off :woman_shrugging: plus, I adore the moon and am not much of a fan of the sun…


I got Umbranor. I love the whole aestetic with this bearing: moons, mountains, libraries, knowledge, truth. I feel like all of those things describe me very well. I think that most relates with me, though, is the last paragraph, specifically “Most would be intimidated by the ceaseless, cyclical nature of what you see, but for you, an Umbranor-bearing Thornmouth, born of the moon. You cherish your work, your power to see what others cannot, as both a pleasure and a privilege.” I’m a very hardworking person and always have that drive to do what others don’t. I feel like bearing encompasses that well and I’m very happy because of it.


I have still yet to puzzle out what my bearing is but I am dying to know!

I think I have an understanding of how to access the rest of the assessment, but I do not know how to find the numbers associated with each guild as I have a digital copy.


I’m sure that if you scan that digital copy, you should find the numbers you’re looking for! Just keep the guilds in mind and look diligently.


Ah HA! I solved it! I am a Lunivox-bearing Thornmouth, born of the eclipse.


Is it normal to question/internally debate your bearing? I got umbranor, and reading it I…I’m not sure I chose right? Like, it’s not wrong, but it’s not resonating with me the way Thornmouth eventually did? Maybe I just need to sleep on it and not be pondering the inner depths of my head at 1 am.


It’s certainly not unusual, I questioned my bearing as well. Give it some time to see if it sets in, then maybe take the assessment again and see how you feel.


Umbranor-Bearing here!

Umbranor is scary accurate, personally. I can’t help but analyze and pick apart every work I come across, the act of creation is simply the reuse of ideas which you may not remember their origin. What makes them unique is intent and the obscure things we hide within the folds of the books we know.

I’m so glad this need of mine to dig beyond the surface of every work is expressed magiqmystically. If only I was better at organizing all the knowledge I so hungrily amass.


Lumvox , I’m always eager to learn. So this sums me up perfectly


That’s me, through and through. Proud Luminast here. Now if you excuse me, I’m off to do some more writing.