What's Your Signature Item or Accessory?

hecc. Please.

i will mail you many bars of soap from the market as payment. Bartering is in rn.


Once upon a time youā€™d never find me without a set of dog tags I had made for my grandfather and a good friend that passed away, a paracord bracelet one of my past students braided to actually fit my tiny wrist, and a Celtic cross ring that my grandmother gave to me.

Buuuuuutttt all of those got stolen. The tags like two years ago, and the ring and bracelet a few months back.
Iā€™m a little upset about it still just because they all had good memories attached to them, and I didnā€™t realize how much I anxiously played with these things until they were gone.

Nowadays ā€¦ I doubt hairties count? I always have one on my wrist or in my hair.
Iā€™ve definitely started a personal trend of always wearing weird and fun earrings.
Iā€™m known for always wearing ball-caps when itā€™s nice out (particularly the Ocular Eye one I had until I finally retired it) and toques when itā€™s not (I now have two Ebenguard beanie/toque things that I live in during fall/winter/always because Canada)

Outfit wise? I live in athletic wear usually, but signature items my friends know me for are either things that are bright red (Iā€™m just digging that colour right now), or oversized Dad approved Hawaiian print shirts of which Iā€™m currently wearing one of my favs


Iā€™m sorry to hear about the theft! That sounds awful, itā€™s always hard to lose important things.
Hawaiian shirts will always be peak fashion though, and having a hairtie is always a good idea! Redā€™s a lovely colour too! :blossom:


I think all women with long hair keep spare hair ties around just in case. I do!


Itā€™s definitely not limited to women! My dad always carries one as well, and my brother laments that he doesnā€™t (his school would get mad if he was wearing an accessory of any kind other than the school-sanctioned ones)


Can confirm. Hair is heckinā€™ long. (And probably due for a trim so itā€™s still pretty heckinā€™ long but less raggedy)


Doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t keep one or two on him. Typical day, I have one on my wrist, one or two in my pocket, plus a few in my purse.


I used to carry a few in my medic kit but ended up getting blood on them and had to throw them away, have yet to replace themā€¦


For me? A turquoise pendant necklace that came with a set of dice, and I have these particular brand of socks that I wear almost religiously at this point. Theyā€™re comfortable, brightly patterned, and all feel the same so I can wear odd socks without getting annoyed. Other than that, I wear all black everything more often than not, I guess itd be my signature colour.


I think we all enjoy the comforts of a style. @SabineBean I agree that black is a warm and welcoming tone. If I donā€™t put pomade through my hair the top is long (I keep an almost Peaky Blinder slick with shaved sides and back) then I wear a knit beanie. I only wear colour in my socks quick I like bold.

P.S is like to see your image of me Sabine but Iā€™m interested in your minds eye.


What socks?! I have too many already but I just canā€™t stop hoarding them! And they absolutely have to be the same cut and texture for me to mismatch as well. Please recommend me your favourite socks :deirdreexcited:


I cannot for the life of me remember what the brand is called, but if I do, Iā€™ll tell you! I can tell you that they look like this though, and I think it may be an Australian company?


They look like Happy Socks


They do, but they are not- I checked the website to see if they were. Happy socks are kinda expensive for my price range anyway


@Honeysuckle ooh, youā€™re getting accessories with your dice? My own dice collection didnā€™t come with anything but a sticker or twoā€¦ Still, that sounds like a fantastic look, good to hear!

@Calm I was imagining you with more muted greens and browns, but black makes perfect sense now! It is definitely a good colour

@Sellalellen socks are fantastic. I used to hoard them when I was young, but unfortunately dad hates odd socks, so most of my socks ā€˜disappearedā€™ if I couldnā€™t find the other sock. And, yā€™know, being a kid, finding socks was the least of my priorities! :blossom:


I donā€™t really have much of a consistent signature to what I wear. I tend to wear a light jacket whenever I can get away with it without sweating to death (I like having extra pockets to put things in). I also have a ring I wear for my girlfriend that I never take off.


@BrokenVoid Thatā€™s so sweet! And a light jacket is always good, jackets are fun and easy to customise. :blossom:


I agree, and now that I have a few AG related pins Iā€™ll probably start interchanging those on whatever jacket Iā€™m wearing.


I would have to say my signature accessories are my earrings that I never take off. On my left ear I have two piercings that only leave my ear while I am sleeping. In my first piercing I have a dangling crystal quartz and in my second a cut emerald.


@alexanderskye Oh thatā€™s lovely! Quartz and emerald look so good together too, white and green is a fantastic combination! :blossom: