Werk Werk Werk Werk Werk: Professional Stuff

Currently, I am a courtesy clerk at a grocery store in my hometown. I have a degree in Communication Studies: Relational/Organizational Communication, but I don’t know what kinds of jobs to look for (it can basically be applied to just about anything). While in college, I prided myself on my research, and I actually turned a paper into a presentation that won first place in my section at the local level. I went to the state level, but didn’t place. I hope I didn’t detract from the subject at hand too severely, since college was the last time I felt I did anything professional.


Ooo @Tinker , I will be taking Mandarin! I would love to speak with you once I get going on it.
I have a 4 year Masters in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. I am currently halfway through my boards towards licensure. I basically know medical terms and herbs in pin yin only ( you have to for the herbs, you learn them all in pin yin.) and I also got excited when I saw Jin Yin Hua’s user name, lol. But yes, taking modern Mandarin and also some ancient Chinese would definitely help reading for any academic studies in the future.


@witchery Are you like a freelance editor? That is so cool! Right now I am doing freelance writing for my boyfriend’s coworker and being a research assistant for my professor. These jobs are just for some extra bucks and savings, but I am gaining experience in this field. I hope I can ask them about jobs that relate to writing and reading so I can at least find a stable one to make a living :joy:.

One tip to get you motivated is to read an article. Anything, actually, to look at the way the writer composed their article so you can get some creative juice flowing. In order to enhance your working environment, turn on some white noise so it can block out some other distracting noises.


So many amazing professions, careers, lines of work, and majors in this post! First, let me say that you are all such interesting individuals and it’s so welcoming to see everyone share a peek into what their day to day is like!
@loreliana I’m also a Communication Studies Major! My focuses were Interpersonal, Intercultural, and Persuasive Communication ( Maybe thats why I also feel a pull towards the @Gossmere guild.)

@MissEvans It’s nice to meet someone who works in the same field! I introduced myself to the Balimorans the other day about what I do.

I’m a case manager at a behavioral management program for adults who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. Essentially, what I do is assist them to deal with these “behaviors” that prevent them from living life as fully and independently as they could possibly achieve.


Oh goddess. I just survived a completely out of the blue Ofsted inspection.


I realized that I never posted in here? Silly me.

I’m currently a university student, but my ongoing employment is being a caregiver at a private group home for seniors with varying mental and physical disabilities. So I get super familiar with the needs and assistance that’s required for the handful of clients that call this place home. The house I work at has a pretty split reputation in this city because our philosophy has always been that this is a home first, and some love and support that, while others think it’s unprofessional and that we shouldn’t get so familiar with the individuals we support. This house is definitely an anomaly though, because the couple that started it also lived here and it is actively also that family’s gathering place, which is how I was introduced to it and subsequently roped into all this. It’s difficult when some of the clients who live here have been living here about as long as I’ve been alive, and watched the children and grandchildren of this family grow. For the majority of the clients here, this house was built around them, and they’re as much members of the family as anyone else which is why it’s very hard to call them ‘clients’ in this, but I don’t know how else to refer to them that makes sense. It’s also difficult because we have all the clients we do because they were in a situation where abuse was happening and needed an emergency placement. That’s how this house started. So most of the guys who live here don’t have any remaining family, or don’t associate with them by choice, so the line is long since blurred.
They are all wonderful individuals though, and I love being able to spend time with them, and I love working with them. I’ve done all sorts of things I never expected … some quite disgusting, some pretty interesting, some we pretend never happened, and some we never let people live down. Despite the routine we’ve set for all them, you never know what to expect any given shift, but you definitely learn that silence is bad.
I’m grateful for all that I’ve learned working in this field: how life changing it can be to have positive and supportive relationships and environments, how everybody can be independent and successful but it might just look different than other’s, how you will never understand the impact you have on the lives around you, and most importantly that it costs you nothing to brighten someone’s day (just maybe requires you watching, listening, and dancing to a LOT of The Wiggles)


I work for a local beer distributor. I’ve been with the company for about 4 yrs. I started as a draft beer line & tap cleaner, now I’m in the point of sale dept and I fix and install neon signs, keep inventory of point of sale items and help with event set up.
I took this job to get out of another job which I didn’t care too much for but it served its purpose (I met my wife).
I don’t really have a passion for this job either but it supports my family.
Believe it or not, my very first official “job” was being serving active duty in the United States Marine Corps, which I should’ve made a career because I’ve struggled to find another “career” ever since. And I’d be retired right now! But all things happen for a reason.
Currently, after work when I have time (and my wife approves) I work hard on honing my skills in my relatively new hobby of blacksmithing & bladesmithing which I look forward to earning a living from one day.


@witchery Have you tried not listening to music? Genuine question (no sarcasm). It may actually help.


That’s awesome! Definitely let me know if you need a language buddy!


TCM and Acupuncture! Another route I considered following but never did for some reason or another. Well, if I had I would’ve never met my wife and we wouldn’t have our beautiful son. I do still have a book or two in this area of expertise.


At the moment I am just about to finish my Psychology degree. I just have one exam left but it’s for a topic I really hate so I can’t wait for it to be over! I have tried to skim over what everyone has put on here as I am new and still getting used to posting. I was really nervous to post but I thought in the end why not! When I finish my final exam on Monday I can’t wait to read everything properly. It’s what’s getting me through!
I’m really bad with keeping up with everything when I have a lot on because I have dyspraxia so my processing speed is rubbish!

When I finish uni I hope to work in Forensic Psychology or at a secure unit. I’m really interested in working with prisoners with mental health problems. I have already signed up to volunteer working with sex offenders. I know this is quite controversial but it is something I am really interested in and I can’t wait to get started!


I got some amazing news friday!

Next year in my Rotc program/battalion i’m being added on as the Chief Medical Officer of my battalion! I’m super pumped to be able to help further the program and help everyone stay safe, or when they hurt to fix them up. (assuming it’s within my capabilities)

I figured i’d put this in as a little update to my last post here.


Cool, congratulations @Ignatius!


Thank you! I’m super excited! It’s also boosting me up a couple ranks as well so that makes it even better!


Congrats, @Ignatius!!

Me, I’ve got more than a decade of retail work under my belt, and I’m beyond itching to get my foot in the door of a normal 9-5 career. Still struggling to find my “calling”, to find the job that would make me happy while allowing me to pay the bills and live independently.


Yes that is definitely a struggle😩!


Thank you @Connielass, I’m super excited!


Hello, Aniectus here.

I am an Athletic Trainer who currently works as cast tech/ortho tech/clinical assistant for an orthopedic sugery practice.


I’ve been at work for two hours and I’m done with all my work for the day. Fridays are a little killer.
I work with infectious diseases, but I’m educated as an archaeologist (Vikings were my specialty), and have been working toward shifting into that full time!


@Aurora did you say space? :eyes: am intrigued.