Wiki: Colby Fortin

Colby Fortin is a Gossmere and friend of Sullivan Green, who helped cast the original Calling the Corners spell on Deirdre Green.


Colby is a loyal friend of Sullivan, who was willing to remain in Montreal until Deirdre Green came to the city after the spell put on her was broken. Deirdre seems to find him physically and emotionally warm and approachable.


Colby is one of the six members of a coven which secretly practiced magiq, another member of which is Ishi. With his coven and Sullivan Green, Colby helped to cast the original Calling the Corners spell, a decision which Colby noted he deeply regretted when he first encountered Deirdre in Montreal in May of 2017​. Much like Ishi, Colby was charged by Sullivan with helping Deirdre in the event that the spell was broken. However, he was simply charged with staying in Montreal, rather than being asked to travel about the world like Ishi.

Colby bumped into Deirdre while she was exploring the public areas of the old city of Montreal​. Following a rather awkward stumble on Deirdre’s part, and a warm hug, Colby apologized for helping to cast the spell on her. The two walked away from the museum, where the ruins of the old city were located, to a park by the river near the hotel. During this time, Colby explained his current situation and what led him to be in Montreal.

After sitting down in the park, Colby asked for Sullivan’s journal, on which he intended to use magiq. After assuring Deirdre that no one would notice the “mundane magiq,” he began to utilize a modified version of tome kindling, to experience the journal as it truly was. He then used communion magiq to transfer the experience to Deirdre, and together the two of them discovered the story of Sullivan’s pursuit of magiq, and of how he met Deirdre’s mother, Aisling Green.

Following their joint exploration into Sullivan’s journey, Deirdre and Colby become discouraged by the lack of a way forward presented by the story. Colby then revealed that his pursuit of the truth of the world and his pursuit of magiq had given him the things he treasured most, like his family and career, and posited that “sometimes it’s what you find on the path, not at the end of it, that matters.” When asked about the knocking that Deirdre had been experiencing, Colby responded that many have heard it in their lives, and that he believed that it is a remainder of whatever used to be at the ends of the Paths of Wool and Silver. Colby then tried to console Deirdre, but noted that her heart was guarded. He told her that she could call him at any time if she ever needed his help, but Deirdre, at this point emotionally and mentally overwhelmed, left him behind. Colby’s fate beyond this point is unknown.