Werk Werk Werk Werk Werk: Professional Stuff

I did!! I’m a satellite operations engineer :sparkles: for a small satellite company. Basically I make sure our satellite is able to do what it needs to, both by talking with other engineers and testing it myself. It’s a good combination of hands-on work and communication, in my opinion.

Do you work in the space industry too or are you just a space fan? (which there’s nothing wrong with, ofc)


That’s so cool! :deirdreexcited:
Nah I’m just a space nerd :grin: I blame my dad. He could tell you every detail of the Apollo missions, and so I was surrounded by space trivia and model spaceships my whole life. A large portion of the family bookshelf is space stuff to this day, mostly books he acquired as a kid and still can’t get rid of because space.
I always wanted to do something in the industry, but there aren’t exactly many opportunities where I live. I was also dead set on being an astronaut at one point (though most kids are I suppose), but apparently you need both eyes for that so I’m out. I guess depth perception is important in zero g though.


What sort of schooling do you need to be a satellite engineer anyway?


Oh that’s so cool!! I don’t really have anyone in my family as into space as I am (though most of them are engineers which does help). Being surrounded by space memorabilia must have really excited the imagination growing up.

And I feel you about the lack of opportunities. I was born in a rural part New England (USA) and had to travel all the way across the country to go to study and work in what I love. I know it’s even worse for people in other countries (I know someone from New Zealand who told me she couldn’t study Aerospace because they didn’t have that major anywhere in the country!).

And man, I’d love to go into space one day. My eyesight’s decent but I’m not nearly physically fit enough to go. Hopefully space tourism will be a thing before too long and we can buy tickets to go rather than get in the NASA way :star_struck:


I got my degree in Astronautical Engineering (think Aerospace but take out the “air” and add more “space”), but really any type of Engineering can do it. Mechanical, electrical, and software engineering can all lead to satellites if you want it to!


I was initially worried I would spill out all the space nerd weirdness and scare you off :joy: I should have known better.
Space tourism has the potential to be the coolest thing, but at the prices most people estimate for a hypothetical ticket… I’d have to win the lottery first. All the science fiction I read where “going earthside” or to and fro from planets is mundane as taking the bus has me expecting all sorts of things out tech can’t do yet :sweat_smile:


Oh trust me, it’ll take way more than space talk to scare me away. If anything, I was worried that my enthusiasm would scare you off! :joy:

And that’s a good point with space tourism - I honestly thing that establishing equal access to space is going to be one of the biggest challenges in space exploration (that and international collaboration). If corporations and super wealthy people are the only ones with access, I can see space quickly becoming heavily commercialized and industrialized.

It would be so cool to have space buses and daily space travel though! I think in the next 100 years or so we’ll start to see routine space travel like routine air travel. Especially if/when we start to build massive space stations and moon bases…the possibilities for space habitats are so cool!!


I just remembered studying Aerospace engineering for a week or so to make a theoretical working space engine for a writing I was working on at the time.

I ended up dumping the writing as my writing skills greatly developed in the middle and I’m way too ocd to have a shift like that in the middle.


That’s so awesome!! My dream is to work in a space industry! You’re job sounds so cool!


Are there any self employed Mounties around that’d be able to give some advice on starting and running your own business?


Back to work tomorrow after a lovely long weekend :slight_smile: I’m an assistant psychologist on an older adults inpatient ward but will soon be moving as my contract is up- got my new job on Friday! :relaxed: anyone else feel really jittery before going back to work after a break? I’m not readddddyyyyy!


I absolutely feel nervous. Havent exercised my singing voice in a week! Its awful!


I must have missed one of your posts above but you sing?! In what context! What a great skill to have! :relaxed:


It’s been too humid and rainy for me to pull the guitar out. I hate it.


Both @Cj_Heighton and I are buskers. Although he’s been at it much longer than I have.


Yep! Im a street busker. 3 years now, right around. Play acoustic and sing.


What an awesome job! :smiley:


It’s a lot of fun for someone who likes preforming, but it’s heavily in dependant on the weather. I’m itching to go out and play but this rain won’t stop!


Maybe if you get your name in with some local farmers markets you’ll have an indoor gig opportunity? Those are really popular for buskers around my area.


Mhh. The issue with markets where im from is that they’re on closed down streets. Zero indoor market opportunities till october-december, and those are tight and crowded.