What's Your Signature Item or Accessory?

I mean technically speaking I always have them, sometimes I just take them off for the comedic value especially when everyone needs a good chuckle!


Are you sure youā€™re not a Bali? :rofl::rofl: That sounds great!


I have two rings I always wear, silver set with garnet. One has stylized ivy leaves bracketing the stone, and I bought it as a child on a family trip. I wore it for years, through several growth spurts, and it always fit perfectly. Then in my teens I lost it, and didnā€™t find it again until I was in my twenties, when I spotted it in the driveway. It had clearly been run over a few times, but I was able to bend the band back into a wearable shape with my jewelry making skills, and it hasnā€™t left my hand since. The other has knotwork designs cut into it on either side of the stone. It was a gift from my Nana, who means well but often misses the mark on gifts. This time it was right on the money and I gave it place of pride opposite the immortal ring.


Oh, thatā€™s wonderful! Itā€™s impressive that the ring survived, and Iā€™m glad you were able to put it back to the way it should be! Thatā€™s one very powerful ring! And a knotwork ring sounds beautiful too! :cherry_blossom:


Whatā€™s really impressive is that it still fits you as an adult, when you bought it as a childā€¦ Are you sure it doesnā€™t have some magiq in it?


Honestly, Iā€™m sure it DOES have magiq in it. An ordinary ring should not have been wearable for both a 9 year old me and a 30 year old me, and frankly Iā€™m surprised it survived being run over several times. Silver isnā€™t well known for durability, and while garnets are 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale, one really shouldnā€™t subject them to rough treatment.


Iā€™ve got my necklace with a Mjolnir and an ā€˜Uruzā€™ pendant, and if course my red flannel shirt.


Ooooooo I have an Ankh necklace myself though a Norse one is on my list


I love to wear light capes and cloaks and things that flow in the wind! They make me feel just a little bit more magical in my day to day life. I also love to adorn myself with bits of embroidered cloth. Makes things feel more homey :slight_smile:


Cloaks and capes are so fun!


I always wear a pikorua (twist) lapis necklace and a haematite thumb-ring as well as my wedding band and glasses :blush:


Ooh, lovely!! I love how they all go together so well, and wow, I love your glasses! What wonderful colour combinations! :cherry_blossom:


Thank you :blush: I have a weakness for purple and blue accessories (my last pair of glasses had hidden glitter), but I only ever seem to wear black :rofl:


So weā€™re filming a goonies-themed promo video at work (less because we need to and more because itā€™s fun), and our video guy asks me to bring in my bandanas. So I bring themā€¦all of themā€¦ I havenā€™t counted them in a while and it turns out I own 38 bandanas. So thatā€™s fun. And now I have a very instagrammable pic of them. ^-^


Oh my gosh I love your bandanna collection! My accessory of choice is a hair scarf/barrette so I feel the bandanna love.


Hello Everyone,
For me, the items are four silver rings that I alwaly wear. They all are representing leaves ans flowers. I think they have an elfic style and I really like that. My mother gave all of them and they are really special to me.


Yay ring buddy! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Are you Asatru? I follow the Norse pantheon! I have a Tyrā€™s rune, my ex stole my beautiful pewter Mjolnirā€¦

My signature Items are my rings and pendants. I have my grandfatherā€™s white gold and diamond ring that fits like a glove, and my class ring from high school as well as my assortment of Shipwreck coins set into rings and pendants.


For me, my signature items are a Celtic circle necklace and a Mickey Mouse watch.

The necklace was a gift from my fiancee - she felt it unfair that only women get engagement jewelry, so bought me an ā€œengagement necklaceā€.


I think for my outfit, I would like have purple high top converse with skinny jeans, a tank top, and either a flannel or some sort of jacket. As for a signature item, it would definitely be a necklace of some sort. I used to wear this mermaid necklace a lot when I was younger so that could work.

However, in real life, I think my past signature item would be my purple Tobuscus hoodie. I wore that everywhere. Currently, my accessory is a small green and blue compass anklet I never take off. So, I think that items change over time depending on how you grow as a person :slight_smile: