Yet Another Hogwarts House Thread

Proud Slytherin here :snake: every quiz I’ve ever taken has put me here. I’ll admit, I didn’t like it when I was younger (because reading the books made me feel it was an evil house full of evil people) but the fandom has expanded on it and made it so much better. I love the headcannons about :badger: + :snake: friendships where the Slytherin protects from nasty people and rumours and the Hufflepuff steals snacks from the kitchen and reminds the Slytherin to sleep and such. My affection for these posts is also increased because @Timidity is my Hufflepuff and we can see eachother in the hypothetical scenarios we read about.


I’ve always been placed into Gryffindor. I can’t escape it. The countless quizes before the original pottermore and the new. I’ve just accepted it at this point in my life.


I am very ravenclaw, and proud of it :3 got a house robe and wand at universal, and i am so happy with it :3


I did the pottermore quiz twice and according to that, I’m a Hufflepuff. But according to every other quiz out there (including one that included all the pottermore quiz questions, instead of choosing a few as pottermore does) I’m in Ravenclaw. This always led me to wonder if it wasn’t what you amswered that was important, but rather how you answered it… Anyone else have a similar experience?

I got horned serpent and thunderbird the two times I did ilvermorny, and got flinterforge and thornmouth the two times I did the magiq assessment… I live a very well-rounded life so I guess it makes sense for me to fit into more than one place?


I always believed that I was a Gryffindor. I always thought that I wanted to be like the heroes in the story. So much like @Remus, I was resistant to the idea of being a Hufflepuff and it wasn’t until Pottermore sorted me into Hufflepuff that I finally really looked into the house and accepted it. And it’s fairly true to my character. But there’s still that desire to be a hero and I think that’s why I fit well into Ebenguard.

Being a Hufflepuff accents my loyalty and patience. Being an Ebenguard accents my sense of balance and desire to do what’s right.


Late to the party on this one it seems. I’m a proud hufflepuff :badger:

I think I’ve always seen myself as a hufflepuff… Probably because of how close they live to the kitchens. I loved all the extra writing on pottermore about the common room and stuff too.

Did anyone else do the wand ceremony? I love the wand lore!


Pottermore puts me in slytherin, but dpending on my mood other quizzes will put me in Ravenclaw as well. So I just take the combination and use that


Slytherin on every one I’ve taken. And I’ve done the Pottermore quiz…6??? times. I have a lot of old emails…


So I took the Pottermore quiz and got ravenclaw and I have to say that I agree with that assessment. I am pretty studious and love to study which goes right with my Thornmouth guild!


Not sure how I’ve never seen this thread but I constantly get Gryffindor! My friends say it matches but I’m not certain. I’ve always associated Griffindor’s with the heroes so that might be why I don’t see it.


Weird I always assumed you’d be a snugglepuff :joy:


:joy: Yeah right! I might be a little nice but I’m not Helga Hufflepuff nice! Nor am I super patient. My current profession definitely doesn’t allow for that.


Hey, now! I know a lot of fiercely Puff Hufflepuffs, who are neither nice nor patient. :rofl:


My mother and niece are both Hufflepuffs. I’m a Slytherin with a Gryffindor older sibling. Honestly the most scary one when you anger them is my mother. She’s nice… until you mess with her family.

I’ve taken the different quizzes that have been created including old and new pottermore and have consistently gotten Slytherin. For illvermorny I got Thunderbird 3 times and Pukwudgie 2 times. So going with that story both stone tablets would have been lit so I’d get to choose.

For here I got Weatherwatch and the second time after changing one answer that I was on the fence about, got Flinterforge.

Honestly I find it funny that I get put in the adventuring ones a lot.
((I’m far too anxious for too much of it )) Though they also mention “trail blazers” and a type of “silver tongue” trait in Weatherwatch, Thunderbird and Slytherin. So in an odd way I can understand it. I just wouldnt be a stereotype of one.


I was married when Pottermore first kicked off and I was sorted into Hufflepuff.
After my divorce I took it again and was sorted into Gryffindor.
Last year at a theatre masterclass no one had been on Pottermore and I made everyone take the quiz, so I retook it, too. Everyone was Ravenclaw except me - Slytherin this time.

What is this “all questions” thing I keep reading about though? Is it a hidden option in Pottermore or something else entirely?


Ooh, ooh, pick me!
So in any given instance of official Pottermore sorting, you will only see a fraction (less than 50%) of the total questions available. That selection is made more or less at random, with the only known control being a certain number of binary choices and a certain number of multiple choice with four options.

Some people see this as problematic, because for many, the selection of questions they receive can drastically skew the results. For example, I’ve gotten every result but Hufflepuff from my various attempts at the Pottermore limited sorting, but when presented with the entire list of questions, I easily come out Slytherin every time. And it gets even more tricky when you consider that some people may have chosen one house’s answer for a reasoning that totally belongs to another house. So, yeah. Ask me about my feelings about the Pottermore sorting quiz sometime


So how do you take the all-questions test?


One moment, I’ve become quite good at finding it.

Bam! :simon:




Yay! Let’s see;
66% Gryff, 60% Slyth, 60% Huff, 54% Claw… Guess it makes sense that my answer changed every time I took it. Poor Sorty would’ve hat-stalled on me pretty hard :thinking: