Yet Another Hogwarts House Thread

When it comes to Hogwarts houses I always seem to either be a Gryffindor or a Slytherin - hardly ever anything else. My heart house is most definitely Slytherin though, as that’s what it was originally on Pottermore.

I vaguely remember at first being saddened by the outcome, because any Slytherin character was often labeled as a big jerk or bully. Eventually I decided that didn’t really matter because the House’s own descriptor was cunning and ambitious, which isn’t bad at all; in fact I’d say those are two good traits to have.

My sister is a Hufflepuff, me and her? We’re like two peas in a pod. I’m convinced a friendship between a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin are usually the best sort.


I just retook the Pottermore all question test and I got Slytherin first which is quite interesting - it’s been a while since I took it but I’m certain younger me got either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff on separate occasions on Pottermore itself (however Ravenclaw was second, quite close to Slytherin actually).

Has anyone looked at Sortinghousechat’s system on tumblr? They’re in the process of making a quiz for it, but just reading through I’m pretty sure I’m a Slytherin Primary and Ravenclaw Secondary. I think I prefer their dual-house method!

EDIT: Oop I just saw @Viviane mentioned it already near the start! :sweat_smile:


That’s actually something that comes up a lot in one of the virtual running clubs I’m in (HP themed). They find all of the excellent internet things for that pairing.


Thanks for the link. I got RavenClaw again!


No surprises here!


I got 86% Slytherin on that quiz, I’m honestly not surprised the second highest was Gryffindor.


Omg how did I miss a House forum? I love this!

I’m a Slytherin and I can totally vouch for the Slytherin-Hufflepuff friendships. My brother is a Hufflepuff as while as my absolute best friend and the dynamic is kind of perfect. It’s like I remind them to have a backbone and that it’s okay to do things for themselves and they remind me that I don’t have to do everything perfectly at all times. 10/10 relationships


They are incredibly excited about MERLIN


Ravenclaw, which is how I identify, but hoo boy was I close to getting Slytherin


Cleverness is a key to ambition, wisdom a key to cunning. I imagine that’s why they’re so closely tied for you :wink::sunglasses:


i’m in gryffindor, though i relate pretty closely to ravenclaw as well. I’ve always thought of your house affiliation being which traits you value/admire over the others, so because I find bravery, resilience, etc to be very important traits/traits i strive to have, i’m a gryffindor!


Our entire household is Slytherin, and those of us who have taken the assessment got Thornmouth (at least the first time) and are both Aries as well. Make of that what you will. Lol


I took the pottermore quiz and was undoubtedly Griffendor by a landslide despite my affinity for Ravenclaw :sweat_smile: why I also feel caught between Thornmouth and Gossmere; Thornmere~♧


When I was younger and went on Pottermore for the first time (right after you didn’t have to pay for it/after beta testing) and I was mostly put in Slytherin, sometimes in Ravenclaw, and rarely in Hufflepuff, never in Gryffindor. I took the quiz 17 times on old Pottermore (I would just delete my account and start over again), and usually got Slytherin so I always stuck with it.
I never really thought it would change so I went full in Slytherin and I would still consider myself a Slytherin, though I think I have the Harry Potter conflict where I now fit much more between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Now whenever I take quizzes, it’s like 60% outcome is with Gryffindor and the rest towards Slytherin.
I think it’s due to many events that have happened in my life since I was 13, and when you grow up and become a young adult, your perspective changes in life when you grasp knew knowledge.
On the all question quiz, I’m like 83% Gryffindor and 71% Slytherin, 45% Ravenclaw and 14% Hufflepuff. I think that our houses do change once we’re older for sure, but I believe that in the HP universe our house would definitely fit how we would be in the future and not based off of the kid we started out as.


Also, my Ilvermorny house is a Horned Serpent, though I know that whenever I retake it, I also tend to get Pukwudgie in the mix too. So, either works. I really want to know more about the houses in other countries too, plus more that J.K. hasn’t mentioned yet (she’s confirmed that there’s 11 main wizarding schools throughout the world, but has only confirmed 7 so far; 3 in Europe, 1 in North America, 1 in Brazil, 1 in Central Africa, and 1 in Japan). We only know limited knowledge on these schools, but I honestly love the robe changing colors for the Japanese school.

For all the quizzes on Pottermore in full length


Back when Pottermore first started I did the quiz few times and never got Gryffindor. With the latest official quiz I got Ravenclaw (and that was a couple years ago, while I was preparing to start college).
In high school I was more Slytherin; ambitious and clever: High school to college I’ve been more focused on learning and creating - Ravenclaw: but after taking the all-questions quiz, I’m placed in Hufflepuff.
I’m still adamant I’m a Ravenclaw, but I’ve always sensed my loyalty and ambitions pushing me to create and learn for others and myself.


I can’t believe I missed this thread, but I too am a proud Hufflepuff :badger: (77% in the all questions quiz).
The thing about Hufflepuff-ness that really peeves me is that we don’t get all the cool merch the other houses do. I went into Primark when I was in the UK to find we didn’t get a cool house tote-bag (first world problems I know, but I do like to show a bit of house pride in my day-to-day :sweat_smile:) I did get a hat though. It’s a very fine hat.


I’m a Slytherin. Every test I’ve ever done, including the Pottermore one, has me as a snake.

In fairness, I’m rather proud of my ambition and cunning so have no qualms with that!

I did find the Pottermore sorting process somewhat bland and lacking in character. Definitely preferred the magiq one as it was more mysterious and otherworldly.


I’m in Ravenclaw! Mostly because i’m a pretty logical person and I’m the mature one in my group. I absolutely love my house and I’m very happy to be a Ravenclaw!