What's Your Signature Item or Accessory?

I’d say my signature item is probably either a flannel shirt worn like a jacket or a necklace of the star of Inanna I wear pretty much everywhere. The necklace especially is something that goes pretty far back, I bought it as my first gift to myself at my first job and it has reminded me for a long time to keep pushing forward since then.


This is super interesting.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone wear something so closely linked to Inanna. Would definitely catch my attention!


I don’t think I’ve changed my earrings in…oh gosh…the most recent would have been a year and a half ago. I have an industrial in my right ear with one end shaped like a rose bloom and the other as stem with leaves, my forward helix of my left ear boasts a heart shaped stud and ring and lobes have a matching set of silver tinkerbells. Fairies and fantasy have been my thing my whole life, and love and the natural magic of my pagan faith are what rule me…so theres some symbolism there.

As far as clothes go, I have an extraordinary amount of black and white polka dot dresses… all in different styles but I do have a problem haha.

My true signature though is my hair, and while it changes every few months I don’t think I’ve boasted my true hair colour for almost 4 years now. I’m currently trying to wash out the last of the blue and purple so I can go for a fiery look of purple at the roots blending to pink in the mid tones finishing in an orange at the tips. Or at least that’s the plan!


I am an Asatru priest.


i know i’ve posted in this before, but things have changed. i have realized that there are a set of items i will always have with me regarless of whether i am in uniform or not. among them are my glasses, my writing utensils (pens, pencils, and interestingly there is a grease pencil in my pocket now too…not sure where it came from), and often something to write on(be it scraps of paper, or some form of notebook)


Oooh fun! Honestly, I kind of dress like a cartoon character in this respect.

  • I have one pair of shoes that I really consistently wear
  • I only ever have two pairs of pants at any given time (blue jeans because utilitarianism)
  • I have a black hoodie that I wear constantly, as long as it’s cool enough out
  • most consistently though, I have three rings that I wear at all times. I think it’s a security thing?
    Also, my hair is an extremely short pixie cut, so that doesn’t change much XD

I was told it was fine to be a necromancer if I found a post interesting and wanted to continue the conversation, so, uh…

The only thing I’m pretty much always wearing is a custom bracelet my romantic partner got me, featuring my 3 favorite colors. I’m also always wearing some asexual ring (a black ring on my middle finger) to connect myself to the community, but I have a collection of rings for that and will swap them out randomly, so it’s not one specific ring. The one I’m wearing today is a very slim ring carved from onyx.

More generally, I’m well known for almost always wearing black, if given the choice. (Costumes and special ocassions being the exception, of course.)


high fives in ace