Wiki: Aisling Green

Aisling Green was Deirdre Green’s mother and wife to Sullivan Green. She passed away when Deirdre was young.


Aisling was dedicated to the pursuit of magiq and sought the truth by following the two paths to magiq. However, after starting a family with Sullivan Green, she found her place in life, and gave up her desire to unlock more secrets. While Sullivan could not resist the pull of magiq, Aisling stayed at home and dedicated herself to raising her daughter, which she did until she passed away due to the effects of using dark magiq.


At the same time that Sullivan Green was following the Path of Wool, Aisling was following the Path of Silver, searching for the truth behind magiq. At the crossroads of both of their paths, the pair met and continued the journey together. They fell deeply in love.

The pair spent years traveling the world in search of the truth, to no avail. The people who had been waiting at the end of the Paths of Wool and Silver were long gone. During their travels, Aisling and Sullivan were married in a half-buried temple in India, but they eventually returned to New York City for an official marriage. Deirdre was born on June 28, 1992.

While Aisling was content to forget about the truth that they sought, Sullivan became depressed and restless at the thought of giving up on the truth. He left Aisling and Deirdre shortly after Deirdre’s birth to continue his search. Sullivan rarely returned home, leaving Aisling as virtually a single parent. While Sullivan did financially take care of his family, he was otherwise a ghost.

When Deirdre was around five years old, Sullivan returned home one last time. He tried to convince Aisling and Deirdre to come with him, claiming that he had found the “little red house” of which Aisling had dreamt. However, Aisling refused, saying that Sullivan would never be content. Sullivan tried to take Deirdre away, but Aisling fought back and, using an object Sullivan had collected on his journey, cast a dark magic spell on him to keep Deirdre safe. Sullivan was wounded, losing a part of himself, and so was Aisling. Her health began to fail, and she died roughly a year after casting the spell.

Only during Phase Four of The Monarch Papers was it revealed once and for all that Sullivan had not gone mad—he had in fact found The Little Red House. It was not a place but a children’s book, published by Ackerly Green Publishing in 1955 in the Book of the Wild, before becoming part of the Lost Collection and therefore being erased from the world in the Book of Kings. In The Book of Kings, Sullivan was able to find a copy of The Little Red House in Neithernor. However, Aisling did not believe him or perhaps fully understand the meaning of his discovery, and therefore the true nature of The Little Red House was unknown until Deirdre traveled to Neithernor herself in Phase Four.