Drawing strength from inanimate objects is one of the most human things to do! Charms, trinkets, lucky items and so on have been part of human nature since the beginning, and will remain that way!
i vastly, vastly prefer high-waisted bottoms. Jeans, skirts, shorts, always cuter and more comfortable when they’re high rise.
i also think my glasses are quite noticeable. I don’t have a strong prescription so I wear then whenever I feel like (always when i drive though) but they’re large-framed and round, and they don’t have grips on the nose so they naturally rest quite far down on my nose.
High-waisted clothes frame figures so nicely, I really get you there! And your glasses sound ever so cute!! These are really nice signature looks!
My signature gear. I can’t leave home without a watch on my wrist, a pen in my pocket, glasses on my face, and the ring my mum bought me for my 18th birthday.
Oh, these are lovely! That’s such a beautiful ring too, and having a pen and a watch is always handy! Glasses are a pretty important part of one’s gear for sure.
Clothing wise I’ve sort of accidentally gotten in the habit of wearing grey and/or floral print:
The other items are a set of Mala prayer beads from a Buddhist temple I visited a couple years ago, and a peridot ring I just picked up to help remind me to check in on my grandma more often (peridot is her birthstone - she’s been having a lot of health trouble

Oh, these are lovely! I love the idea of having a special item of clothing to remind you to check on someone- I have plenty that are connected to people but none with that specific purpose. I hope your Grandma’s health improves with your well wishes and company!!
I’d have to say my signature items are my rings that I’ve gotten from a significant place I’ve been to. My goal is to have at least 1 ring per finger and are all the same metal.
Sadly some places only had certain sizes so yes, I have rings that belong to the same finger, but they do not contribute to my goal.
@Hekate I hope your grandmother’s health improves!
Sounds like the rings have significant sentimental value there, that’s really nice!! I like that goal, it’s a good one to have, hope you achieve it someday!
@SabineBean @Aeryce
Thank you both for your support. I think I’ve accepted (at least more than most of the rest of my family) that at her age, there just aren’t a whole lot of guarantees anymore. Whether she gets better or not, I just want to make sure she knows I love her and think about her, and always will.
The bracelets are lovely, and well wishes to your grandma !!
I always a simple black prayer bracelet with a single wooden bead. It’s simple but means a lot to me.
Sentimental items often are very simple, but are also often the most beloved! I bet it really suits you!
The only things I can think of that might count as signatures are my flip-flops, my preference for rose gold jewelry (silver/white gold wash me out and yellow gold makes me look jaundiced), and my hair is always a “fantasy” color.
I only wear silver. I thought I was the only one who restricted myself to one metal, but I know what looks good on me, and gold and copper aren’t it.
I’m with you on the silver. I’ll wear white gold if I can afford it. But yellow gold makes me look jaundiced as well, and I just don’t care for rose gold.
One good thing about my pickiness though, is that my Mum and one of my sisters are similarly picky, but we each favour a different metal. When a neighbor goes “Here’s a handful of necklaces I don’t wear, you can have them.”, we don’t have to fight over who gets what. Silver/white gold is mine, gold/rose gold is my sister, and Mum gets the copper and bronze. We just distribute them according to our colours and that is that.
I absolutely love rose gold! My mom finds it hilarious, considering I was so anti-pink as a child, but I’ve started collecting cheap rose gold jewelry (that I tend to lose very, very quickly).
I tend to mix metals, which is why today I’m wearing silver, gold, and rose gold. My favourite is probably silver.
I actually have a couple, but I never thought of any of them as a “Signature Item/Accesory” and the fact that they are referenced that way here makes them feel, well, kind of cool. I use to be a magician and I also do a lot of hiking/camping/general “I’m probably gonna get wet from rain/ocean” so water proof/resistant items always were drawn to me, esspecially if I had a magic routine based around it. So… with that said… I always carry:
A magic coin
A talisman
A tungsten carbide ring
A leather wrist band
And a water proof hybrid watch and scapular… both of which I almost never remove.
Tbh, my wardrobe is very monotonous, with some sort of pants, button up with an A-shirt underneath, a leather belt and leather boots and I like it that way.
I use to carry a deck of cards with me, but on multiple occasions were reminded of their lack of waterproofing. @Shadow, I love cardistry, but while I could do some routines with cards, my tiny hands would make things difficult. Glad to see a fellow card-slinger~♧
Always a pleasant surprise to see another spellmonger.
A little follow up to my signature items, I used magiq a while back by accident and a vending machine I was using gave me a gold coing back as change. I took that as a sign to try my hand at coing magic (with mixed success). Tldr I now carry that coin with me along with my cards everywhere I go.
I also learned the hard way that’s cards don’t mix well with water (or rather mix too well), but I’ve had a stainless steel clip I keep the ones I carry with me in so that helps somewhat.